

Kurodo initially only knew the basics of survival. For some reason, whenever he is in a pinch, cannot comprehend, or doesn't know what to do. His mind is flooded with the knowledge that he needs.

He makes a list inside his head:

Shelter: No

Water Source: Yes

Food: No

Heat Source: No

Experience: 0

He heard the sound of water splashing. He knew he was by a river. Without a second thought, he ran towards the river, on his bare feet, to satisfy his thirst. As he drank, he saw his first edible food. The FISH.

Quickly he jumps into the river. Trying to catch the FISH with his bare hands. *Splish* and a *splash* its time to dash!

He couldn't even catch one...Gasping for air, he realizes how incapable he is. He gave up catching fish and began building his shelter and his heat source.

After a couple of hours, it was night.

Shelter: Yes

Water Source: Yes

Food: Yes

Heat Source: Yes

Experience: 2.5

He gazed up into the sky, thinking of his mother's words while staring at a pitch black sky. He enters his shelter and begins to fall quickly fall asleep. Even though the ground is as rough as a rock. That day, he had a different dream. The dream wasn't entirely different, but it had someone else in it. It was the girl he'd met the day before he was exiled from the kingdom. The girls' eyes were blood red, with no pupils, staring into his.

"Why did you protect me? Why did it have to be you? A devil"

When he woke he continues gasping for air with his eyes widened. He was completely fatigued from the other day. He felt like giving up entirely.

Gazing at his surroundings. Hearing the birds chirping, water splashing, and grass and trees rustling.

"This must mean I'm alive," Kurodo says with an infamous look saying "I will survive".


After four days, his life in the forest was all set. His bed was still on the ground, but it wasn't that bad compared to when he lived in the cabin with his parents. The smell from the fire and the smoke could attract hunters. So he had to be prepared if one does find him. Kurodo began training to catch the FISH. This time he began making a harpoon. He grabs a big branch from a tree, breaks it off. And uses it as his harpoon. He then needed a sharper tip, which he makes. Which took him thirty minutes to do. When he finished, he had begun his restless hours of training.

Completely fatigued after training for a meal. He crawls over to his bed and faints. Again dreaming of his parents telling him to survive.


Kurodo slowly opens his eyes. The surface that he was lying on was different. The smell was different. The sounds were different. There was a woman in front of him. Kurodo saw her as an enemy and stood up ready to fight. His gaze startled the woman because she could sense the hatred in it.

"I'm not here to hurt you. Here eat this."

When he heard the word "eat". He quickly grabbed the piece of bread in her hand before she would change her mind. He bit into the bread and as he did, his cheeks turned red in joy. Devouring the food in mere seconds.

"Guess you were hungry. What were you doing there by yourself?"

Kurodo doesn't know if he could still trust her. He spots more bread behind her.

"Food. More food. I will answer."

"Fine." She passes him more bread.

When he finished eating. She asks.

"Where are your parents?"



Kurodo checks his surrounding to see where he was located.

"Where am I," He says in a low tone.

"Oh, this. This is my masters' dojo. I've been trained by him ten years ago. I've lived here ever since... Forgot to introduce myself, my name is Nakano Fujiwara, I'm twenty-three years old and single."

"O..ok. My name's Kurodo Nakashima. You can call me Nakashima. "

As I analyzed her appearance, it looked like she was wearing a kimono(A robe that has long sleeves, usually used for a woman to wear), but it was hard to tell because she was sitting on her legs. She was wearing a katana on her side. She had long black hair, beautiful blue eyes, and pretty face. Her body looked strong, or maybe it was because her chest was big.

*Thinks to himself* If this a dojo, could this be an opportunity to get myself stronger.

"So" With a scary look in her eyes. "Why were you by yourself in the woods at your age."

She might not take me in if I told her I was exiled from the kingdom, but he didn't feel like lying to the first person that has been nice enough to take him in and feed him.

"I was exiled from the kingdom because the citizens of the kingdom believed that I murdered my parents." He says with a sad look.

"Naka-chan, I've also been exiled from the kingdom because people thought I killed my boss during work. Of course, I didn't kill my boss. I was just framed. But, there's nothing you can do in this cruel world to get the truth across. Especially if they have a higher status than you... This usually happens to us of the lower class."

Fujiwara-san has a gentle voice. It doesn't seem like she would hurt anyone. And yet, because of that, she was exiled from the kingdom. *Squeezing his fists in rage*

"Why did you come and save me?"

"Why did I come and save you. I don't really know... I just thought that you resembled how I was years ago. If I had to say that would be it."

In a dumbfounded face and a low tone. He says "So you do know".

"What? Did you say something?"

"Nope, nothing..."

"You can leave if you want. But if you want to stay, you would have to do chores around the dojo."

Without stuttering "I'll stay"

"But, can I also ask you something."

"What is it, Naka-chan"

...He bows on the ground with his head faced on the ground.

"Could you please train me." His body shaking as he says it.

"Ehhh... sure, why not. I might not be that great of a teacher, so you would have to bear with rigorous training" Nakano says with a smile. "Would you still want to be trained by me?"

"Yes! I'll be in your care." His eyes start gleaming with excitement. He keeps bowing his head up and down, smashing his face on the ground numerous amounts of times.

"Call me Fujiwara-sensei from now one," She says with a weird smirk.

"Okay, Fujiwara-sensei."

After a few seconds. She turns her back and says to herself in a low, but happy tone. "I finally got a student!" Shaking her head side to side in glee. "His voice is so cuteee, and he called me sensei!!!!"

He then looks at her surprised and kind of weirded out in a way. But happy to have a nice teacher. This'll bring me one step closer towards my goal to be the strongest.

"I'll show you around the dojo and things that you'll be doing." with a happy expression.

"Okay, sensei"

Her face smiles again.

And Kurodo begins to blush. Turns away from here and thinks to himself *What have I got myself into this time?*