
The Contracted Billionaire Heiress

The contracted Billionaire Heiress is about a slum girl, Andrea Fernandez, whose life changed in a twinkle of an eye after signing a year contract with the Dela Cruz, the most famous wealthy family in the city of Manila. All odds were against her in the new family, but she needs to execute the five tasks given to her by all means, if she really wants to get paid and use the money to pay for her aunt's son's surgery fee ... Would Andrea fulfil her obligation to the family till the end with her new identity as Carmen Dela Cruz? Or would meeting Miguel Rodriguez change everything she has worked hard for?

Nikkybrien270 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 5. Shocked

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, the bright hospital lights assaulting my vision. I had a throbbing headache, and my body felt heavy and sluggish. I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through my chest, and I gasped.

My eyes take in every ray of light in the unfamiliar room, and without a doubt, I know I've slept too long. The noises I heard are of a day in full swing, traffic-heavy.

As I looked around, I realized I was in a hospital room. The beeping of the heart monitor and the smell of antiseptic filled the air. Memories of the night before were hazy, and I struggled to remember what had happened.

I tried to recall the events of the previous night, but my mind was blank. I had no idea how I ended up in the hospital, or why I was there. Panic set in as I wondered if something terrible had happened to me with that strange guy.

I looked around the room, searching for any clues to what had happened. My purse was on the bedside table, and I rummaged through it, hoping to find something that would jog my memory. Inside, I found my phone, but it was almost dead.

The sound of footsteps outside my room caught my attention, and I wondered who was about to walk in.

"I am so relieved to see that you are awake!" The voice of my aunt startled me as it suddenly came from the direction of the room's entrance.

I cock my head to the side, trying to still figure out why I am here.

As I tried to sit up straight on the bed, my aunt came rushing over and helped lift me properly. I saw a pair of my clothes in the bag she was holding when I peered inside.

"Where am I?" I inquired with a raised brow to be sure I'm not dreaming.

"You are in the hospital."

"Hospital?!" I shrieked out in disbelief.

"Yes, and for the past seven hours, you've been completely unconscious." While she was responding, she sat next to me on the bed.

"Unconscious for seven hours? How? What happened?" I was bewildered as I gaped at her in utter shock.

I was fine the night before, so how could I have been unconscious for seven hours? I had absolutely no idea.

"Max's dad was the one that drove you and Max back home around 1:00 a.m. And he brought you in while you were unconscious."

I was dumbfounded after hearing her explanation. Last night, I saw the guy I slapped at the Motel, exit the Lexus car. So, what happened next? My memory had gone totally blank!

"How is Max doing? How about his dad? Did he tell you where he found me?" I asked, while my mind was still racing over what might have happened last night.

"I wasn't in the right state of mind to bother asking him questions, so I didn't. When he brought you home, the first thing that went through my head was to find a way to save you. As we speak, Max has gone to school and he is doing very well."

"Oh my goodness, that's good news!" Knowing that the boy is doing well at this point makes me feel a little better.

"So, are you going to give them a call at your workplace to let them know why you won't be coming in, today?"

My aunt's sudden question made me remember how crucial today is for me at work. I have a special guest to interview.

I jumped out of bed and turned to her, "Oh no, what time is it?"

"It's 8:05 a.m.," she replied, surprised.

"I should be able to get there before 9:00 a.m.! Please hand over the clothes you brought for me."

I quickly extended my hand to her.

"Where are you going? Andrea, you need to rest! Just call them and explain what happened." She proposed with a frown.

"You won't understand aunt. I must report to work today; otherwise, I will have to hand in my resignation letter tomorrow morning!"

"Still, you can–--"

I snatched the bag from her grasp and dashed into the restroom before she could finish her sentence.

"This is casual wear!" As I brought out the clothes, I grumbled loudly.

"I had no idea you were going to work today, so I just chose a simple outfit for you to change into."

"It's fine, I'll figure something out!"

I wore the black slack that I had worn the day before, and I paired them with the blue blouse that she had brought. I pulled my long blonde hair back into a bun as I finished tucking in the blouse.

I didn't have to put on makeup because I naturally have clear and soothing fair skin. The same pair of black heels that I wore the day before, are the ones that I'm currently wearing.

It was already 8:30 a.m. when I finished getting dressed. "May I have some money from you?" I inquired as I exited the restroom.

"Yes, take these! But, what do I tell the doctor?"

"Anything!" I took the money from her and my phone from the bed. "I'll see you later!" Then I left the room.

In the end, I decided to leave the hospital, despite the protests of my aunt and some medical staff I met in the hospital hallway.

I need to interview the guest today, even if it meant rushing to work from a sick bed.

As I stumbled out into the bright sunlight, I was filled with a sense of determination, a burning need to solve the mystery of what had happened to me last night.

Fortunately for me, as I exited the hospital building, I noticed an empty cab approaching me. I signalled it and hopped in.

While we were on the road, I kept checking the time now and then. Despite the passage of time, I remain hopeful that I will arrive there before 9:00 a.m.

We were two minutes away from my destination when I realized I hadn't gotten any information about the guest yet.

I took my phone, and just as I was about to search for the guest's name on the internet, it died. This is the worst possible time for this phone to die. It's unbelievable!

As soon as I looked up, I saw that we had arrived at the corporation. I instantly handed the cab driver the fare, and hurriedly pulled out of the vehicle, quickening my pace as I sprints to the office.

"Susan, since Andrea won't be here to conduct the interview, you go ahead and do it!" After hearing the director's irate words, I strode in.

"I'm here!" I uttered with heavy breathing, and everyone turned around to look at me. I arrived at exactly 8:56 a.m.

"Andrea, what the heck took you so long?!" As I approached him, he looked at me with a questioning expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, sir, but it's a long story that I'll explain later. First and foremost, work!" I responded while keeping my breath steady.

"Are you sure you're prepared for this?" He inquired once more.

"I couldn't be more prepared, sir!"

"Okay, go in; the guest is already inside. There is only one minute left!"

"Okay, sir," I replied, turning to Susan, "please, I will need the information with you."

"All right, you can have it."

Susan handed me the document she had worked on without hesitation. She is unquestionably my savior in this life.

I took a deep breath and walked into the interview studio with the spirit of a kitten, no matter how many times I tell myself to become the lion. 

I suppose we need to see each other for who we are; in any case, working together becomes like a second family. The vibe has to be right.

The interview studio has a great panoramic view of the city lights and tall glass towers as if we are watching something happen in the future.

My nervousness is tinged with a sense of adventure as if this is the first firm footing on a great rock climb. The interview studio, with its simple minimalist vibe, feels like a blank page waiting for the words my soul needs to express.

As I turned to go sit, the guest and I locked gazes. Then I went still in terror.

I quickly opened the document Susan had given me, and the photograph in it appears to be of the same person who is currently seated in front of me.

The guy I slapped at the Motel last night and made out with two days ago, is Miguel Rodriguez.! The apparent heir to the Rodriguez fortune!

He is right in front of me!!!