
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

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19 Chs

warm hand

Aera groaned in pain and could feel that his head was pounding. Her heart rate seemed a little fast and her whole body was screaming in protest. 

"Am I dead?" She voiced her thought and started to open her eyes. She could see the scenery in front of her eyes was a strange pattern. It was like soil. 

"No. You're just passed out" A deep voice answered her question, realization hit her quickly.

She shot up her body and try to sit, but failed so she ended up held up her body with her elbow. When she finally managed to open her eyes properly. She was meeting with a blue green orbs that gazed into her. She scrunched her eyelid before finally fixing her view. She zoomed out her scene and realized that orbs were actually belong to someone that kneeled beside the strange soil bed that she occupied right now. 

"Hi. I'm Chanyeol" That person greeted her and Aera's gasped. 

"Who.. Who are you?" Aera's asked in frightened. Sure, she noticed how attractive Chanyeol was. With white teeth and plump lips, big eyes in a shade of blue green color, combined with deep voice that could melt the ears.

"I already told you. I'm Chanyeol. What's your name?" Chanyeol asked. He put his palm below his chin and smiled widely. Aera seemed hesitated, but then she gulped her saliva and answered anyway.

"I'm Aera" 

Chanyeol nodded and suddenly stood up, causing Aera sit straight.

"I got her name Sehun, its Aera. See, it was easy?" Chanyeol called out and turned around.  Aera seemed surprised upon hearing Sehun's name. She had heard the name a few times and she aware of it. 

Aera quickly got off the strange bed, ignoring her aching body. She preferred to fight instead of dying with no effort at all. Chanyeol seemed to notice this and turned back just to saw Aera already standing and looked to him with a ready to fight position.

"Whoa, what're you doing?" He asked while raised his brow. Completely did not understand of her behavior.

"You called your friend. You will kill me right?"

"Why would I do that?" Chanyeol tilt his head as if he tried to predict Aera's next move. 

Aera was fully aware of the situation right now. He remembered of being sting and even unable to move as if she was compelled in her house. Chanyeol seemed a friend of Sehun; who was one of the three people that broke into her house. So she suggested that he must be a bender too. They also possessed powers and ability that she never seen before, so Chanyeol must be as dangerous as them.

"I don't know. Your friend broke into my house. They asked about the lost ship. I said that it already gone and then…"

"Well that was necessary since you were attacking them. It wouldn't happened if you just turn into good girl and try to fight them." Chanyeol cut her off .

Aera clamped her lips tight and battled with the decision whether to attack Chanyeol or not. 

"Chanyeol, is she awake?" Another voice came out, distracting Chanyeol and causing him to turned his attention from her.

Aera didn't waste any time. She gathered all of her energy that left and shot a strong wind to Chanyeol. She thought it would hit him right in the chest, but she was wrong. Chanyeol instinct worked just fine and he turned his head just in time to realize a small tornado was aiming to him. He raised both of his hands and created a powerful fire, letting the wind to hit it instead of his body. The fire disappeared when it hit his target, but so does the wind. 

Seeing this, Aera gritted her teeth. She doesn't know Chanyeol was a fire wielder. Her wind will not last long against his fire. She was too familiar in a fight against the fire bender. Luhan was the one that trained her, and he was never go easy on her. Never. 

So that caused Aera to find a way to at least not completely defeated by Luhan. And this time she knew she could count on her method. 

Chanyeol looked to her with alarmed face. His friends did told him that she was a wielder, but they failed to mention what kind of wielder. He thanked his instinct if it not because of it, he would at least thrown away.

Aera saw Chanyeol and decided to make her next move. He threw away another wind, this time it was bigger than before. Chanyeol quickly vanished it with his fire, but he was surprised and he saw Aera half running to his direction. One of her hand was ready to throw another wind. Chanyeol was ready. He blocked another attack but he was not ready for the next attack, a kick in the stomach. He painfully grunted. He did not see that coming. No one ever attack him in that way. Plus, he let his guard down and thought Aera might not stand a chance to even land an attack to him.

"Dammit" He quickly got up. His energy pumped up since it had been to long since he last in a fighting mode. So he ran to Aera and creates another fire. This time he let the fire flamed his left palm. Aera saw this and lucky enough to dodge the attack. She was too exhausted to create a big wind to attack him.

Unfortunately a few second later Chanyeol managed to caught her. She was trapped in Chanyeol strong arms who gripped her from behind, right in her neck. Chanyeol was so tall that the top of her head was only reached his shoulder. This is not a good state for Aera, and she started to feel the heated temperature around her hotter, causing her much harder to inhale the air.

But Aera was not giving up. She decided to try another shot, which she actually never thought or tried before. But being put in the situation that seemed to hang the faith of her life seemed to pop the idea in her brain. So this time she kicked a strong wind from her right foot and aiming it to Chanyeol's calf. As expected it did the work, he fell down to the ground but unfortunately brought down Aera with him. Unexpectedly, he loose his grip and Aera quickly stood up and ran away only to hit someone's chest. She looked up and found Sehun looked down to her.

"Don't move" Sehun stated and Aera obeyed. "Are you okay?" He asked as he stared down to Chanyeol who was still in the ground.

"I can't feel my leg" Chanyeol said, Sehun approached him while dragging Aera along with him.

Sehun saw the material that covered Chanyeol right calf was thorn. He also noticed that blood dripping down from it. Surprisingly, he smirked.

"You're bleeding" 

"The hell?" Chanyeol asked as he tried to sitting up. He managed to do it and looked to his right calf. It was indeed bleeding.

"You shouldn't put your guard down with this wind wielder, General" Sehun teased 

"Level 3?" Chanyeol questioned, Sehun nodded.

"How do you know?" He asked and Chanyeol seemed too much in pain that he back into his lying position on the ground.

"Not much wielder was on that level. I fought some in the Annual Test before becoming General. Managed to deeply cut my thigh and arms, plus if I hadn't able to burn the twister that aimed right to me. My precious face wouldn't be as handsome as now." Chanyeol said and Sehun chuckled. 

"What is happening in here?" Xiumin voice echoed through the cave as he came to their direction. Tao and Kyungsoo tailed behind him.

"Chanyeol just have a fight that he enjoyed very much." Said Sehun. 

Xiumin eyed his member who was lying down in the ground. His eyes then traveled to Sehun. 

"Did you two fight?" He asked with dead tone and Sehun face turned pale.

Sehun quickly defend himself. "Are you kidding? There's no way I can beat him down like that since he already knew my power and techniques"

"So?" Xiumin asked again, not really satisfied with Sehun's answer. 

"I fought with that girl" Chanyeol said, causing Xiumin's brow furrow I confusion "that girl. She is a wind wielder." 

"So you lost?" Asked Tao in amused 

"When you didn't know and let a girl who is apparently a level 3 wind wielder attacked you in a barbaric and unknown techniques and way. This..." Chanyeol paused to point into his injured leg. "Is what happened."

Xiumin face turned to Aera who was still under Sehun's compel. He stared at her strangely before finally looked to Kyungsoo. 

"Get her to the front, we'll interrogate her." Xiumin said turned his gaze to Tao. "Go help Chanyeol"

Both of them nodded and Xiumin make his way to the front room, where the cave ceiling was more higher and their stuff mostly located. 

Kyungsoo came after him and brought Aera who was really weak but already free from the compel. Sehun meanwhile was nowhere in sight so Xiumin assumed he might be helping Chanyeol too. 

"I thought she was an frost wielder." Xiumin suddenly said.

"Really? How come?" Kyungsoo asked as he helped Aera to sat down in one of the 'one day' unmelting ice chair that created by Xiumin this morning.  

"For a second I thought i see the spark." He answered and Kyungsoo eyes snapped to him.

"No way. I thought that only happened if a male frost wielder looked into the female frost wielder from Eze race?" Kyungsoo asked, recalled his knowledge about the history of their race and power. 

"I acknowledged that part really clear Kyungsoo. But they're really rare. Most of the Eze race born as male. That's why a lot of them would marry the woman from our race." Xiumin explained. He gazed into Aera, trying to figured it out whether he was wrong about the spark or just imagining things.

"But she is a wind wielder. Plus the chance if she is a meddle is really small." Kyungsoo said 

"Yeah a meddle girl is really rare too." 

"They treated like a princess back in EXO. Even tough their power was not that good." 

"Plus if she indeed a meddle of wind and frost bender, she would use both of it back then to fight Chanyeol." Xiumin added, Kyungsoo nodded in agreement until suddenly he realized something.

"By the way. Why Chen hasn't back yet?" 


If there was one thing Chen could described himself right now, it would be crazy. 

He was crazy. No doubt. Confirmed.

For hurting a girl just because he has the same thing like the one he met in his strange encounter. He was too eager to confirm that he finally found her, since he referred it as somewhat a state of dream. 

But no. Aera was not that girl. She couldn't bear his skin that radiating the electricity. She was weakly wounded as Chen sting him twice, and even passed out when Chen made her hand touched his cheek.

As he walking around in the edge of the lake near the cave. He was starting to think that maybe he already reached the point when he's not only crazy but also loose his mind out of his sanity. He shouldn't took that as a serious thing, and it would even a better decision to just let if go as a dream. 

But he couldn't. That thing was too real to become a dream. It was so natural that Chen almost that it even already a part of his memory. 

Most importantly he wanted to see that girl again. So bad that he even now felt a little pissed and guilt for hurting Aera and found the result was not as he expected.

"Are you that desperate to meet me?" A voice softly whispered in his ears. 

He knew that voice, so well to the point that he felt like he missed it. 

So Chen in instant turned around only to be face to face with a girl. The one that haunted his mind. Her dark eyes were still the same, drowning him in a pole of mystery. His surrounding however already changed. It was the 'white' everywhere, all covering in every edges with what seemed to be a no end. 

"You shouldn't do that to her , Chen. She is not me. You hurt her" The girl said and Chen just stared at her. 

"What?" She asked 

"Are you real?" Chen asked. The girl laughed a little. The sound was music to his ears

"What kind of question is that? Of course I'm real." 

"So where is this?" 

"Nowhere. It's a space where I live." She answered with a small smile and Chen turned confused.


"Okay, let's put it in this way. You have lightning which not a part of the wielder power, same applied to your friends in the Royal team. They have the unusual power too. Well that exactly what I am doing now. I have the ability to draw any people that i want to this space in certain amount of time." 

"You mean you can do it even tough you're not with the person that become the target?" He asked 

"Of course. I just need to think of that person." She explained patiently.

"Well now how come you know I hurt that wind bender girl?" 

"She has a name Chen, it is Aera." She softly reminded him

"Okay it's Aera. How you could possibly know about me hurting her?" 

"It's complicated. Let's just say I knew her quite well. Even tough she might not."

"That doesn't answer my question." Chen obviously did not satisfied with the explanation.

"I should go." She suddenly said and Chen surprised.

"What?" He couldn't believe he only get to see her in a really short time.

"Someone's coming. I'll see you later okay?" She said and waved her hand before turning around.

"Wait." Chen grabbed her hand. She could feel her palm was a little cold but it was still soft. Then he realized that he must be not wearing his gloves that he could able to feel this.

Bur the girl seemed alright. She even looked back to Chen who seemed a bit taken a back. This girl still not affected by his damned skin. And he liked that fact.

"Tell me your name." He said with sad expression, hoping she would just tell him instead of changing the topic or even ran away.

"I thought you'd never ask. It's Thia." She answered and smiled brightly. Chen could feel his cheek reddened a little which was embarased him and brought him back to the day when her mother would teased or praised him when he was a little.

"Please tell me you're not hurt cause I right now I'm touching your hand." Chen said as he looked down to his hand that still hold her hand.

"Don't worry. I'm a bit cold, and you're hand is warm." She replied him and gave a light squeeze to his hand.

It was so new to Chen and it drives him crazy how good it felt.

"Bye." Chen finally said, she also replied to him along with another smile

"Bye..." her voice seemed gotten far away until ...

"Chen!" Kyungsoo face appeared in front of him and it was extremely closed to his face. 

Chen in shock stepped back unconsciously and end up landed in the ground. Kyungsoo definitely just ruined the moment.

"Seriously what is your problem?" He tried to get up and looked to Kyungsoo.

"Nothing. What's yours? Wait. Am I interrupting something?" Kyungsoo watched as Chen managed to get up

"Yes. Now get away." Chen shoved Kyungsoo away with his shoulder and walked back to the cave, leaving Kyungsoo in confusions.

"Get back here you crazy prince!" Kyungsoo said out loud but Chen ignored. 

Of course Chen would ignore him. Since he was so busy with his own thought right now. A particular name dance in her mind. 

"It's Thia"
