
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

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19 Chs

the mission

Tao was glaring unreasonably to whoever passing him. He was using his usual Royal Team's outfit which was basically made from the finest material and could protect him from some worst disasters. He held his device and checked it a few times before going back to his glaring.

A few people notice his action, but didn't dare to bother or ask why. They just rather passed him as if he did nothing or bowed. Tao nodded a few times to the passer-by, not wanting to ruin his image and became a rich jerk ass that treated other badly because he thought he had it all: power, status, wealth. He basically a nice kid.

He never is a picky one when it comes to friends or acquaintance. Or rather he would not have other friend beside his cousin, Kai if he was being picky. But sometimes he cursed the fact about his face.

He always asked why he has his father's entire figure; fierce and somehow a little corky just like some Force wielder typically would look like. He wanted to have a little bit of his mother's figure; The Beautiful and warm hearted Frost wielder.

Right now, Tao was pissed off. His emotion unfortunately brought the harsh line in his face features. He didn't choose to look like some kind of time bomb that was ready to explode but Baekhyun and Suho gave him no chance.

A few minutes later, the reason of his heated emotion show up. Baekhyun jumped off his Jet followed by Suho and Yi Fan who finally show up since yesterday. They walked casually and Tao was shooting daggers toward their directions.

"Where have you been Princes? I waited for only like, I don't know...two hours! Even Chen who is the laziest person I've ever know never late like this. You guys just beaten up the real Prince's record." Tao said madly as the three of them approached him. They were rather looked calm even tough facing the mad Tao.

"We are really sorry. Yi Fan insisted to visit his brother on our way here. Well, we ended up trying the new flying bikes that will load up to your team's Space Ship for the mission." Suho looked at Tao apologetically.

They were headed to the Government Office as soon as they found Yi Fan on the Atrium. But then Yi Fan wanted to visit Sehun who was with Kai in the Military Headquarter. Apparently Kai was showing the newest product of an amazingly Space Ship that they would be using on their mission to the other galaxy.

They watched as Sehun and Kai were talking for awhile from a far. Yi Fan then told them to get going but then Kai suddenly told a few of his workers to let out the latest flying bikes from the space ship, making Baekhyun bawled his eyes and ran like a maniac toward the ride before Suho or Yi Fan could even stopped him.

Kai and Sehun was a little surprised when Baekhyun bumped to them and jumped into the bike. But then Sehun turned his face into a sour one, when he saw Yi Fan approaching him.

They ended up trying the bike for an hour including Suho. While Yi Fan just coolly floated around in the air, preferring to fly by his own ability than riding the flying vehicles. This obviously caused a few soldiers glance in jealously toward him.

"Really? Don't tell me it's the new model with some yellow strokes in the front." Tao suddenly seemed interested. He was somehow a little drifted off from his emotion earlier toward them.

"Actually, it is." Baekhyun smirked, causing Tao to glaring at him.

"Dammit. I specifically told Kai to let me be the first one to try it as soon it is produced." Tao stomped his feet and made the floor a little crooked. The three of them looked in horror.

"Tao, you just broke the floor" Yi Fan remarked, making Tao look down. He looked surprised looking at his unconscious act result.

"Sorry about that." He replied as moved few of his finger in strange moves, making the floor back to normal.

"Let's get inside before people getting curious of your presence in here" Tao continued, gesturing the three of them to follow him inside.

The entered the back door of Government office. It was big with high ceiling and big windows. The sun light piercing trough it and the three of them who never been entered the government building before were getting a familiar feeling with their surroundings.

"Is it only me. Or you guys also get the feeling like we entering the Academy?" asked Baekhyun referred to their school back then before being the soldiers. The Guardian Academy.

"You're not the only one. I feel like I'm having a déjà vu." Suho replied. They kept following Tao who was now seemed to call someone, their guessing it must be Kai.

"What the hell Kai? You promised I will be the one to ride that new bike as soon as it produced. I already let you have the newest Laser weapon package for free before the Generals even knew about its existence and this is what I got back?!" Tao half yelled to his device. He definitely called Kai. Confirmed.

The two of them are rich kids. Born and raised from a wealthy and high status family. Their father was brothers and owner of the Incore Corporation. ; A company which produced basically everything in EXO.

It was divided into two divisions. Nik, Tao's father owns the Weapon and Technology division. He also right now was the Head of All Divisions Government. His Brother Des, Kai's father own the other division: Industry and Vehicles. Des was also Commander General of Military. All of these made them having a really high position in EXO. That's not even added the fact that both of their fathers were also the first generation of Royal Team along with Rodin and Fen Li.

Tao was still murmuring things angrily to Kai in his device while leading the other three. They all just shaking head when they heard Tao talked to his cousin. Completely didn't understand about how things handled between them.

A few moments later they arrived in some strange dark room. Tao was done with his argument with Kai and continued walk to the center of the room. He finally stopped into one of the spot, where a few chair surrounding a high technology table, which was working as the new kind of data basis.

"Sit down. It will take awhile before I found what you want." said Tao. He sat in one of the chair and pressing a few buttons on the table, making it showing complicated pictures and data.

"It was more difficult than I thought." Tao stated a few minutes later. They all circling the table and looked to the surface, having no idea what happened. Clearly, Tao was the only one that knew what he was doing.

"What's more difficult?" Asked Yi Fan and tried to understand what Tao means. He focused on the table, but in his eyes it was only difficult formulas and strange pictures.

"The security of course, I never thought they would protect this information with this kind of security." Tao replied while keep pressing a few buttons and typed things.

The other shocked. It seemed like Tao did not ask for permission to open the Government files. Which was only means one thing; they basically doing crime.

"I thought you asked your father permission to open the file Tao. Why do I feel like we're doing crime by peeking to the Government files without permission? "Baekhyun panicking looked around; afraid someone might suddenly barge in and caught them.

"I did. But my father did not allow me to open it. He said I need to wait for the official permission just like other normal people. Do you know how long it's going to be? A week. I don't want being around Government a week from now because..." Tao kept his fingers dance in the table surface, looking for the way to break the security.

"Because?" Asked Suho.

"Never mind." He replied. He seemed hesitated to tell them the rest of the story.

The truth is. A week from now, the delegates from other planet government branches would come. They had been invited on an urgent meeting regarding the war. Tao at the other hand knew this would be used by his father and uncle to set him and Kai with the delegates' daughter.

He had to be honest; all of their daughters were pretty and extremely talented. But no one had ever succeeded to sweep his feet off the ground. He and Kai once agreed to meet them, but it ended up not as good as they planned. The girls were crazy of them. Whether it's because their power, their status, or their wealth. In result, they didn't even sure if those girl want them for their own self or the things they would got once they succeed to win one of the boy.

"I know it's hard, but you should be grateful Tao. It's not even that bad compared with what our prince had face in the last 2 years. He had to meet up with dozens of girls. I sometimes wonder maybe the King has the ability as the culprit, if he could set Chen with that amount of girls." Baekhyun stated out of blue and leaned against his chair.

Tao looked up from the table and gazed in surprised toward him. He seemed shock of how Baekhyun could knew the real reason of why he basically doing crime at the moment.

"Oh. Kai told us earlier. At some point I even believe he almost shed tears "Baekhyun replied to Tao's untold question and made Suho chuckled while Tao glared at him.

"Yeah whatever. By the way, why it's so silent around here. Where's everyone?" Yi Fan finally voiced out his curiosity since the moment they entered the building.

It was rather strange for him, that no one seemed to be around at this time of the day. Yi Fan started to think something must be up because this situation was too unusual.

"They are upstairs having some meeting." Tao now back to his previous activity and glued his eyes to the table.

"All of them?" Yi Fan seemed not sure with Tao's answered.

"No, some employees work their ass next room with their boring job" He replied.

 But Yi Fan knew Tao must be hiding something. So when all of them were too focused on the table, he quietly stood up from his chair and sneaked outside.

He decided floated to the closest door he saw earlier, so he will not make stepping sound with his shoes. He was about to exit the door when he heard Tao exclaimed from their spot.

"Finally. Where's your device senior? I'll send the data to yours since I don't want my father check mine after this." Tao said. Baekhyun quickly handed his device to him and Tao started to copy the data.

"Wait. Where's Yi Fan?" Suho confusedly looked to the chair beside him where Yi Fan sat a few minutes before.

 Yi Fan noticed this as his clue and furiously exiting the door. He entered a long hall that led into a giant staircase.

On his left and right, a series of lift were placed. It was going to different places, and Yi Fan didn't want to take a risk. He decided to walk straight toward the staircase. He hesitantly started to climb up, but kept going anyway, driving by his curiosity. It led him to a short hall that ended with two big doors. One of its doors opened a little. Yi Fan approached it and peeking inside. Dozens of people were sitting down in the room with a big screen in front of them.

The room looked like a big meeting room but at the same time looked like theater. The differences between this room and the first big hall that he first entered from the building back door were so contrast.

This room looked so modern and fully equipped with the high technology devices from the Incore Corp. Yi Fan could notice, Tao's Father Nik stood in the front and faced the other Government members who sat in front of him. It seemed like they did had a meeting like Tao said earlier.

But a few seconds later, Yi Fan furrowed his eyebrow. Something was not right. Nik was keeping one of his hands in the air as if he was in the middle of explaining something. But strangely he didn't move ever since Yi Fan first saw him. He then threw his gaze to the rest of the government member. Somehow all of them looked unmoved either. Their eyes kept opened without even blinked once, it seemed like they were frozen. Just at that time, something clicked in his mind.

"No way" Yi Fan mumbled while still staring at the room through the door.

A few steps suddenly came from his behind. He turned around to Baekhyun and Suho led by Tao were walking toward him. Worried filled Tao's face.

"What did you do Tao?" Yi Fan asked when his eyes caught Tao's presence. Tao just kept in silent, making Suho and Baekhyun confusedly turned their head to Yi Fan and then to Tao.

"What? What did he do?" Suho quickly walked toward Yi Fan and playfully glanced to the room. He took a double take before finally understand what Yi Fan means.

"Tao. Why did you freeze the time in there?" Suho signed to the meeting room where the people completely unmoved.

"Look I have no choice. Now let's go before the effect wear off."Tao quickly turned around and start walked down the stairs.

"You're a dead meat Tao. There's no way your father will forgive you after what you did." Baekhyun yelled once he saw Tao walked away but followed him anyway.

"I got it under control. Now let's go. They'll be normal in less than 5 minutes." Tao kept walking did not even bother to look back.

Yi Fan groaned but then grabbed Suho's arm to get away from there. He was so afraid they would be caught by the government member. They kept following Tao and finally once they outside, they cornered him.

"Why did you freeze them?"Suho asked madly to Tao who was just rolled his eyes.

"They'll know if we opened the data basis to the secret file. I couldn't find a way to sneak around so I decided to freeze them. "Explained Tao. The three of them looked to Tao in a mixed expression.

"Secret file?" Baekhyun looked to his device. He pressed to the data that sent by Tao earlier. The title of the folder shocked him.

"Top Secret Research by Rodin and Fen Li" Type of Priority: X-files.

"Oh My God. How could you able to get this?"Baekhyun's hand started to shake after he realize how important and secreted the data. The X-Files is the type of data that would only known by The King and a few of the highest position people in government. The data basically didn't exist for others except those people.

"I did not being the heirs of The Incore Corp tech division for nothing mate. Anyway, I have to go. We have a meeting with the King an hour from now. I'll see you later." Tao then walked away and waved before entering his jet that already waited from him not far from there.

The Generals left and no one said a word. Suho and Yi Fan managed to look to the file inside Baekhyun's device and gasped.

"This is just crazy." Suho scratch his head.

"Let's have a look on this file quickly." Baekhyun walked away and searched for their jet.

"Let's just hope it has something to do with our mission, or we're doomed" Suho followed and Yi Fan flied to their jet. Clearly he noticed the location first and decided to prepare it.
