
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

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19 Chs

the meeting

As the sun rised up a few minutes ago, The six Generals of Bender soldiers and The Royal Teams found themselves sat accross each other in the king's private meeting room.

The Generals were just back from the Military Headquarters. They just finished the last meeting with the commander and it turned out all the benders soldier should waited at least a month and a half before they started the war training. The non benders soldiers were consisted of 51 Divisions, while the wielders only had six. So Commander decided to put the non bender soldiers up for training first.

The atmosphere in the room was strange. Chanyeol felt that it was so cold and heated up his body temperature, causing Suho who sat beside him started to drop beads of sweats. At the other hand, Xiumin felt that it was so hot with Chanyeol that radiate the heat from his body unconciosly. He now stood at the coner of the room while leaned into the wall. He dropped the temperature of his surrounding a few degrees and that caused the rest of them felt the mixture of strange atmosphere. It was so cold but at the same time it was also so hot.

In an ordinary times, someone must already cracked up and told Xiumin and Chanyeol to drop their act. But now, no one seemed to bother. Whether it because they were too tired with the previous activity that drained their energy, or the news about the war that consumed their mind.

No one speak to each other and prefer to drown in their silence. When Zunro finally entered the room, all of them stood up immediately in unison. They bowed respectly to the King and after that Xiumin walked back to his seat, prepared to hear for anything that became the reason of their presence here.

"I notice you all here " Zunro gazed to each of them. "I will now gave you a special mission, as we now the six Generals here will not startvthe train for their own division in a short time. That's actually a part of my plan."he said.

The Generals were now started to wonder why the king decided to postponed their training, but no one dare to speak.

"I would be sending 3 of you along with 3 of my team to a mission outside the galaxy."Zunro spoke as he now turned his head to his own son, who sat on his right side.

"You also will be joining the mission." he said, making Chen stoned.

"But My Lord..."Chen started but Zunro raised his hand made him stopped.

"The proper call, my son" Zunro reminded.

"I mean Father. I am not suppose to leave your side at the time like this. We dont even know how long the mission will take time to accomplished." Chen said with so much worried, only causing Zunro to sighed.

"It is the time for you to have a mission like this my son. I had one too, when your grandfather was the king." He paused and gave Chen a stern look. "As the matter of fact, this mission is an important one. I dont want to take a risk again and make the other did the mission by their self. I need someone i trust the most, you." He finished the sentencesand waited for Chen answer. After a brief seconds Chen finally sighed and lookes up to his father.

"As you wish, father." He said.

"Good, you will go to the mission along with Tao and Sehun." He stated, making the atmosphere suddenly tense.

Tao is excited although a little bit afraid his parents will not allowing him to go over the other galaxy. Sehun was nervous while stealing glances to his own brother who was now stoned while a worried and shocked expression painted all over his face.

"I asked your parents, and they said they could not be any happier watching you serve our people for an important mission Tao."Zunro informed and Tao nodded his head politely, trying to hold him self for not shouting out loud at the top of his lungs.

"As for Sehun..." Zunro turned to faced Yi Fan. "I want you to give your blessings. I know this is hard for you, but i need to make sure he will help The Prince and Tao running the Mission. I cant send Lay, because we need him in Medical division. I also cant do the same with Kai because he need to help Commander train the soldiers. So what do you think Yi Fan?" Zunro said.

Yi Fan were now battling with his own thoughts. He was so scared to let go of his brother. The only brother he ever had, as well as the last family member. He eagerly want to tell the king a disagreement, but the others need him. He didnt want to become a selfish individual that didnt even think about others.

He feel a strange sensation started to build in his stomach. Anxiety, Fear, Confusion mixed as one and turned into something he never felt before. Yi Fan now was in the biggest brainstorming and about to make one of the biggest decisions that he would ever made in his life. Yi Fan glanced to Sehun that sat right across him, who just looking down to his lap. He knew for sure that Sehun want to join the mission.

"It will be an honor for me if my brother serves EXO, My Lord" Yi Fan finally sighed. Zunro gave him a firm look while Sehun automatically snapped his head up and wore a disbelief expresion.

"Thankyou for your corporation General." Zunro nodded. Actually, he already predicted this. There will be no way Yi Fan would refuse his request. At least if it was not involving killing or murdering his brother. Yet.

"Yes My Lord." Yi Fan replied and gave Sehun 'we'll talk once we get home' look.

Zunro now change his attention to all of them with a change of expression. There is somehow a sign of excitement and nervousness in there.

"This mission will be lead by the General of Frost. What do you say General?" He glanced to Xiumin who was now as pale as a ghost. It was obvious shown that he didnt expect Zunro to chose him. He thought the prince will be the one who lead this mission. That was actually what everyone thought at the first.

"Of course My Lord. It is pleasure for me."Xiumin managed to reply without showing that he startled by the sudden question.

"Good to know General. Dont worry, the Fire and Force General will accompany you as well." Now Chanyeol and Kyungsoo are the one who looked pale. They have only been a General for 2 years. Means, they still lacked in experience. Xiumin at the other hand served as a General for almost 4 years. He was once went to the neighbour galaxy to run errands along with Kris and Suho, so at least he has some experience to travel out of their galaxy, unlike Chanyeol and Kyungsoo.

But despite with the fact about their shockness toward the unexpected news. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo managed to show their agreement to the king with a deep bow, which make Zunro satisfied.

"So it is settle. I will officially state that the mission will be lead by Xiumin the Frost General and supporting by Chen, Tao ,Sehun,General Chanyeol and General Kyungsoo.Your mission will be announce tomorrow morning. You will now dismissed. The rest of you please stay."Zunro stated, making the total 6 people stood up immediately and bowed before leaving the room.

When the room now left with only 3 generals and 2 members of Royal Team, Zunro faced them with an expression that couldnt be read.

"What do you know about The Core of Life?" He asked, making them all confused. It was an easy question but at the same time hard.

They all know about what it could do. Where was the location. Or the history of how it was created. But rather than that, they know nothing. Nor that they ever go to the place.

"A lot sir. We learned it when were studying in Academy" Suho bravely answered and no one denied it.

"Great. But do you know it has a gate?"Zunro asked.

The face of them now look curious. They didnt know about this. The information about The Core of Life was limited. Dont ask if they know it has a gate or not, they dont even know what its looked like.

"No sir. Unfortunately our education in the Academy didnt provide that information"this time Baekhyun is the one who replied, again no one denied this either.

"It seems like you have to learn a lot on my personal library and did some serious research then." Zunro folded his hand while eyeing them.

"Definitely sir. But can we ask why?"Kai asked. This time the other 4 looked surprised and glared to him as if he was an idiot. How could he asked such question to the king.

But the King reaction surprised them the most. He chuckled.

"Your mission is to find its key." He stated shortly.

Now Suho, even the brightest one looked stressed. First he didnt even know what the core of life looked like. Second, he didnt even know if it had a gate or whatsoever. And now the king expect him and others to find its key. He was now clueless and confused.

He looked to the others, trying to ask for help if there was one of them knew something. But they looked more clueless and confused more than him. He caught Baekhyun quitely mumbled of how stupid he was for not paying much attention to theory in Academy beside him. And Kai who sat across him looked as he was about to pass out. The fact that he had to help his father to train the soldiers was already filled most of his head, and now this just started to stressed him more.

The Key of the Gate to the Core of Life. Was that even exist? Where they would find it? More importantly how they should begin? when they didnt know nothing about it?
