
The First Ally


Team 10 was now taking shelter from the heavy rain, inside a small cave that is nearby the battle site. They sat by a small campfire with Idate who was laying on the floor, still unconscious. Ino was currently treating him of the poison.

"How is he, Ino?" Naruto ask with worry in his voice.

"Well, right now he just needs some rest. The poison in his system was nothing special, so I gave him one of the anti-serums I made. One of the benefits of working in a Flower Shop, is that you have access to all sorts of plants. Some of which have healing properties, especially for poisons." Ino said with a proud smile of herself.

"Impressive Ino. You know....you actually make a very cute nurse. Remind me to get you a nurse uniform when we get back," Naruto said, as he tried to tease his girlfriend.

Which worked brilliantly, as Ino was now blushing red.

"B-Baka! Why would you get me that?!" Ino demanded to know, with the heavy blush never leaving her face.

"Like I said, you make a very cute nurse," Naruto said with a teasing wink, which causes the platinum blonde to get flustered.

"B-Baka! STOP IT!" Ino yelled out, as her face was turning vermillion red.

She knew Naruto was just messing with her, but she can get so easily flustered when it comes to her dear whiskers.

"This is not the time, Naruto. Especially, when I'm around. I thought we talked about this." Shikamaru said with a deadpan look

They made an agreement, to NEVER have weird couple moments when the Lazy Nara is present.

"Hahaha I'm just joking around, guys. Relax. But since we are still waiting for Idate to wake up, lets discuss about who we are dealing with...." Naruto turned to a more serious and authoritative tone ".....The Ame Ninja we fought is a Jonin, but according to his chakra level, he has only mid-to-high-Chunin level reserves. That's not even at Ebisu-teme's level, and that is saying something." Naruto informed, as he was able to gather enough information on the umbrella-wielding Ninja from the short fight they had.

"We didn't see him performed many Ninjutsus either, which is odd for a supposed 'Elite Ninja'. So whether, if he is still keeping his true power to himself, or he mostly relies on his weapons. Like the Umbrella and that 'Laser sword' for example." Shikamaru added in his analysis as well.

"Yeah, he called it the 'Sword of the Thunder God' right? I never seen anything like it. It cut through Naruto-kun's Jutsu like it was nothing." Ino added in, as she recalled what the unique sword could do.

"So we can only assume that sword of his, is able to repel any Ninjutsu attacks...." Shikamaru summarized "....I could trap him with my Shadow, but his reflexes are too quick, and his senses are really sharp, judging from the way, when he was able to dodge your Liquid Bullet, and block my attack with his Umbrella. But lucky for us, that thing is already out of commission. Leaving only the sword." Shikamaru informed.

"Maybe we can attack him simultaneously, from 3 different directions. He only has one sword after all, and he can't block all our attacks at the same time." Ino suggested.

"ITS NOT JUST ANY SWORD!" Idate finally spoke up, as he slowly sat up.

He finally regained his consciousness, and managed to overheard Team 10's strategy meeting, regarding the Ame Jonin that had beaten the living crap out of him.

"You're up. That's good, but take it easy." Ino said, with relief in her voice.

"What do you mean, Idate? What is that sword?" Shikamaru asked.

"It is the Raijin no Ken, the Sword of the Thunder God. The Great Sword that was wielded by The Second Hokage himself. And as long as Aoi has it, he is unbeatable." Idate informed Team 10, regarding the legendary treasured weapon of Konoha.

'Unbeatable my ass,' Naruto thought, the first time he had thought of him as weak and didn't try to use much force, next time they meet, Naruto made sure to beat him, not just beat him, but humiliate him.

"How do you know this, Idate? And how do you know that Ame Ninja?" Shikamaru asked with narrowed eyes, feeling the Wasabi Runner is still not being honest with them.

Idate remained silent, as he turns his head to look down on the floor with shame.

"Idate, we can't help you, if can't tell us the truth." Naruto asked, with narrowed eyes, his tone cold and slightly commanding.

"...His name Aoi Rokusho. He was my Academy Sensei when I was living in Konoha. One day, he betrayed the village, and became a Jonin of Amegakure, the Hidden Rain Village." Idate had finally identified the mysterious Ame Ninja.

"And what does this have to do with you?" Naruto asked.

But Idate remained silent after the question. He just couldn't bear the shame and guilt.

"What happen, Idate?" Ino asked softly.

"I....I helped him betrayed the village." Idate finally admitting his biggest regret.

"You helped him?! Why?!" Ino asked out of shock.

"IT WASN'T LIKE I PLANNED IT, OKAY!" Idate yelled out defensively. If there is one thing he doesn't want to see himself as, is a 'willing traitor' like Aoi.

"When I failed the first test of the Chunin Exam, I was depressed as hell. I was so sure I was going to make it. But I couldn't even pass the first test. All because my big brother, Ibiki, gave a stupid question in the end. Until this day, I have absolutely no clue what the answer is. I didn't know what to do...." Idate began to explain how it all happened ".....But then....Aoi approached me. He told me there was another way for me to become Chunin aside from the Exams. All I have to do, is do exactly what he tells me." Idate recalled the turning point of his biggest mistake.

"...And let me guess, he wanted you to steal something" Naruto assumes.


"I managed to 'retrieve' the items Aoi told me to 'collect.' The 'Scroll of Sealing' and the 'Raijin no Ken.' After I gave them to him, Aoi finally told me the truth. That I actually stole the items, and I am now considered a Rogue Ninja. I...I didn't know what to do. Aoi told me, to come with him to Amegakure and become a Chunin there. It's either I stay and be locked up for the rest of my life, or go with him. I was completely trapped. He said to me, 'if you ever want to survive in this world, you mustn't trust anyone.' Ever since then, I never returned to the Hidden Leaf village again. I...I guess that is why I hate Shinobis so much. Because they are nothing but liars and thieves.....and I am one of them." Idate had finally admitted a simple truth about himself.

"Idate...that wasn't your fault. You were used and lied to, by someone you were suppose to trust, just like our friend, Shiho, was." Ino said, trying to send out some words of comfort to the Wasabi runner.

While Naruto, on the other hand, wondered if the security in Konoha was so bad that someone like Idate could steal a powerful weapon like the Sword of the Thunder God, not only that but it belonged to The Second Hokage for crying out loud.

"You don't understand. It WAS my fault. I was a complete idiot. An irresponsible kid who can't do a single thing right. But then....Boss Jirocho found me. He believed in me, when I couldn't even believe in myself. He was the one who gave me this pocket knife, and taught me that a blade is never meant to harm others...but peel fruits." Idate said, as he looked at the pocket knife in his hand, with some tears starting to fall from his eyes.

"Even though he knew I was no good, he still trusted me. He put his faith in me. AND NOW....LOOK WHAT I HAVE DONE! I FAILED! I am worthless! Everything I do goes wrong. Aoi was right, I have no right to I live." Idate broke down crying before his bodyguards, who in turn couldn't help but feel sad for him as well.

Naruto then walks forward and knelt down in front of Idate. He then places his hand Wasabi Runner's shoulder and began to speak...

"Failure is not the end, Idate. It is when we give up, is how it all ends. I...I know what it feels like to feel worthless, Idate. To feel that you don't matter. That nobody would care if I just disappear. To be all alone. I know that feeling since I was four. But like you, I found people who believed in me too. And I would do anything for them, just like you would do the same for Jirocho-san. They are our precious people. And because they are precious, we cannot give up. They are the ones who gave us our strength, and we have a duty to use that strength for their sake. Because they are the things that are worth living for. Worth fighting for. And right now...I believe in you, Idate. So use my strength as well. And I hope you can believe in us too. Because you are our comrade, and we don't leave our comrades behind." Naruto said with his signature bright smile.

"N-Naruto" Idate was completely speechless. The blonde boy was absolutely right. He was truly inspired by his words, which both Ino and Shikamaru shared the same feeling. To them, and the rest of Rookie 9.

Despite his slow fading hatred of all Shinobis, Idate knew he can trust Naruto. The blonde Uzumaki truly seemed like someone that is worth believing in.

"I don't care what it takes, I will carry you there if I have too. This race is far from over Idate." Naruto said with determination in his eyes.

"But...." Idate had some concerns, but was interrupted by the blonde Uzumaki.

"Jirocho-san is waiting for you, right? So let's not keep him waiting." Naruto said with an enthusiastic tone and a soft smile.

Hearing that Jirocho is without a doubt waiting for him at the Modoroki Shrine, was enough to give the Wasabi Runner a lot more motivation to carry on.

"I..I'll do it. But I will need your help, Naruto-san." Idate with the same determination in his eyes.

"Haha please there is no need for formalities. Let's go win this race, Idate." Naruto said with a smile, as he offered his hand to pull the Wasabi Runner up, which Idate gladly grabs it with his own.

Naruto then began to carry Idate piggy-back style, as he ran through the heavy rain to the Modoroki Shrine with Ino and Shikamaru behind him.

Naruto had carried Idate all the way to the Modoroki Shrine along with Ino and Shikamaru behind them. They had to climb through a very long flight of stairs, but thankfully Naruto was a stamina monster. But unfortunately for his teammates who do not share his incredible endurance, was now panting from exhaustion as they couldn't keep up with the blonde Uzumaki.

They were almost too late, but luckily the arrogant Wagarashi Runner, Fukusuke, decided to take his sweet-ass time to rest, and pre-maturely celebrate his 'victory'.

But as soon as the heavy rain finally stopped pouring, Fukusuke finally began to make his way to the Todoroki Shrine with his Ryuko Jewel.

When Idate arrived to Modoroki, all of his supporters happily cheered his name out, and was glad that he didn't run away like they thought he would, including Jirocho, who gave his young henchman a grateful smile.

Idate was still wounded from Aoi's beating, but thanks to Ino's homemade healing ointment, he was able to take his Ryuko Jewel, and run all the way to Todoroki, with Team 10 behind him.

Naruto's words were still echoing in Idate's mind. The young Uzumaki was able to do the one thing that the Wasabi runner had been struggling for a long time. To finally trust in himself and others again. And if he couldn't do it for himself, then he should do it for the people that are precious to him. And he refuses to fail Jirocho, when he was the one who gave him his second chance in life.


Fukusuke was now approaching a large Wooden Bridge that was being held by ropes, that will lead him straight to the Todoroki Shrine on Ouzu Island. Beneath the bridge was a deep river with strong currents. Falling in will definitely drown a normal person.

"I just have to cross this bridge, and I'm on Ouzu Island" Fukusuke said with a victorious smirk.

But then Aoi came out of nowhere next to him, surprising the Wagarashi Runner.

"Well then get moving...." Aoi said with a bored tone "....Apparently, Idate has made it to the Modoroki Shrine already." Aoi said, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"He what?!" Fukusuke said out of disbelief.

"Yes, looks like I might have underestimated his little Genin bodyguards." Aoi said with narrowed eyes. He refuses to be outdone by a bunch of kids.

"You Incompetent fool! You said you took care of him!" Fukusuke yelled out.

"I thought I had, but now is not the time to discuss it. Hurry up and cross the bridge," Aoi ordered with a frustrated tone.

"Useless Ninja! You are completely worthless!" Fukusuke said with a scoff, but his arrogance had greatly offended the Ame Jonin.

Aoi then grabs Fukusuke by his throat and started choking him. If there is one thing he hates, is being disrespected by 'trash' like the Wagarashi Runner.

"Listen you. I am here helping you because I have to. Because it's my duty. But one more little crack like that, I will break you in half" Aoi threaten as he tightens his hold.

"Okay...s-sorry, sorry" Fukusuke begged for his mercy.

"That's better. NOW GET MOVING!" Aoi said, as he loosened his grip and tossed Fukusuke forward.

"R-Right" Fukusuke fearfully said, before he crosses the bridge, and run all way to the other side.

Aoi then senses Idate was approaching the bridge, so he Shunshin away to hide and prepare for the Wasabi runner's arrival.

As Idate was near the bridge to Ouzu island, he smiled happily that he was able to see Fukusuke still crossing it, meaning that he can still catch up and win the race.

But then, he was hit by something strong, that sends a powerful jolt of static shock to his body.

It was Aoi, wielding the legendary Raijin-no-Ken. Its glowing yellow blade made of pure electrical energy, was emitting a strong sound that is similar to the humming of a laser.

"Well, well, what a surprise. I have to admit. I never thought you would make it this far." Aoi said, as he retracted the energy blade back to the handle.

Idate was in great pain from the earlier attack, but he was able to glare heavily at his former treacherous Sensei. He will not be manipulated by him again.

As Aoi notices that Fukusuke has already reached to the other of the bridge, he used the Raijin-no-ken to cut through the ropes that was holding the bridge together, completely severing Idate's chances of reaching the Todoroki Shrine.

"NO! STOP!" Idate yelled out, and went to stop the Ame Jonin from cutting the last rope, but he was too late.

Idate was then hit by the electrical sword again. Aoi made sure to use the sword non-lethally so that he can enjoy Idate's suffering.

"Why bother even trying. Nobody is a match for the legendary Sword of the Thunder God. The same sword that was wielded by the Second Hokage himself." Aoi boasted his powerful stolen weapon.

"But then again....you know all about it. Don't you, Idate? After all, you are the one who stole it and brought it to me." Aoi said with a smirking grin, hoping to get under the Wasabi runner's skin.

"You goddamn Snake!" Idate said with gritted teeth.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones," Aoi said in a sing-song manner.

But then he heard someone yelling from behind him.

"THEN TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE ASSHOLE!" Naruto had finally arrived, and threw a single Wind-Enhanced Shuriken towards the Ame Jonin.

Naruto then made a couple of hand-seals, as the shuriken was still in mid-air.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

The single Wind-Chakra enhanced shuriken, then turned into hundreds, causing the Ame Jonin's eyes to widen.

Aoi saw this and panicked a bit. What kind of Genin is capable of such skill and power. Not only the little blonde Konoha Ninja was able to perform such powerful Jutsus, but the supposed Ame Jonin couldn't even detect his presence before he yelled out.

Aoi then tries his best to dodge all the extremely sharp projectiles, but his body was suffering from many cuts, as some of the shurikens were able to land a hit on him.

He then used the Raijin-no-ken to create some sort of Electrical Barrier around him, to block the rest of the shurikens.

'So the sword is capable of defence as well. Not bad, Tobirama' Naruto thought.

"Not bad, kid. But like I said, as long as I have the Legendary Raijin-no-ken, I am unstoppable." Aoi said with a grin, but it wasn't enough to impress the young Uzumaki.

"You really should look yourself in the mirror before you call yourself 'unstoppable.'" Naruto said with a smirk, since even with the sword, Aoi had many cuts all over his body.

"Tsk, you can throw all your little tricks you want. It doesn't matter. This sword can cut through anything. It can even cut through Chakra like it was water." Aoi said in a boastful manner, indicating that no Ninjutsu attacks would work on him.

"Well what do you expect? It was made from Tobirama Senju. After all from all the Kages of Konoha, he was one who knew that sometimes you need to make the hardest choice for the greater good." Naruto said with a completely different tone, a tone that even the Jonin felt a shiver.

"Then you know it is futile to challenge me. So how about you run along, and let me finish my business with my old student here." Aoi said with a smirk.

"Ummm naaah. Here's my counter offer, Teme. How about you drop the sword, and surrender." Naruto said with care-free tone, that eventually turned serious at the end.

"Hahahahaha why would I do that? This sword is mine." The Ame Jonin said, as he held tightly to the Sword handle.

"Wrong...it's my family's." Naruto said with narrowed eyes. After all, his grandmother was a Senju, and his mother was half Senju and Half Uzumaki, and his father was an Uchiha.

"Family? Ohh....I see. You are a Senju. And here I thought that has-been clan is already extinct. Hahaha is the little Senju upset because I stole his family's precious toy?" Aoi said with a mocking tone, but he then realizes something that immediately put a large grin on his face.

"But it seems fortune is on my side. Killing you and ending your bloodline will make me legendary." Aoi said with a proud tone.

"That's a lot of big-talk from a traitor and a worthless coward." Naruto said a deadpan look and a smirk.

"What did you call me, brat?" Aoi ask dangerously with narrowed eyes.

"You heard me. You are nothing but a honourless traitor and a pathetic coward. You used Idate to steal that sword, because you knew, you are nothing without it. You rely on your 'tools' more than your own power, because in reality you are nothing but an average shinobi." Naruto is practically roasting the Ame Jonin before him.

"Shut up," Aoi said angrily under his breath, believing the young Uzumaki is now walking on thin ice.

"You think killing me will make you 'Legendary?' Hah! What kind of legend will you have, Aoi? A slimy thief? An honourless traitor? A gutless worm?" Naruto mock with a care-free tone.

The blonde Uzumaki really likes to rile up his opponents, especially when they make it so easy.

"WHY YOU, LITTLE BRAT!!" Aoi yelled out, with rage in his eyes.

"Hohoho I can literally feel your anger. Looks like I really got under your skin eh, Teme?" Naruto said with a victorious smirk.

Idate was just watching the interaction between the two. He can't believe Naruto is verbally roasting his treacherous former Sensei so easily.

"AHHHH I'M GOING TO CUT YOU UP, YOU LITTLE...." Aoi didn't get to finish his sentence, as he heard the sound of a loud feminine voice, coming from behind him.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

Multiple fireballs were shot from Ino's mouth, that was sent towards Aoi's direction.

The Ame Jonin used his sword to cut through several of the fireballs, but one of them was able to land on the ground in front of him, causing an explosion that sends him flying with some burns.

Ino then jumped and landed beside Naruto.

"It's about time you guys show up. I was running out of insults." Naruto admitted, as he was glad to see his platinum blonde lady.

"W-Wait, you were stalling all along?" Idate asked.

"Of course, I can't leave my team out of the fun now, can I?" Naruto said with a smile.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!" Aoi said, as he got up from Ino's attack, and started charging towards the blonde duo and the Wasabi Runner.

But suddenly, he felt his body completely paralyse.

"Shadow Possession Success" Shikamaru said from his hiding spot, as he was able to catch Ame Jonin when he was distracted.

"Good Job, Shika. Now then...." Naruto said, as he slowly approached the immobilize Aoi, and took the Raijin-no-ken off his treacherous hand.

The Legendary sword, is finally back in the hands of a Senju.

"NO! THAT'S MINE!" Aoi yelled out.

"Wrong again, Aoi....it's my great Uncle's....and now it's mine." Naruto whispered in his ear, so that Shikamaru and Idate won't hear.

"W-What? Y-You are...." Aoi stutter a bit, realizing the blonde boy standing before him, is the nephew of a Legendary Ninja of Konoha.

"That's right, Aoi. And the reason I am admitting it to you, is because....well....let's just say you won't be able to tell anyone else soon. Dead Man tell No Tales" Naruto still whispering in Aoi's ear, with a monotone voice, to hide his displeasure for whats to come.

"What? W-Wait, You can't!" Aoi said fearfully.

"Shika....if you don't mind?" Naruto simply asked his Lazy best friend.

Understanding what he meant, Shikamaru then knelt down on both knees and placed his hands behind his back, causing Aoi to do the same, as the Shadow Possession is still active.

He was preparing him for his execution.

"Aoi Rokusho of Amegakure. For all the crimes you have committed against Konohagakure, I, Naruto Uzumaki, Genin of Konoha....sentence you to die. Do you have any last words?" Naruto said with a monotone voice, as he activated the Raijin-no-ken in his hand, making Aoi even more fearful.

Ino then used her Mind Transmission with Naruto. She needed to ask him something before he does anything he might regret.

'Naruto-kun....are you sure about this?' Ino asked in her mind, hoping that her blonde boyfriend is doing what was absolutely necessary.

'Yes, Ino. He stole something that doesn't belong to him.' Naruto explained his mind, hoping that Ino won't resent him for his decision.

'I do, Naruto-kun. And...I'll be here if you need me' Ino thought kindly. She was ready to help him if he needs her.

'Thank you.' Naruto thought gratefully, then he turns his attention to Aoi.

"WAIT! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I WAS WRONG! I'M SORRY IDATE! JUST TAKE ME BACK TO KONOHA AS YOUR PRISONER! PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" Aoi desperately begging for mercy. Whatever pride he had left was completely gone.

"Sorry...but according to the Bingo Book....Konoha wants you dead. So this is the end for you," Naruto said, as he raised the energy sword above him.

"NOOO!" Aoi yelled with tears in his eyes.

Naruto then used the Raijin-no-ken to separate Aoi's head from his shoulders, killing the manipulative traitor once and for all.

"It's done," Naruto said with a hidden smirk on his face, as he retracted the energy-blade back to its handle.

He wondered for a second what to do with the sword but decided to just give it the old kage, after all his mother's sword was superior than this one.

"You okay, Naruto?" Shikamaru asked.

Naruto looked at the Lazy Nara with worry.

"Yeah...listen Shika, I..." Naruto didn't get finish his explanation, as the Nara beat him to it.

"Stop. We're cool, man. You don't have to worry about what I think. We're ninjas after all." Shikamaru said with a smile to his best friend.

Shikamaru knew that Naruto was worried that he would think less of him after what he did, but even he could see that what Naruto did was the right choice.

"Thanks Shika" Naruto said with a grateful smile. He was truly blessed with a great team.

As Idate sees the interaction between the Genin trio in front of him, he couldn't help but be amazed by their close bonds with each other. Even if they are just teammates...they are also friends, and they will always look after one another.

Seeing this made Idate realize something. His eyes widened, as he had finally found the answer. The answer to the question that has haunted him for many years.

The Tenth Question, by his big brother Ibiki, for the first test of his Chunin Exams.

To never betray a comrade

It all made sense to him now. The Tenth Question was an underhand test, to see if you would sell out your comrade in order to become a Chunin. He was truly ashamed that he didn't see this before. Konoha had always valued teamwork and unity.

"Idate, are you okay?" Naruto asked the deep thinking Wasabi Runner, immediately snapping him away from his thoughts.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry I was lost in thought" Idate answered honestly.

"I know how you feel," Naruto said with a smile.

"So....what now? Aoi destroyed the Bridge to Ouzu Island. There is no way around it. And even if there is, the race would be over by the time we reached the Todoroki Shrine." Idate said with a grim tone.

"Don't worry, I think I got that covered." Naruto said with a reassuring tone.

The young Uzumaki then walks to the edge of the cliff and knelt down on the ground. He then placed his open hand on the rocky surface and started channelling large amount of Earth Chakra.

Suddenly, a large bridge made of earth was formed, linking Nagi Island to Ouzu Island.

Idate, Ino and Shikamaru had their jaws dropped at the sight of Naruto's power. It was truly a rare sight to see.

Idate was the first to approach the Earth bridge, and used his foot to test it's durability. Idate then turns to Naruto, as if he was looking for his approval.

"Run Idate, Run." Naruto simply said with his bright smile.

Idate smiled back, and began to run in full speed on the Ice bridge, and eventually crossing to the other side, with Team 10 behind him.


Many people from Port Degarashi had gathered to see who would cross the finish line first. The majority was REALLY hoping that Idate would win, so that the Wagarashi will not have any more control over the town for another 4 years.

But this year however was different. Instead of 4 years, the losing family will have to disband forever if their opponent's runner wins the race. A simple yet devious ultimatum created by the cunning Minister of Port-Degarashi.

Standing at the Todoroki Shrine was the sly Minister himself, along with the Daimyo of the Land of Tea, and the heads of both the Wasabi and the Wagarashi, Jirocho and Kyuroku.

As they all continue to wait, they were able to see one of the runners approaching.

Unfortunately, it was Fukusuke of the Wagarashi.

Many of the people booed loudly for his arrival, but was also disappointed that he was the first to arrive Instead of Idate. Will this be end for the honourable Wasabi family?

Fukusuke simply shrugged off their boos with his narcissistic personality. With his arrogance clouding his judgement, he decided to simply jog to the Shrine, as he believes that's his victory is already inevitable.


The Wasabi members had their faces filled with disappointment. They had their hopes restored when they saw Idate reached the Modoroki shrine. But the question is, will Fukusuke arrived to the shrine before him?

The Minister was smugly grinning, as he felt a great sense of satisfaction.

'Excellent' was all the Minster could think of.

"Come on, Idate. I know you can do it" Jirocho said, with his unbreakable faith in Idate never wavered.

The Daimyo, however, was still not convinced that this race has been fair from the very start. And his worries were cemented, when he saw Asuma approaching him.

"Have you acquired the evidence, Asuma-san?" The Daimyo whispered.

"Yes, Daimyo-sama. Everything you need is in here." Asuma said as he handed the Daimyo a document.

"Good, well done." The Daimyo thanked the Konoha Jonin.

As Asuma immediately Shunshin away, the Minister turned his head to ask the Daimyo...

"My Lord, is something wrong?" The Minister asked.

He didn't see Asuma, but he was sure that somebody came to inform 'something' to the Daimyo.

"Its fine, nothing to worry about." The Daimyo said with a calm tone.

"Indeed My Lord, it seems the Wagarashi will soon win this race." The Minister said with a satisfied smirk.

"Perhaps, but until one of the runners approached the finish line, this race isn't over yet." The Daimyo said.


"Hey is that...." One of the onlookers said, as he noticed something fast was approaching.

"Its...IT'S IDATE FROM THE WASABI FAMILY! HERE HE COMES!" One of the onlooker yelled happily out loud.

The large crowd of people cheered loudly out of joy for the Wasabi Runner's arrival, as hope has been restored in their hearts.

Idate ran in his full speed, as the crowd continues to give their undying support for the Wasabi Runner.

"Idate!" Jirocho said with happiness, of seeing his favourite young henchman arriving just in time.

Fukusuke sees this, and a strong sense of fear was starting to build up in his head.

Especially when the Wagarashi head, Kyuroku, yelled out for his stupidity and demanded him to run faster. He then finally pick-up-the-pace and started sprinting faster, but Idate has already caught up to him.

"I can't lose! No matter what happens, I am not going fail Boss Jirocho!" Idate yelled out loud, mostly to himself. But then he heard Naruto's words continue to repeat in his mind.

'Failure is not the end Idate. It is when give up, is how it all ends'

"I am not giving up, not until the very end!" Idate yelled out, as he continued to sprint next to Fukusuke.

"Forget it! No one is pulling ahead of me now! Not when I came all this way!" Fukusuke yelled out, refusing to lose.

It was currently Neck-to-neck as both runners refused to give the other the edge.

"Come on, Idate! Keep going, you can do it!" Jirocho said, as he went to the finish line, to greet his young henchman personally. Which the Wasabi Runner was very grateful to see.

"Boss" Idate said, with happy tears in his eyes.

'They are the ones who gave us our strength, and it is our duty to use that strength for their sake. Because they are precious to us.'

Seeing his precious Boss's unbreakable faith in him, and hearing Naruto's inspiring words in his head, was all the boost he needed. He then began to run faster and faster, until he finally had the edge.

Eventually, Idate was the one who broke the finishing tape, and his hard work and effort, had finally won the Wasabi Family the Race.

Everyone cheered for his victory. It was truly a new day for the people of Port-Degarashi.

Fukusuke collapse from exhaustion, leaving Kyuroko and the Minister to have their jaws dropped for their loss.

Idate then places his Ryuko Jewel on the Todoroki Shrine, finally completing the long race.

"I...I did it, hahaha holy crap I actually did it" Idate said, as he was lying on his back, and panting heavily.

"You sure did, Idate. That was a good race, son." Jirocho happily said, as he approached Idate.

"B-Boss Jirocho" Idate said, he was happy to see his boss again.

"You did very well," Jirocho said with a smile.

"T-Thank you, Boss Jirocho" Idate said with a bow.

"No...thank you, Idate. Now come on now, this is your day, they are all waiting for you." Jirocho said.

"R-Right" Idate then got up and followed Jirocho outside.

As Idate walk out of the Shrine, he was greeted by many applauses and cheers. His cheeks were blushing red, and he rubbed the back of his head shyly.

From the distance, no one can really hear the sounds of a brutal beating of Fukusuke by the angry Wagarashi Family.

Idate is now standing on a podium, with a proud yet humble look on his face.


The crowd cheered loudly, and among them were Team 10 as they managed to arrive just in time. They were very proud of their 'fourth comrade' and was happy that he didn't give up.

"Well I guess that's that." Ino said with a smile.

"Yup, looks like he finally did it," Naruto said with his own smile.

But apparently, someone was being a poor loser and decided to snake his way for a win

"Hold it right there. That's enough." The Head of the Wagarashi said, stopping the applause and cheers.

"Kyuroku?" Jirocho wonders, what is the Wagarashi head up to now.

"It seems that this kid, had ride on the back of a hired Ninja for a part of the race. That's a violation." Kyuroko said with a smirk.

"WHAT THE HELL! THAT'S NOT A VIOLATION!" Ino yelled out among the crowd.

"I have proof. Just take a look at this photograph" Kyuroku then showed a photograph of Idate riding on Naruto's back when they were heading to the Modoroki Shrine.

"They have to make it here on their own strength. Those are the only rules for this race. Idate must be disqualified." The Minister added in.

"Which means that Fukusuke Hikyakuya of the Wagarashi Family is the winner." The Minister said with a smug smirk on his face.

"What? It can't be." Jirocho said in disbelief.

"Wait a minute that's...." Idate tried to defend his actions, but was interrupted by the Minister.

"I will have none of your excuses, boy. Jirocho, you gave your word. I want the Wasabi Family disbanded immediately." The Minister ordered, with a large grin.

But it soon faded when he heard the Daimyo finally spoke up.

"Just a moment. There is no such rule. Stop talking nonsense." The Daimyo said in annoyance.

"But M-My Lord!" The Minister said.

"But what? Are you suggesting that I let the Wagarashi win simply because you wish it?" The Daimyo asked the Minister, with a raised eyebrow.

"N-No, of course not" The Minister can't come up with a better excuse.

"Perhaps the reason you want them to win so badly, is that it will lead to an end to all the bribes you have been accepting. Look here" The Daimyo then showed a picture, that was taken by Asuma, of the Minister accepting bribes from the head of the Wagarashi, Kyuroku.

The Minster's eyes were widened with fear, as he was caught red-handed.

"You ignoramus! You will give up your position and dawn a monk's robe. You will retire and enter the monastery! Is that Clear?!" The Daimyo ordered furiously.

"Y-Yes, Yes My Lord." The now 'former' Minister said, with a defeated bow.

"And you, Kyuroku Wagarashi." The Daimyo then turns his attention to the Head of the Wagarashi.

"Y-Yes?" Kyuroku said fearfully.

"I have heard a great deal of the evil deeds you have committed. Your crimes against the people of Port-Degarashsi are unforgiveable. From this point on, the Wagarashi Family is no more. Is that Clear?" The Daimyo ordered.

"Y-Yes sir" Kyuroku answered, in a defeated tone.

"Hahaha an auspicious day. Now let us consider this matter ended." The Daimyo joyfully announced.

The crowd then cheered loudly for the end of the Wagarashi Family.


Team 10 is now saying their goodbyes to the Wasabi Family, as a Konoha boat was sent to pick them up.

"I want to thank you for all your help, Naruto." Idate said, as he offered his hand for a handshake.

"It was a pleasure, Idate." Naruto said, as he returned the handshake with the Wasabi Runner.

But then the Genins of Team 10 heard a familiar voice coming from the boat.

"Are you all done yet? I don't have all day." One of Jonins on the boat said to the group.

This Jonin was wearing his headband like a bandanna, and has two long scars on his face.

But apparently, his appearance was a surprising shock to the Wasabi Runner.

"B-Big Brother Ibiki?" Idate said, surprised to see his big brother again.

"Big Brother Ibiki?!" Team 10 said in unison.

"Oh lighten up, Ibiki. My cute little team just want to say their goodbyes, that's all." Asuma coolly said, as he stood next to Ibiki, with a lit cigarette in his mouth.

"Well like I said, I don't have all day. Plus, I left Anko in charge of T&I while I was gone, so you can only imagine the amount of pain she will bring to the prisoners." Ibiki said, with an amused smirk on his face.

"Yeeeaaah we better head home, otherwise there won't BE any prisoners left." Asuma suggested.

"R-Right" Naruto said nervously at the thought, as he and his team got on the boat.

"Big Brother!" Idate called out, but was ignored.

"Big Brother, please wait!" Idate called out once more.

This was able to stop Ibiki from taking another step.

"Who are you? Only one person called me that. And he died three years ago." Ibiki said coldly.

"Big brother....I figured out the answer to the Tenth Question. I...I will never betray a comrade again. I'm sorry it took me so long. But.....I know what it means now, to trust others." Idate said with determination in his eyes.

"I see." Is all Ibiki could say.

"I won't run away again. I will never give up. And I promise.....I will make you proud." Idate said with the same determination, never leaving his eyes.

"...You better." Ibiki simply said, as he got on the boat, but was smiling for his long lost brother.

'You grown up well....Little Brother.' Ibiki thought proudly.

The boat was beginning to sail away from the harbour, but Naruto and Ino wanted to say their final goodbyes from the deck of the ship.

"So long, Idate. I hope we will meet again someday." Naruto said.

"Yeah, take care, Idate." Ino added in.

"You got it. You guys come back anytime." Idate told the blonde pair.

"Take care of yourself, Jirocho-san." Naruto said to the Wasabi Family Head.

"You as well, Naruto-san." Jirocho said with a smile.

As they continue to say their goodbyes, Ibiki couldn't help but look at Naruto with respect in his eyes.

'I can see why Anko, the so called sadistic, blood-loving Snake Mistress, can be so fond of him. You really have a way with people, don't you, Naruto. Thank you for helping my little brother.' Ibiki thought gratefully for the young Uzumaki.

"NARUTO! THANKS AGAIN!" Idate said as he was chasing the sailing boat.

"NEXT TIME WE SEE EACH OTHER, LET'S HAVE A RACE! JUST YOU AND ME!" Naruto yelled out with a bright smile.

"YOU GOT IT!" Idate yelled back happily.

The boat then finally left the port, and is now sailing straight to Konoha.


"So, what do guys think of your first C-Rank turn A-Rank Mission?" Asuma asked his Genin Team.

"It was Cool"

"It was Intense"

"It was Troublesome"

"Hahaha well, you all did great. I'm very proud of you three. I'm just sorry I couldn't be there with you guys though," Asuma said, feeling bad that he wasn't there to protect his team.

"It's okay, Sensei. Besides, if it wasn't for you, the Wagarashi would have snaked the Wasabi's win away." Naruto tried to cheer up his Sensei, who indeed did his part to ensure they accomplished their mission.

"Thanks, kiddo. But I think the Daimyo would have done something nevertheless. He just needed more evidence. Besides I hate detective work. So next time, I'm definitely fighting alongside you guys." Asuma said with a smile.

"Well, right now I just can't wait to get back home, and have a nice long bath," Ino said with a warm smile, but Naruto saw this as another opportunity.

"Then maybe I'll join you" Naruto whispered in her ear teasingly, which causes the Yamanaka to turn vermillion red like before.

"B-B-B-BAKA! STOP IT!" Ino whispered loudly back to her teasing boyfriend. But then again, she didn't really say no.

"Why? Why? This is troublesome?" Shika moaned in annoyance, why his best friend must like so much to flirt.

Asuma chuckled in amusement, wondering where the future would take them.

While all this happened, somewhere else...


As he walked to the tree with the whirlpool mark, the winds blew from behind, turning around he was met with a face he had not seen for a long time now.

"Naruto-kun, is good to see you again, little brother," Itachi said warmly before much to his surprise The blonde hugged him tightly, the Uchiha returned the hug before pulling away.

"Is good to see you Itachi, I hope I'm not ruining anything for you," Naruto said, knowing they didn't exactly have a lot of time.

"Is alright Naruto, I sent the message to Ao, and he gave me this," Itachi spoke giving Naruto a piece of paper.

Naruto read the information before burning the paper on his hands.

"Very well, this will be a good barging chip, and how is your right eye," Naruto asked concerned, Itachi just shrugged it off.

"Nothing, I have been much worse," he suddenly stopped talking as he looked lost in thoughts for a moment.

"I need to go Naruto-kun, I hope you have make the deal with the Leader of Land of Tea," Itachi asked and much to his relief, Naruto nodded his head.

"I did, Land of Tea is only allies to me, they will keep their alliance to Konoha until I say so," Naruto answered as, to his surprise, Itachi rubbed his blonde hair.

"See you later little brother," Itachi said before his body turned to crows.

"Soon big brother, soon,"

Earlier - Night

The leader of The Land of Tea was happily enjoying a tea, when the door opened, revealing a masked Shinobi.

"Who are you?" Asked the leader, standing up, only now noticing that the guards weren't coming inside despite the shouting.

The masked man said nothing before throwing a scroll at him, the old leader slowly opened the scroll, afraid it was some trap.

Fully opening it, he started reading, immediately his eyes widened, cold sweat roll down his cheeks, his lips trembling.

Immediately the man kneeled in front of him. "What can I do for you My Lord?"

Naruto smirked behind the mask before giving his first order...