
The Conqueror Of Cities!

Having endured relentless bullying in his past, Dionis becomes obsessed on the intense emotions he once experienced. Thus, reaching out for something that gave him that thrill and adrenaline, he entered the world of crime, trying to get back the excitement he felt back in middle school. He entered the world of illegal substances as a mere dealer, yet Dionis utilized his superior mind to emerge as a formidable presence, evoking fear and commanding a growing following. The birth of a shadowy organization marked his ascent to evil, conquering everything in his path. ... ... ... ------Notice------ Pictures and details of characters can be found in my wiki: https://the-conqueror-of-cities.fandom.com/wiki/Dionis_Asani (Work in progress) Join my Discord server if you have any questions or anything really. Discord: https://discord.gg/UpZCBJjF

Dionis_Asani · realistisch
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170 Chs

The Father Of A Rapist

As they drove towards their next victim, a palpable tension hung in the air, the promise of retribution looming large on the horizon. For in their eyes, the scales of justice demanded a heavy toll, and they would stop at nothing to exact their vengeance upon those who dared to defy their authority.

As they arrived at the scene, the group of men skillfully maneuvered their cars into position, aligning them neatly in front of the house, each vehicle a testament to their collective determination. With purposeful strides, they advanced towards the front door.

Eman, positioned a mere five meters away from the entrance, unleashed a burst of energy, propelling himself forward with the force of a charging bull. His relentless momentum crashed against the sturdy wooden door, its resistance futile against his determined onslaught. With a resounding thud, the door succumbed to Eman's power, collapsing in defeat and granting unhindered access to the awaiting group.