
The Conqueror Of Cities!

Having endured relentless bullying in his past, Dionis becomes obsessed on the intense emotions he once experienced. Thus, reaching out for something that gave him that thrill and adrenaline, he entered the world of crime, trying to get back the excitement he felt back in middle school. He entered the world of illegal substances as a mere dealer, yet Dionis utilized his superior mind to emerge as a formidable presence, evoking fear and commanding a growing following. The birth of a shadowy organization marked his ascent to evil, conquering everything in his path. ... ... ... ------Notice------ Pictures and details of characters can be found in my wiki: https://the-conqueror-of-cities.fandom.com/wiki/Dionis_Asani (Work in progress) Join my Discord server if you have any questions or anything really. Discord: https://discord.gg/UpZCBJjF

Dionis_Asani · realistisch
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170 Chs

Mental Panic

Shock held me in its grip as I absorbed the callousness of Darjan's words. But my shock quickly turned to fury, a red haze descending over my vision. Without a second thought, I seized my pillow and hurled it at him with all the force I could muster. "You fucking monster, get the fuck out of my house!!"

Darjan raised his hands defensively, a perplexed expression crossing his face. "Chill, what did I do?"

"Fuck off!! I don't want to see your face ever again!!" I screamed, my voice hoarse with emotion, veins bulging in my neck as I unleashed my pent-up anger.

My father burst into my room, alarmed by the urgency in my cries. "What's happening?!" he demanded, swiftly swinging the door open.

"LEAVE ME ALONE, ALL OF YOU!" I shouted, my voice trembling as I struggled to contain my tears.

Shock etched across their faces, both my father and whoever else was present retreated quietly, closing the door behind them.