
The Condemned Prince of Efrua

Asher a prince of the world of Efrua where he was separated from a young age from his twin sister without ever being told why. One day he is asked to go beyond the border of his kingdom to find he is tricked and transported to a place beyond his home telling him to find his sister. Getting used to another world is one thing, but knowing his mother is also comfortable in this reality is another where he is confronted by a curse given to him by the spirit of his sister projected to protect him. Along the way he will meet people along in his journey who will wish to protect, but also serve him as they also came from the same world as him into Earthly territory to find out why they had been brought.

Hannah_King_6215 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

The Maid

"For treason against the throne, and attempted murder, you will spend the remainder of eternity in solitary confinement for the rest of eternity."

There was a brief pause as Rian gazed up at the queen with fear reflected in his eyes.

"But I have no desire to die…but…" He pleaded silently.

The queen merely looked down upon him, her face impassive and her eyes cold. She then turned away from him and began to walk away.

As she passed by Rian, she paused moving her hand to the chained Rian with a smile gracing her face. She then turned around and looked into his frightened eyes once again.

"You have until sunrise tomorrow morning to decide your fate; if not, you will be executed at dawn tomorrow evening."

She then left without another word.


A maid was finishing up dressing Asher's wound. Her dark blonde hair was tied back into an old fashioned ponytail, and she had bright green eyes. Despite this girl's beauty, something about her seemed off.

It wasn't the look on her face or the way that she treated Asher like a child, it was something else. She continued cleaning up his wound after putting some ointment on the smaller cut, tying it off with a bandage. Asher winced slightly before relaxing his shoulders when she finished.

"Thanks." he said softly.

The girl nodded in acknowledgement. They were standing in the middle of Asher's room at the palace. No one was allowed inside except for guards, so Asher had been using it as his sanctuary while the others were busy with their duties. It was almost empty, aside from Asher's few belongings, which were neatly placed near a chair by the window.

The two fell silent, both feeling uncomfortable under the gaze of the other. The silence stretched between them, making both break eye contact first. The girl looked down and started picking at her skirt nervously.

He could feel his pants tightening the longer she was there. He realized he may have boner , as his erection was sticking out like crazy, just under his loose trousers.

Fuck! This is embarrassing. He thought.

What is wrong with me?

"you know your highness?" She smiled.

Asher snapped out of whatever trance he had fallen into.

"I was told that you should be producing an heir for the kingdom."

She continued. She then stopped looking up at him to see how he'd react. When he didn't respond, she continued with what she had to say.

"My uncle said that you were a handsome prince and would do anything to marry your betrothed." She said with a sweet tone in her voice.

Her hand sat on his lap as she tried to grab his crotch but he jumped slightly, startled.

No thanks!" He replied gruffly. His words came out harsher than intended. His body became tense as he clenched his fists tightly to keep himself from reaching over and grabbing the girl's wrist and pinning her hands above her head.

She froze instantly and looked up at him. Her face went red, realizing her mistake and quickly dropping her hands from his lap.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled as she stood up.

"I'm sorry my lord, but please accept my love!" She shouted.

Nearly ripping the buttons off the top of her blouse displaying her chest resting inside her bra, she knelt onto the floor beside his chair. Asher couldn't help but stare at her chest as he moved his leg forward to sit closer to her.

A slight blush covered his cheeks. He couldn't believe what he was doing. Why was he so attracted to this girl? They weren't friends but this...this is something else, something completely new to his mind.

Asher looked up at her with wide eyes. Her long brown hair lay perfectly framing her face with a few tendrils escaping from her bun. The lighting of the lantern illuminated her face. Her features seemed soft yet sharp, almost ethereal.

His breathing quickened as she closed the distance between them, pressing her lips softly to his. Asher felt the tension leave his body and he sighed contently. He touched her ass gently pulling her to him, deepening the kiss. She let out a giggle, causing Asher to pull back abruptly.

"My prince?" She asked.

"I'm sorry" He mumbled embarrassed.

She pushed herself up from kneeling and walked out of the room.

"Goodnight, my prince." She called behind her.

Asher watched as she disappeared behind the door. Once it was shut he leaned his head into his hands. What was that all about? Why was he reacting to her? And who was she anyway?

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Asher woke up early the next morning. He got dressed walking to find breakfast waiting for him.

"Good morning, my lord."

"Good...morning?!" He shouted.

"My name is Siena, my dear prince." She smiled.

"Look I am sorry about yesterday!" He stammered.

Siena smiled kindly.

"Don't worry about it, I actually came back for more." She said with a wink.

He blushed.

"But this is what my mother wants!" He refused.

"Am I not pleasing?" She teased.

Asher glared at her.

"...Yes." He muttered.

"You flatter me! I'll give you a reward later then."

He grabbed her by the wrist gawking at her in the eyes.

"We haven't even had breakfast yet and you're already offering me sex?! You've only been here half and hour!" He exclaimed.

"My prince your mother sent me here to attempt to have a child!" She admitted.

Asher raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding. She then pulled out a small box, which contained several rings.

"These are her personal gifts to me to engage in activity with you!"

"Why did my mother send you!?" He questioned she smiled.

"To seduce you."

"Why would you tell me?" He asked.

"Because I want to truthful..."

She placed her fingers in-between his. He felt himself becoming tense when he noticed her finger move further up and lower to touch his family jewels.

"Because I enjoy seeing you lose control over yourself."

"I don't need you to make me lose control." He stated sternly

Her eyes flickered up from her hand to meet his eyes.

He swallowed hard.

"Well..." She trailed, licking her lips "If you promise not to hurt me...then maybe I can convince you." Asher felt conflicted. On one hand, he was intrigued and extremely curious. He also knew that he shouldn't take advantage of Siena like this.

Especially since she was still trying to seduce him. On the other hand, she was right. He would rather not kill her. However, he would not be able to live with himself knowing he would have killed someone who was trying to court him, despite knowing the consequences.

He sighed heavily.

She started to take her blouse off, exposing her bosom to him. He blushed furiously. His shaft twitched uncomfortably as he imagined her exposed body beneath him, and he groaned inwardly.

"Are you sure you aren't hungry?" She whispered as she pressed her bare chest against his back.

"You damned moron getting laid while I am in jail!" Rian yelled.

Asher was shocked, he hadn't expected to hear Rian in his head. He automatically halted listening to his friend speak.

"What's wrong my love?" She asked.

Not responding he concentrated on the voice inside his mind. He nearly forgotten he was a prisoner, he heard Rian laugh sarcastically.

"Rian? Rian, can you hear me?" Asher asked.

"Who is Rian?!"

"This is a one way call asshole! Find a way to get out and bail me out you jackass!" Rian shouted.

Asher frowned, confused. How was it possible for a telepath to be shouting at someone through telepathy without being able to answer back.

Suddenly, everything clicked for him.

He looked at the brunette in front of him, and he realized he wasn't wearing any clothes. Shit. Immediately removed his hand from where it was resting on her butt and stood.

His face burned and he began to walk away, ignoring her attempts of getting his attention. After all, he couldn't let himself get distracted. He had much more important things to think about right now.

"My lord, where are you going?!" She asked

Asher turned to look at her briefly, before resuming walking.

"I can't stay here anymore..." He mumbled.

"Yes. Yes I am."

"Then allow me to help you, but you have to promise me something?"

"What is it?" He asked.

She reached up to kiss him again. This time he returned it without hesitation. He held her tightly in his arms, kissing her desperately. She responded eagerly, moaning. After a minute they broke apart panting. Asher looked into her eyes and saw nothing but sincerity shining brightly.

Her skin glowed with excitement. She was beautiful...he could see it. His heart started racing, pounding loudly.

"Please let me help you." She repeated

"You might get into trouble or die though!" He explained.

She stood on her tiptoes, leaning towards his face. She planted a light kiss upon his lips before placing both her hands on his shoulders. She slowly backed him until there was no space left between their bodies.

Siena smiled softly before lowering her lips once more to press a gentle kiss upon his forehead. They remained close together for another moment before she pulled away slightly.

"I must go." She said sadly. She took a step backwards and bowed deeply.

Asher didn't reply. He simply watched as she exited his room, closing the door quietly behind her. After a minute he sighed. He turned around ready to get dressed for the day, hoping he wouldn't encounter anyone else the rest of the day.