
The Computer System

(STOPPED) ---- What, where I am? Is this a forest? But I was in my room booting my new PC, why I'm in a forest? Wait, what are those new memories that I have? ... Now I understand, I transmigrate! Great, but where is my system, I don't want to pass in a cliche, where I'm an abandoned young that is bullied, so I need something to help me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer system starting... Creating personal desktop / CHECKED Downloading starting pack / CHECKED Analyzing host's blood / CHECKED Encrypting host's data / CHECKED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: Hi, I'm from Brazil, and I'm making this history for fun and to learn how to write English better, so if you have any suggestions don't hesitate to make a commentary, I plan to make a huge world background and a complete MC that doesn't only focus in battles, but I don't really know how to write romance, so don't expect much things in this area. That's it, have fun reading --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CodigoDeSenior · Ost
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4 Chs

But, this is Pay to Win!


Well in the gift pack there was a `System Instantly Analise Card - Nation grade`, perhaps there's a connection between these two things, for now, I think it's better to choose `Yes`


You can choose three types of Analyze:

1° - Fast Analyze - take 10 minutes

2° - Simple Analyze - take 1 hour

3° - Complete Analyze - take 10 hours

4° - Perfect Analyze - take 1 week

5° - God-Level Analyze - take 1 year


Wow, that God-Level Analyze looks pretty cool, but it takes one year, and I just transmigrate, I only live in this world for around 30 minutes, so let's choose the `Fast Analyze` and see what happens.

'10 minutes later.'


The Fast Analyze of 'Blue Tiger Woodlands' is complete, you can access the information In the Personal Desktop area


Wait, what?

Do I need to access the information?

What about the instant information transfer where's the MC could instantly know the information?


Replying to the host, for this you need the cultivation of 'Nascent Soul' to unlock your 'Soul Knowlegement' or use a 'Top Grade Spiritual Jade Slip', that can instantly put information and insights in your brain or 'Soul Knowlegement'


So that's how it works, well, for now, it's best to take a look at the 'Personal Desktop', but how can I...

" Whoosh, the ambient change, and the blue forest becomes a small cubic space 3x3x3m with white walls, a slight dark floor, and a light blue cell "


This is the 'Personal Desktop', for access it, you only need to think about it and for leave, you only need to think about a green door and a green door is gonna appear, you need to open it and you can automatically leave, in this space, the time flies in a 1:100 proportion (100 days here is equal as one day outside), but you can't practice martial arts or cultivation and only do things in the computer, such as reading"

That's nice, with the time change I can foo... study, without worrying about being late, let's see what I have on this computer.

Hmm, there are two pastes named 'Host's data' and 'Blue Tiger Woodlands - Analyze', also, there are three apps called 'Status', 'Scroll Lib' and 'Computer Shop'?

I have a Shop?

Well, that isn't important, for now, let's see what's inside 'Blue Tiger Woodlands - Analyze'.

"Click Click


Information Loaded"

So, inside this paste, there're a picture and a .txt file called "Basics About Blue Tiger Woodlands", let's know the basics first.

" Basics About Blue Tiger Woodlands

Blue Tiger Woodlands is a forest that exist since around ten thousand years ago, and because of a mysterious treasure or beast the entire forest starts to change to a blue like color, the forest is split into the border, outer, inner, and core area, in the border you can only find Qi Gathering monsters and herbs, there're also Foundation Building herbs but those are very very hidden, the border spans for around 10,000 km², but the others areas are much bigger, more than ten times bigger, if you want to survive well in the border you need at least a cultivation of Qi Gathering 7° rank or higher, with this, you can basically travel freely in the border."

How do I say it, well that's pretty basic, I already know the basics, but this was only ten minutes and is a pretty useful function, let's see what is the picture now

" Map of the border and parts of outer area

Legend: the green area is the border, the red area is the outer area, and locations with different concentrations of spiritual qi have different tons of colors, from light to dark, the blue pixel is your current location."

Wow, now that's incredible, with this the chances of me being lost in this forest decreased a lot and the area that I'm is a bit dark on the map, which shows that this has more spiritual energy than normal, I think that's because of the spirit fruit that I get, wait, with this function, I can become a treasure hunter!

But this sounds a little too easy, if there's a treasure, probably there's a monster protecting those treasures, I only get luck, first I need to improve my cultivation!

Well, now let's see the app 'Status' because, in the novels that I read on Earth, the status of a system has cheat abilities...

" Loading...

Status Loaded

Name: Shao Yin

Age: 16 years old

Cultivation: Qi Gathering 1° rank

Techniques: Simple Knife Use

Knowledge: Basics of Blue Tiger Woodlands

Special Constitution: Will of the Fire Soul(Mortal 1° grade)

Special Bloodline: None

Artifacts: Simple iron knife(no grade)


So, the status app does what the name says, shows my status, although this was expected I would like another cheat ability, there aren't many things that I don't know, wait wow, I have a special constitution!

Although I don't know what this does nor what the grade means, the name sounds really cool!

Hehehem perhaps this is a hack that the system gives me, with this I can control the world, by the name I know that this has something to do with fire and soul!

System can you analyze this special constitution?


Replying to the host, its possible to analyze this constitution, but the host need to leave the personal desktop"

That's great, but first, let's see what the shop is.

" Loading the shop...

It detected that this is the first time that the user is opening the shop, in this shop you can buy anything that you want with computer coins, such as printers, mouses, amazement, or even an entire personal world, as long as the user has money the world is yours, but you only have 100 computer coins, because of this, only things bellow 'Core Formation' is allowed for you to buy, and you need to pay 10 coins to know what that thing does with more details, you also have a 50% discount on your first purchase."