
the first day of training

taday is an important day I've begone my training to become immortal I start with 100 push ups that was hard and I did some combat training and I got beat up fast forward three years I have now become really strong I know all fighting styles and I can run faster than a cheetah but it is not enough to be immortal fast forward 10 years I'm in highschool now and I am faster that a Lamborghini stronger than 1million men but I can not show off at school and today is also the first day and I'm attending Springfield high these kids are weak compared to me so I should just keep low one year later I can teloport fly and can pick up a planet and kids are starting to notice me one time a kid challenged me in karotie and I accidentally broke his arm but no one thought about but in pe we had to do a push up test and I kinda did one thousand a the teacher gave me an A plus the kids talked about it for weeks and another time did the high jump and jumped to the top of the school which is four stories the kids talked about that for an half a year this girl in class keeps staring at me and blushes and looks away when I look her way


this is my first book don't judge I do this for fun and hope you like the book 😀😃👼

her name is Amerie and she has been doing that forever now