
Feels like goodbye


"How's she doing?" I asked the doctor as soon as he exited the master bedroom where Brielle had been resting. 

"Luckily for her, her body went into a state of delirium to take her mind off things, but she's slowly coming off it now." The old man told me. "Her wounds are frightening at first glance, but they're not too serious. They'll disappear in a few weeks. Generally, she made it out okay, it's her emotional and psychological wounds I'm worried about however, but we'll find a way. Just make sure she takes her medications." 

I thanked the kind doctor and walked him to the front door, thanking him once again for showing up at such a late hour and on such short notice. 

I sighed deeply after the door closed shut and stood there, deep in contemplation for a moment. 

Madeline was nowhere to be seen.