
The Collector's Shop

GlotinousRamenKing · sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: The First Transaction (2)

During the time Hekta is having a conversation with "The Collector" time passed faster than normal which Hekta sensed after he received the "King's Authority. He knew that one day and a half has passed.

Hekta had already received the power which the Collector called "King's Authority." He have quite a bit of understanding about his newly acquired power. He commanded the other Montera to turn the ship back saying "I'm coming Father."

The ship has reached a bit of distance from the space warp function it has. Since the ship doesn't have much power to do another space warp so Hekta used his power and opened a rift connecting the outside of Planet Ura's atmosphere.

During this time the Ratchech is already engaging war against the inhabitants. Montera lost a lot of men and their death is near but all of the Ratchech suddenly stopped attacking and looked up to a ship I the sky.

The Montera soldiers knew that the ship in the sky is the ship containing their people. The entire Montera soldiers was confused and worried why the ship returned.

After the a while of silence a voice spoke saying "Surrender now and will let you live." That voice is from someone they knew and that is the young master but why did they return? this question circled to thier heads.

As for the Ratchech invaders some of they only laugh and laugh and laugh. This made Hekta angry and said the words "this is your last warning invaders leave my home planet now!"

The Ratchech countinued laughing and Rauul Rekut a Ratchech General which rank fifth to thier worlds ranking. He said "You returned? What do you think can you do against us? Then he countinued to laughed.

Hekta only replied with the words "I'll kill all of you" in a calm manner after the words left Hekta's mouth an unbelievable amount of bloodlust enveloped the entire planet which as a result the invaders felt fear some of them even died of fear.

Rauul then said "This isn't something the empire can defeat.... Ughh.... No no no....Is this the fall of the great Empire?...He's not someone we can deal with not even the all powerful emperor can kill him." Then he died just like that.

All of the Montera watch this scene although they are not much affected by the bloodlust eminating from the young master's body they still knew how powerful he is. They all knelt down and saying the words "We praise the new King of Montera....Were at your service."

Some fo the Ratchech managed to survive and they just knelt down and pleaded for mercy saying "We don't want this, we are force by the emperor."

Then Hekta told his fellow Montera to capture the remaining invaders saying "They are force to fight." None of the Montera even disapproved about that idea.

_Planet Ratch, Universe Alch. Inside the empire's main communication center_

"Sir!!!! Sir!!! Somethings wrong!!!" One of the personal reported to his supervisor. Then he countinued to say "Sir the entire fleat just disappear and I can't contact them!"

"What? The supervisor named Etah Rett asked in a confused manner. Then the personal said "Sir this is bad something just destroyed the entire army in seconds!"

"That's impossible!" Continue to try contacting them and I'll report it to his Majesty. Then he exited the communication room. After a while of walking in a fast pace he reach the throne room of the Emperor Ravv Ratchack.

He then knelt down in respect to the Emperor before saying "Sire someone or something just destroyed our entire army your highness."

"Hahahahaha that's impossible Mr. Rett" the emperor said.

Then suddenly a man rushed inside ignoring the guards but the guards stop him before he can enter. But the man kept trying to enter without a choice he shouted "Sire!!! There's a survivor!!!"

This made the General, the emperor, and the entire Ratchech officials present at the room shocked because they heard the word "survivor." The emperor order his guards to let the man in.

Then the man quicken his walking pace then after a while he reached the place where the General was standing and as a respect the man also knelt and greeteithe emperor before saying "Sire here's the man he's still communicating with us" then he gaved the emperor the hect a phone like item.

The Emperor then asked "Who's this?" The soldier in the recognized the voice and also greeted the emperor before Saying "My name is Juth Wert a captain of the seventh division special task force sniper, I survived the attack because of the artifact I gain in a dungeon before it revives me if I die it can only be used once"

The Emperor then asked "What happened."

Juth replied saying "someone just came and killed all of us by his bloodlust, I think it's thier young master"