
The Clouds Feel Soft Beneath My Fingertips

Nobody knew how Si-woo felt. Life felt as if he was just watching from the sidelines. Watching other stories bloom as his slowly wilts. He didn't mind the feeling though. If it meant carrying his friend's books everyday and coming home with sore shoulders, he would do it. If it meant always being the last resort when the others weren't there, he wouldn't care. It's not like finding new friends would make the cycle stop repeating. That's until he met Jeong. The comforting smell of jasmine always lingering on him. The dimple on his cheek whenever he smiled. The way he would tear up when laughing too hard. They all made Si-woo's heart race. And he didn't understand that feeling one bit.

greentea_leaves · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Si-woo's brother died 5 years ago. He was diagnosed with lung cancer when he was 5 and unfortunately died after only a year and a few months on his medication. He was only 6 years old and this absolutely tore Si-woo's parents. It tore the village too. They had to go on everyday without their ray of sunshine running around the place with his little toys or paper origami. He liked origami. It tore them so much that they refused to believe he passed at all. So, the entire village just told themselves that he lives with a nice lady in the city and can't come here because of the air quality. That was bullshit. Somehow, after a few years, they actually started falling for their own lies and genuinely thought he was still alive. Si-woo really wanted to tell the villagers that his brother had passed and to stop lying to themselves but, deep down, it hurt him just as badly, maybe even worse.

"I'll be back by 3. See you later." Si-woo sighs and leaves the bakery into the bustling village. This was the worst part of the day. Crashes and bangs, shouting, screaming from children, complaining, talking, loud noises, sound. Si-woo resented it all. The feeling of ear-splitting noises diving into his ears. He hated it so much. He wishes he could just scratch his ears away until he couldn't hear at all. But he couldn't. He wanted to go hide in a corner and cover his ears until all the noises went away. But he couldn't.

"Hey, Si-woo! How's your day been? Want to get some fresh fish for your dinner tonight? Half price!" No. "Si-woo! Your face is all bony! Get some delicious beef and eat! Half price!" No. "Si-woo, whats with that frown? You've got to brighten your mood with some tasty bananas! Half price just for you!" No. No. No. All the noises flooding into his ears were too much for him to handle. He tried making his way through the crowd but it was like a magnet moving away from metal. It always followed.

"Hey, Si-woo come buy-"

"SHUT UP." He yells out, his heart pounding and his jaw clenched. Silence. The entire village went silent. The stares all felt like paper cuts, piercing his skin. Small but painful. He grits his teeth and makes his way past all the people, some even making way for him. This silence wasn't the good type of silence that Si-woo liked. It was the type of silence where he would slowly get judged by those giving him that silence. It was awkward.

He eventually makes it out of the village and starts to head down the path to the city. He didn't like the city. Too many loud cars and smoke everywhere. It was suffocating. But that's where his school was so he had to go.

"Watch out!" A voice from above yells out. Si-woo looks up in confusion. Watch out for what? The last time he checked, trees couldn't talk. Suddenly, a heavy weight falls onto Si-woo, leading to him collapsed on the ground.

"What the hell-" He freezes. He slowly opens his eyes to see a teenage boy on top of him. Kind of. Si-woo was flat on his back and the teen was face flat into the ground with some of their body on Si-woo's. It formed some sort of 'X' shape. What on earth were they doing in a tree?

"Sorry about that... are you okay?" The teen asks with a sense of concern in their voice, looking directly at Si-woo, laying on the dirty road. Si-woo, glares at the teen. They had short fluffy hair, two round black pupils in his eyes and a mole by their lip along with some soft features. However, they also had a sharp jawline and they were clearly quite tall. Taller than Si-woo. Probably just another villager anyway. But seriously, why would someone be up in a tree? What the hell?

"I'm fine. Watch where you're... climbing. Weirdo." He grumbles, getting up and dusting the dirt off himself. This person was probably just the same as everyone else. Loud and annoying. He scoffs and walks past them. He had to get to school on time and he wouldn't just let some random person ruin his attendance.

"Wait... You go to Bluecrest high? Your tie." The teen says, gesturing to Si-woo's blue and black striped tie. The boy had the exact same one on.

"What's it to you?" Si-woo answers, sharply. He wasn't used to having conversations this long with someone his age. Especially a stranger.

"I go there too. Mind if we go together? It's my first day." Sigh. Obviously it was his first day. And Si-woo just had to run into him. This was just like those cheesy romance books he saw in the library. He always read them though. Not that he would tell anybody that. Si-woo starts walking down the path.

"Don't think that this means we're friends. I already have plenty." The teen smiles and follows after Si-woo, dusting some dirt from his new uniform.

"I'm Jeong. So Jeong. Nice to meet you." He extends his hand, giving off a soft expression.

"Si-woo. Kang Si-woo." He glances at Jeong's hand and shakes it before pulling away.

His hand felt warm.