
The clock and the wizard

I supposedly died. and I met with God and he sent me to another world. The rest is history. {None of the Ben 10 characters belong to me other than my own and I'm writing for fun so don't expect anything grand or fancy}

Curebo · Anime und Comics
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After my handshake with Rob I 'found myself' in a dark and strangely comfortable place... maybe it was because of my stay in that void but I didn't have time to think about it, as I felt something pushing me somewhere and it's Then I saw a crack into which I was being pushed and finally I understood that I was being born.

And then I see my father, Carl Tennyson who looked the same as in canon but a little more handsome and next to him I see the doctor who delivered me they said something and I didn't understand but from the expressions it must have been something good.

then I see her, possibly the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my entire present and past life. She had long scarlet red hair, fair skin and gray eyes. At that moment I felt proud of myself for being born to this beautiful woman, then my eyes got a little tired for being born again but I ended up falling asleep without realizing it.


Well, how can I summarize these 10 years of life that I had as Timothy Benjamin Tennyson, I was very surprised by my different name. It was one of the three things that surprised me most when I obtained information about my surroundings and there were three things. The first is of course my name which I was very happy with, who wouldn't be happy not to have their middle name be the name of a little pink ball and here instead of calling me Ben they call me Tim.

The second thing is it's all about my mother. Firstly, she is not Sandra like in canon, but Stella, she is Latin American. But the most surprising thing was that when my father met my mother she was already 3 months pregnant with me, what really shocked me was not that I wasn't Carl's son but rather my father's courage for falling in love with a woman pregnant, because where I come from, not even biological parents want to marry a pregnant woman, but this man called Carl Tennyson has my respect, a truly great man.

Regarding my biological father, he was of Asian origin and his name was Akira Kusakabe and he was a great mangaka. That produced a series known worldwide, called Dragon ball and when I discovered this I cried a lot, not because of my father's tragic end but because I was the son of the creator of my favorite series.

{My condolences to Akira, may he rest in peace 😔}

My mother and father were together for 2 years and separated when my mother was 2 months pregnant and due to some dissatisfaction in the relationship they decided to separate with my father staying in Japan and my mother going to the USA after a month she received the news that my father had been in a car accident and ended up passing away in the hospital, my mother was very sad with the news but managed to overcome it with the help of Carl who she met when she had moved a week ago to Bellwood and in that In the meantime they became friends and when my mother was 8 months pregnant they decided to date and after my birth they got married. Thus completing my parents' love story.

And the last shocking thing is my look. I'm literally Satoru Gojo with crimson hair and eyes that seemed to reflect a cloudy sky. In short, I'm a future heartbreaker.

During the last 10 years I have trained my magic and since I was born. I always felt mana, it was like breathing and it came naturally to my body and it had a red color. I used her like Gwen from Alien force, like creating platforms, throwing Frisbees or lifting objects, I limited myself to those things since I don't have access to magic books that I plan to get with Hex. Another thing was my relationship with Gwen, which is very good, none of those insults or unnecessary fights, but just respect, and I think she likes me.

I was very happy all these years, being able to feel a familiar and sincere love. It's like my other life was just a bad dream.

Regarding my school life. I was a great student, I was always at the top of the class and the teachers always liked me.

And of course the bullies always tried to intimidate me but all their attempts failed.

I also never got sick in my entire life thanks to my perfect body and visually I was always above average with my glorified appearance and I also had a very toned physique but that was it, I didn't like martial arts or anything like that, As I want to support the battles, I won't have to be caught in the crossfire.

Something very intriguing is that I didn't go on a trip with Gwen and Grandpa Max when I was 10 years old, like canon. Maybe it has something to do with Rob knowing the nature of my request. Speaking of canon events, what will Paradox's attitude be towards me and my reality?

Maybe he'll do that Ben Prime test in the Gwen verse? I don't care much about it, I don't have a goal of being the only one, the strongest or dominating the world/time/universe/multiverse and others like that and honestly it would be quite tedious.

Something very funny is that during these years the look of the world and people always keeps changing as if I were transitioning from the classic cartoon, Alien force, Omniverse and even Mutant Rex(Best cartoon crossover) it must be the Celestialsapien playing with the reality and apparently they liked the look of 'mutant 10' this made me very happy because it made me more beautiful and is more pleasing to the eyes, apparently only I noticed these changes in reality, maybe it's because my soul is not from this multiverse but at least I can know how often they do it. Maybe in the future I'll use this as some alibi, who knows... Besides, the world was left with the traces of the reboot for a week and my God, that week was hell, I became ugly... I, the most beautiful of all, became ugly in those horrible features, that was the first time I was sick...

Now I found myself on my bed, sitting up and finishing my little recap and internal monologue.

In addition to my internal thoughts, externally I was drawing. And man how I love drawing!

The drawing in question was of the fairest of all women, my childhood crush, the wonder of life, Charmcaster. In the drawing she was sitting on a throne wearing her omniverse costume, with her legs crossed and in one hand was the staff of ages and in the other she was levitating all of Bezel's amulets.

"Done" I exclaimed after spending almost 3 hours drawing my masterpiece.

"Just a little more time and I'll be able to sail. That makes me question... Will Kevin still be a guy or a girl? Well, whatever comes is profit. After all, I'm in a fanservice universe, anything is possible hehehehe!

After this momentary epiphany I turn off the lights in my room and go to bed, having a very pleasant dream about a white-haired beauty.

The end...