
The clever stag (Game of thrones)

It is about a person who is reborn as Lyonel Baratheon the trueborn son of Robert and how he is trying to survive in Westeros, and try to make things better. My first fanfiction, English isn't my first language. I do not own Asoiaf. Support me at https://www.patreon.com/Iron_wolf852 (Abandoned)

Ironwolf852 · Bücher und Literatur
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24 Chs

Death and dreams

A.N. After this the pace will go up, as the war starts. Hope you like it.

Arya POV

Going to the south again, was annoying, this time to see grandfather I was traveling in the wheelhouse, I wanted to ride just how Bran does on his pony, but no, I should act like a lady. It was so boring, just looking at the trees and plains of land, at least this time we move faster, with only fifty household guards. We were nearing the Twins, after crossing it should be a short journey towards Riverrun, my mother says is the most beautiful castle, and it is between two rivers, so it should be cool.

As we were getting near the Twins, we met a score of men, I didn't listen to what they were talking about, just that they have come to escort us through the bridge. My mother had a worried expression and was talking to the captain of our guards, Jory, in a low voice, so it was hard to hear. As we went to the towers we were invited for the dinner with Lord Frey, my mother accepted the invitation.

"Lady Stark." At the dinner table, a man who looks more weasel than a man greets us. "Come have dinner with this old man, it was a long journey, you and your children might want to have some rest."

"We would appreciate your hospitality." My mother agrees and takes offered bread and we follow the suit.

"See her." The old weasel says and points at the young girl who is barely older than Sansa. "My new wife, your father had not deigned to show up at the wedding."

"My father is quite ill, my Lord" Mother replies.

"He didn't come at the last one too, or at the one before" The man remarks. "And now you come to seek a passage."

"We are in the hurry to see my father." Mother answers. "We hope you will let us through the bridge."

"And why would I let it?" The man asks.

"You are the bannerman of the Tully's surely you won't refuse to let us pass." Mother says and the guards that have come with us tense up.

"Yes, I am a subject, but not to your father, not anymore, arrest them, in the name of Aegon the sixth Targaryen, true king of the Seven kingdoms." The weasel orders and our guards draw their swords.

"Jory, take the children and run." My mother orders our captain, I can feel someone taking me by the shoulders and dragging me towards the door. "Lord Frey, what you're doing is a treason, call the order off and I will overlook it."

"Treason? What Lord Stark did in the rebellion was a treason, so now your family will pay for his crimes." He says and more men come from the closet doors, I hear Sansa scream as someone grabbed her.

More screams were heard as the fighting begins between the Stark guardsman and that of the weasels, as someone tried to grab me, he was attacked by Nymeria and had his throat ripped off, as the other dire=wolves have started pouncing at the men around us. Soon screams and chaos filled the dining room, as one guard dragged me to the exit another of the weasels cut him down, and now getting to me, I grabbed the knife off the table and remember what the prince has taught me, Most fights are won through predicting your opponent's moves and responding with your own, so I waited as he got close to me and bend to take me by my hand, then I stabbed him in the neck, as he was choking on his blood I ran to the door.

Another man blocked my way, but Nymeria takes him down, and I run past the screaming man, I went through the door, but could not see where to go now. Looking around with Nymeria next to me, I went toward the window that is over the river, looking behind me and seeing more men coming, without thinking I jumped through the window into the water.

The water was cold and the current swept me, I could not swim in it, didn't even know which way was up or which way down. Feeling the lack of air, I started to panic until something tug me and carried me to the surface.

Coughing the water out of my belly, I look up and see Nymeria with wet fur in front of me, hugging her I felt safer, but when I heard voices and horses getting close, I got scared again and started to run, with Nymeria leading the way.

It felt like I was running all day, it becomes hard to breathe and my legs started to hurt. Seeing only the darkness of the night around me, I felt truly alone, what happened to mother? To Bran, Rickon, Sansa? I was questioning myself and thinking about what I should do now, not knowing where to go. It became truly dark as clouds blocked the moon, I was getting hungry and cold. Finding a ditch under the tree, I went in and hugging Nymeria drifted to sleep.

She looked at the dark sky, staying alert, smelling, and listening if anyone will come, she will tear them apart. She could smell her brother, he wasn't very far, but she couldn't leave, she has to protect her master, the master is tired, hungry and weak, she couldn't leave her master alone. She knows that brother smells her too, he will come, then we will hunt the ones who have hurt our masters, we will tear them apart and leave nothing.

I have awoken, tired and hungry, but now with hatred running through my blood, the Freys will pay for what they have done. I will hunt them one by one until no one is left, I think to myself and hug Nymeria, I know we can't stay here, we must go. As Nymeria leads me deeper in the woods, I feel myself getting weaker, I just am so hungry. Looking around for something to eat, I hear a crackling wood, getting closer to take a better look, I see a small campfire. Thinking that there might be some food, I was silently getting close, when someone grabbed me, I started to kick him and was about to scream when I hear his voice.

"Arya is me, Harwin, calm down." Seeing a familiar man, a guardsman who have traveled with us to the King's landing before, and now to the Riverrun I hugged him and started to cry. "Is alright, we are safe for now, but we must go, Rickon is with me too."

"Rickon? What about the others?" Hearing that Rickon is safe, I looked at him with hope-filled eyes.

"I am sorry, but I only manage to get Rickon before escaping." He says with an apologizing voice. "We must go."

After going through the line of trees I met with Rickon and Shaggydog hiding in the shadows, I ran to them. Seeing that they are fine I felt relieved and not alone anymore, Harvin led us through the forest, he said that the closest safe place was at the Neck. So we were going there and seek Lord Reed's help.

Lyonel POV

Seeing the men in gold before me, with elephants going through the battlefield, I gripped my lance and shield, and charged at them with my horse, cutting the first line with ease. Nearing towards the center, I met with a golden horseman, blocking his lance with my shield I slammed my own to his head, taking him down. Before I could celebrate, an arrow pierces my horse's neck and I jump away to the ground, standing up and drawing my sword, I look at the carnage, the blood flowing to the ground, hearing the screams of thousands of men.

Cutting down yet another golden armored man, with blood splattering to my face, it felt like I was there all eternity, just fighting and fighting. Trying to move forward, I met with no opposition, but the chill has stopped me from moving anymore. There was nobody left standing, just dead around me, as the snow started to fall, a three-eyed crow landed in front of me. The crow croaked at me, at first I could not understand what it was saying, but as I walked closer I heard it.

"Behind, behind." It croaked.

Spinning around I was met with cold blue eyes, as every dead body started to rise, but this time with no blood flowing from them and with cold blue eyes, everywhere I looked, it was only dead cold blue eyes looking at me.

"Fly, fly." The raven started to croak above me.

How could I fly? Not knowing what to do, I did the only thing I could and started to fight them as the dead bodies went for me. Cutting one's head, another hand, bashing my shield at yet another one, and somehow managing to get to the clearing.

There I was met with another one with cold blue eyes, but this time he was covered in ice armor, holding a weapon made of ice. Screaming with all my fury I throw my shield at him, he just knocks it away with one hand, so I went at him and swing my sword, but it is deflected with ease, and then I could only feel the cold, I couldn't move. The Other come near me, and I look at its blue eyes as I feel the pain in my chest. Looking down at the spear of ice running through my chest I fall to the ground.

Kneeling on the ground feeling the cold running in my body, a hand breaks the ground near me and grabs my leg and another hand, and another hand, I feel them dragging me under the cold dirt with them. Trying to hold on to something, screaming for help, I feel as more hands grab me by my arms and shoulders. Still trying to claw my way out of it I could only hear one thing.

"You belong with us, with us."

Margaery POV

In the middle of the night, I was awoken, by the screaming Lyonel, breathing harder than I ever have seen him do, covered in the cold sweat, he looked around with terrified eyes. Getting up, I try to calm him down as he starts to get to the normal, I hold his hand and say that it is alright.

"Just a nightmare, it was just a nightmare." He tells more to himself than to me.

"It's over, everything is fine," I say to him.

"No, it isn't, it's coming." He shakes his head and says.

"What it's coming?" I asked with a concerned voice.

"War, the war is coming." He answers and gets up from the bed, and I follow him, no matter what he will do, I will be by his side.

Richard POV

Astapor, the Red city, home of the best trained Unsullied, the dragon princess has decided this will be our destination. Buying the Unsullied would be nice and all, but they are too expensive, even with all the gold we have, we could only buy a few hundred of them.

Going to the Plaza of Pride we are met with a good master Kraznys no Nakloz, if we weren't surrounded by soldiers, I would have cut him down the moment I met him. He obnoxious man then shows us his unsullied praising of how good his creations are and insulting us thinking that we don't understand Valyrian. Missandei the little slave girl, politely translates his words, which indicates that it isn't the first time he insults others.

"They are the finest slave soldiers that you will find in the Essos." Missandei translates Kraznys words as he shows us the Unsullied.

"Good, how many do you have of them?" Dragon princess asks.

"Eight thousand." Missandei translates, leaving the part of the stupid whore.

"I want all of them, not only the trained ones, but the ones who are still young and untrained," Daenerys tells, and it isn't only Kraznys who thinks that he misheard.

"And with what are you going to pay for them? I don't think you have enough gold." Kraznys says and Missandei repeats in a common tongue.

"I have dragons, I will pay you with my dragon." Daenerys answers.

"I want all three of them," Kraznys tells us.

"You will get only one," Daenerys says.

"Fine, but I want the biggest one." He says.

"Very well, I will come tomorrow, so prepare them for me." She agrees.

"My princess, a dragon is worth more than any number of soldiers, it isn't too late to reject his offer." Once we leave Kraznys, I tell the princess.

"You have seen, what they have done to make the Unsullied." She replies.

"Yes, but a dragon? When they grow up they could burn the good masters, it isn't worth it." I say.

"Who said that my dragons can't burn them right now." She replies to me.

The next day we were led back to the Plaza of the Pride, now filled with the Unsullied, and Kraznys waiting for us with a whip in his hand. There are more than two and ten thousand of them, some are still just children. Daenerys goes to the Good master with her chained dragons, and gives him the black one, as he gives her the whip.

As the deal progress, I see that Kraznys even offered the young Missandei to her, to be an interpreter for her. Taking the whip, the dragon princess goes to the Unsullied, as Kraznys tries to control Drogon.

"Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who holds a whip, but harm no child. Strike the chains off of every slave you see!" Daenerys Targaryen in Valyrian orders the Unsullied to purge Astapor of slavers.

Kraznys looks at her with horror on his face, and then Daenerys turns towards him and orders her dragon to burn him, his screams bring me joy. Looking around I see only Unsullied killing the Good masters, and freeing other slaves, it was a massacre.

Lyonel POV

After having the nightmare, I went towards my solar and Margaery followed me, getting inside, I closed the doors. Taking look at the table filled with documents, I checked them, looking if I didn't miss anything before. The dream might have been a warning, the Golden company is coming, but I need to find where will they land, otherwise, I can't send my army to meet them.

"What war is coming, Lyonel?" Margaery asks.

"Nobody else knows, but I have discovered, that the previous Master of the Whispers was working with a Pentoshi merchant, who was working with the Golden company, after more investigation, I found out that there are two men of interest, their names are Griff and Young Griff." I started to tell her. "Griff is Jon Connington and Young Griff has Valyrian features, I believe that the young Griff might be a Blackfyre, and Varys wanted to disguise him as the son of the Rhaegar and Elia."

"I see, that way he would be the rightful heir to the Iron throne." She says. "You think the Golden company will come to the Westeros?"

"I don't think, I know, the only question is where, where will they land?" I answer her.

"Wouldn't be the Dorne? After all, if Varys wanted to disguise the Blackfyre as Targaryen, then they would ask for Dorne's assistance." She tells me.

"You thinks so, but Prince Doran would recognize that he isn't his nephew," I explain to her. "There nothing we can do until they arrive, but once they arrive, word will spread that the young Griff is the rightful heir to the Iron throne, I want you to start spreading the word that he's a Blackfyre and that he brings foreign army, to destroy our lands."

"Should I start spreading it now?" She asks.

"Yes, the word will pick up, once they arrive, and it will be too late for them to counter it," I tell her.

"Very well, leave it to me." She says.

"Can you find me ser Davos? I will need him." I ask her.

"I will send him to you." She replies.

After some time, and checking the reports over and over again, I hear a knocking on my door, thinking that it might be ser Davos, I tell him to come in. Without looking up I bid him take a seat, as he doesn't greet me, I take a look at him and don't see ser Davos, but a random man with a knife in his hand.

"Will you tell me, who has sent you?" I ask in a calm voice and reach for a knife under my table.

"I am sorry, so sorry." He says and plunges at me.

Kicking my table at him, and making some distance as well blocking him, I quickly stand up and ready my knife. He looks at me with tears running out of his eyes, and again attacks me, dodging him by leaning to the side, I swing my own knife at him, it only grazes him as he steps back. He again tries to cut me, but this time I catch his hand and plunge my knife to his right armpit and kick him into the gut and he falls.

Taking a look at the assassin and the mess we have made, I leave my solar, to look at the empty hallway, it might be a good thing that my kingsguard have left with Margaery, otherwise, she would be the first target.

After few moments I see Ser Balon coming with ser Davos, taking a look at them as they look at me surprised that I am not in my solar, I motion for them to follow me. Getting inside my solar they see the dead body and ser Balon gets ready to draw his sword. Ordering him to stop, I step over the body and look at them.

"Nobody is to find out about it," I tell them. "He was a sorrowful man, someone has sent him to assassinate me."

"Your Grace, I should have been here, I apologize, but we need to raise the alarm, there might be more of them." Ser Balon tells me.

"That why we must not alarm them, you and your order have to be always near me or queen Margaery, ser Davos I need you to find out if everything about this man, how he got to the red keep, question every guard and servant," I order them.

"Very well, don't worry your grace, I will find out everything about him." Ser Davos says.

"Understood, your grace, someone will always be by your side or queens Margaery's." Ser Balon tells me.

"Good, clean this up, and afterward I want you to gather the small council." I tell ser Davos and leave.

So it has begun, traitors will show up with Aegon's appearance.