
The city of shadows

V is not your ordinary detective stuck in future . he is pretty mad, unlike the usual detectives. He doesn't have ethics, super memory, or psyche. He relies on his lucky gun and ocd to solve crimes.

Pixiom · Urban
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3 Chs

V Is for Vendetta

In the city's heart, neon lights flickered, and shadows danced. A figure known only as V lived there. He was not a hero or a villain but a vigilante with a vendetta against injustice. V wore a mask to remain anonymous, and his true identity was a mystery to everyone. His presence was felt in the whispers of the oppressed and the shivers down the spines of the corrupt.

One night, V's attention was drawn to a series of disappearances among the city's homeless population. Rumours spoke of a covert operation, a shadowy organization preying on the vulnerable for their twisted gains. V set out to uncover the truth behind these disappearances. His journey led him down the city's dark alleys and forgotten corners, where danger lurked in every shadow.

As V delved more profound, he discovered a web of corruption that reached high into the echelons of power. Politicians, business people, and even law enforcement were entangled in the sinister scheme, disregarding the suffering of the oppressed.

With righteous fury burning in his veins, V orchestrated a series of calculated strikes against the perpetrators. He hacked into their networks, exposed their secrets to the world, and delivered swift justice to those who thought themselves above the law.

The city buzzed with speculation and fear as V's vendetta unfolded. Some hailed him as a hero, a symbol of resistance against tyranny. Others dismissed him as a dangerous vigilante, threatening the fragile balance of power. But V cared not for accolades or condemnation. His mission was clear—to stand against oppression, to fight for the voiceless, and to remind the powerful that no one is beyond accountability.

And so, under the cloak of night, V continued his crusade, a silent guardian in a city that needed a reminder that justice was not just a word—it was a promise worth fighting for.

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