
Chapter 16 - Magic Competition?

Perfected Atomic/Nuclear Power - Legendary

Has perfect control of Nuclear/Atomic Power. Can control the atoms of anything that does not have Qi, than the user, including weapons/items that are not a higher rating then Legendary. By controlling the atoms of objects, the user can disintegrate them, or change them into completely different object, of shapes or sizes. Does not affect living beings, however it the skill disintegration is used on them, they will take damage equal to 100% of the user's qi, and if they do not die, they will temporarily lose all their stats for the next 7 days.

Cool Down - None

Cost - 1000 Qi - 10000 Qi. Based on the size of the object from less than 10m - 100m

Sub Skill:

Final Explosion - Mythical

The user, can control nuclear power/atomic power to destroy the user's atoms, creating a self explosion dealing damage equal to 50000% of the user's total main stats combined, including HP, and Qi multiplied by 2, uses all of the users Qi, and 99% of the users HP. The blast radius will be 50,000 km, and induce radiation poisoning to all living beings within 100,000 km of the blast radius. Radiation poisoning will cause all living beings depending on the proximity of the blast. By using 1,000 km as 1%, and will decrease from 1 km at 100% to 100,000 km at 1%. Living Beings affected will lose 50% of their stats, and take 1% - 100% true damage(negating, all shields, armors, and damage reduction) based on the user's total stats including HP, and Qi times 2, depending on the proximity of the explosion each day, for 7 days. The user, will then lose 99.9% of their stats for the next month.

Cool Down - None

Cost - All of Qi, and 99% of Users HP.

Sub Skill:

Nuclear Bomb - Legendary

Creates a Nuclear Blast from 0m - 10000m staring from the center of the user. Dealing, 100% of the User's Qi x 5. The blast range, will be a set 500 km, and can be increased by 50km per 50,000 qi added as well as a 5% damage increase.

Cool down - 30 minutes

cost 10% users qi.

level 0/0 xp 0/1000


"So...Old Man, where is that artifact you were going to give me?" asked Tang Yao

"IMPOSSIBLE!" shouted the Old Man, who then started to grab his head, and rolling around on the floor.

"Uh.. Old Man, are you having a seizure?" asked Tang Yao


"Maybe, you should let Gandalf, calm down a bit, Honey." said a beautiful women.

"Yeah, you should let him calm down a bit, before you ask him for that artifact. Oh by the way, she is the leader of the Archer Guild Marirosa." said Gazef.

"Hm, I see. I'll give him 30 minutes, then I'll ask him again." said Tang Yao


Meanwhile, in Gandalf's head.

"No! No! NO! This can't be happening! This type of magic, can't be possible! THERE NEEDS TO BE A SET LIMIT ON THESE SPELLS!' though Gandalf in his head. 'I'm Gandalf the great! One of the best wizards in the world, masters of thousands of spells. A being feared by many! But, now I can't even compare to a small child! His spells, have NO LIMITS, they can grow as big, and becomes stronger than even the most feared spells in world!'

Everyone was just looking at Gandalf, who rolling around on the floor and clutching his head while muttering something along the lines of, "This! Breaks! The! Rules! It! Can't! Be! Possible!"


"I think this Old Guy has Schizophrenia" said Tang Yao, completely oblivious to the fact this his spells, don't adhere to the rules of this world.

A few minutes later, Gandalf, has finally calmed down, and was getting up before Tang Yao said this, "Hey Gandalf, are you done with your seizure? I'm still waiting for my Artifact."


"What about them?" asked Tang Yao, "I just want my artifact..."

"Who cares about the artifact! If your nurtured properly, you can be the most feared magician on the planet! A simple fireball, can destroy kingdoms! Join me, I'll show the ways of wizardry!" shouted Gandalf.

"Hey! Hey! Gazef, I think this old man really lost it this time." whispered Tang Yao to Gazef.


"SO! What Do YOU SAY?! Will you join me?!" shouted Gandalf.

"No." said Tang Yao

"Hey kid, are you sure? This old man, believe or not is one of the top 10 wizards on this continent." said Gazef.

"Yeah, No. I don't want to be with the Schizophrenic Old Man." said Tang Yao



"I don't care, I just want my artifact. Also, your a little bit Cuckoo... If I join you, I won't have any time to adventure either." said Tang Yao.

"Kid, I'll compromise with you, I'll teach you some spells, and I'll give you an artifact of your choosing like I said. BUT! You, have to join this magic competition for me, as my disciple. If you win this competition, you have a chance to get a Legendary item, or learn forbidden spells." said Gandalf.

"Hmm, when is this Magic Competition?" Asked Tang Yao

"It is in 1 week, however the minimum level requirement is level 100, and the maximum, is level 250, so you have to get 51 levels, in 1 week." said Gandalf.

"That shouldn't be difficult, I'll also grow way stronger when I complete my Tier 2 advancement, and after that, I should level up to level 50, so I can complete my Tier 3 advancement, and after that I think, I should have enough time to reach level 100, and complete my Tier 4 advancement." said Tang Yao.


At this point everyone thought, 'If he is this strong as a Tier 1 player, how strong will he be as a Tier 4 player?'

"Alright, then it's a deal, If you win the competition, I may give you a special reward as well, but first I'll teach you these spells." said Gandalf.

"Mana Barrier, Fly, Telekinesis, Meteor, Black Hole, Spell Overdrive, Analeptic, Blizzard, Accelerate, Hell Fire, Silence, Familiar Summon, Gravitational Control, and Puppet." said Gandalf, "Also follow me, I'll show you which artifacts you can choose from, though I recommend you choose a wand, as it will increase your spells power, and Qi capacity, and regeneration.


While Gandalf was listing the spells he was going to teach Tang Yao everyone else was thinking, 'WTF ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? CREATE A NATURAL DISASTER? METEOR?? BLACK HOLE?! ARE TRYING TO DESTROY THE CONTINENT?'

Tang Yao followed Gandalf to his treasury to pick out a spell wand for Tang Yao, as he passed through a few corridors, there was a large door made of an unknown material, and inscriptions all over the walls, and doors.

Gandalf said something in a weird language, while hovering with light coming out of his eyes, before the gigantic door opened. "Follow me." said Gandalf before entering the room, that was filled with Armour, wands, and gold.

"This is the first time, I've let a stranger into my treasury, if you dare touch anything, or take anything without permission, you will suffer a unimaginable consequence" said Gandalf, before leading Tang Yao into a room behind the treasury, with 5 sticks hovering, in what appears to be glass cases, with a lighting barrier around them, and inscriptions all over them.

"Choose one of these 5." said Gandalf.

Tang Yao looked at all 5 sticks, and was observing their stats.

[The Great Wand of Merlin]

+500% Mana,

+550% Spell Power

+700% Intelligence

-75% Spell CD

-90% Spell Cost

-50% Casting Time

Hidden Skills not view able.

[The Great Wand of Dumbledore]

+800% Mana,

+500% Spell Power

+570% Intelligence

-75% Spell CD

-90% Spell Cost

-50% Casting Time

Hidden Skills not view able.

Most of the wands, had the same effects, and none of them had any noticeable things about them, however something caught Tang Yao's attention, it was a stick in the corner of the room.

"I choose that stick" said Tang Yao pointing to the stick in the corner.

"Eh? What?! That stick, that's just a regular old stick, it doesn't do anything important." said Gandalf,

"Now hurry up and choose one of these 5 sticks."

"EH? But, I really want that stick in the corner." said Tang Yao

"Fine, Fine You can take that stick with you when you leave but, first choose one of these sticks, It'll help you immensely."

"Fine, I choose The Great Wand of Merlin." said Tang Yao

"Good choice, here you go. You can also take that stick if you really want." said Gandalf.

Tang Yao examined the two sticks he got.

[The Great Wand of Merlin - Pseudo Legendary]

+500% Mana,

+550% Spell Power

+700% Intelligence

-75% Spell CD

-90% Spell Cost

-50% Casting Time

Hidden Skill - Spell Storage

Can store 100 premade spells, and release them whenever needed.

[Splinter of the Great Stick Emperor's Staff - Godly 1/8]

+1000% Mana

+750% Spell Power

+1000% Intelligence

-95% Spell CD

-99% Spell Cost

-90% Casting Time

+5% Qi Regeneration/sec in combat and out of combat.

- Any spell or skilled used, while using this stick will increase damage by 500%.

- Sage's Eyes - Can analyze/appraise anything, and give full detail on it, and can increase concentration by 1 hour, awareness by 1 mile, spells used with have a 100% accuracy, Illusions have no effect, you can see curses, and hidden effects that normally can not be seen.

*Option available, combine with Whacking Stick.*

Tang Yao decided to combine both of the stick with his whacking stick.

Whacking Stick - Godly Growth Weapon

Current Status - Gold

Level 49/1000

- deals additional 12158 DMG

- +1000% Damage to any skills using the Stick

- Shuteye's Awareness Skill - Reveals all enemies, and locations within 50 meters, and debuff's enemies stats by 75% for 2 seconds.

- +50 Agility

- +50 Dexterity

+ 1500% Mana

+ 1300% Spell Power

+ 1700% Intelligence

- 99% Spell CD

- 99% Spell Cost

- 99% Casting Time

+ 5% Qi Regeneration/sec in combat and out of combat.

- Spell Storage - Can store 100 premade spells, and release them whenever needed.

- Sage's Eyes - Can analyze/appraise anything, and give full detail on it, and can increase concentration by 1 hour, awareness by 1 mile, spells used with have a 100% accuracy, Illusions have no effect, you can see curses, and hidden effects that normally can not be seen.

- Bound to Player Dip Stick, can not be dropped, or traded.

A stick that fell from the skies.

- Stick can consume other weapons/armour to receive it's abilities and stats. Can only consume 1 armour/weapon of each Tier.

- Fragmented 2/8