

what happens when a god like being gets reincarnated into a world of fantasy cultivation. ....as... ......a..... ......plant...... follow the story of Thrivax, as she grows into a being that will move the multiverse to its core, striving to protect both friends, lover and family ==================================== the picture is not mine ,

Suleman_abdulazeez · Fantasie
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100 Chs


I decided to put my plane into action, and the first thing I have to do is lean how to see, but even if I do not have eyes or any of my sensing organs I can still fell the abundance of energy in the environment, and that tells me allot, because with the energy I n the environment I can perform some minor spells. Even if I do not know how I look or what type of creature I am, as long as I can sense the energy I will be able to use some minor abilities, and if I can manipulate it to my liking I will even be able to see what I look like.

So with the plane in place I got stated in trying to manipulate the energy in the environment, just like mother told me that golden voxt(fish) was doing in other to use it skills.

I fist tried to sense the energy to a more adequate degree, and in trying to do that I noticed that this particular energy was a lot more lighter to manipulate then the energy I knew, because it did not even take me an hour to fully get a hold of the energy. This made me very happy until I remembered what my mother said about energy cultivation.

(Flash back)

Woman: lestine Thrivax just because one type of energy is more easer to manipulate than its other counterparts those not mean it is potent with power. More often than not those type of energies have less power than their harder counterpart, because the harder it is to manipulate a specific type of energy the more potent with power it is.

(flash back ends )

However, as I stated absolving the energy into my body, I felt a large bust of power in me, as if something that was locking me down has been broken