
The chosen 7

A godly being appeared 200 hundred thousand years ago granting the world magic. 7 artifacts, 7 people, these 7 people have been chosen too do one thing. Be The Strongest and protect the world.

ThePurpledDerp2 · Fantasie
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7 Chs


200 thousand years ago....

Somewhere in small village rain pouring down with the sounds of thunder in the sky filling the silence of the empty woods surrounding the village "Father when is the rain gonna stop?" A young girl named Sarah asked her father "Only time will tell honey" Her father the chief of the village replied, While waiting for the storm to subside something interesting happened. Something really interesting.

As the villagers were moving the foods inside their storage area lightning struck the center of the village shattering crates of food "ALEX WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" the chief yelled running towards the center of the village "I don't know sir we were moving food inside the storage and lightning just struck and destroyed 4 crates" Alex not hesitating to respond "Ah. What a wonderful village" A ominous voice spoke in the middle of the village as a mysterious hooded man holding a scythe walked out of the smoke.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" The chief yelled gripping a spear in his hand "Me? There's no point telling a dead man my identity" The Hooded man said gripping his scythe "MEN BATTLE POSITIONS! I don't think our guest is gonna be friendly" The chief yelled as the villagers surrounded the hooded man "Tell me do you really think you can beat me mortal?" The hooded man spoke walking still gripping his scythe ready for battle "I do belive that" The Chief replied "Foolish."

"ATTACK!!" The chief yelled as he threw a spear at the man which was quickly blocked with a flying shield "W-what the?" The chief quietly said looking in fear of the flying shield "Let me ask you again mortal. Do you think you can win?" The hooded man said as the shield floated behind him "DON'T GIVE INTO FEAR MEN ATTACKK!!" The chief roared gaining his composure.

The villagers started charging at the man in attempt to strike him down "Futile." the man said blocking a villager's spear with a sword covered in a dark mist "Go." The man coldly said as another sword resembling a katana appeared and started fending off some of the villagers attack "now you will die." The man said rushing with his scythe slicing villagers at lightning fast speed.

"WHAT ARE YOU?!" The Chief yelled in pain on the ground as his legs had some cuts because of the hooded man "Like I said a dead man doesn't need to know my identity." the hooded man said raising his scythe to deal the finishing blow "STOP!!" A voice yelled making the hooded man stop his attack and look to the direction of the voice "STOP IT MY FATHER DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" Sarah yelled standing in front of her father shielding him "SARAH GET OUT OF HERE HE'S DANGEROUS HE WILL KILL YOU!" The chief yelled asking his daughter to run "Please you can kill me but don't kill my daughter please" The chief sobbed begging the hooded man to spare his daughter's life.

"... Return" The hooded man said as the floating weapons flew back to him and disappeared "Girl I shall listen to your father's plead leave now or I will kill you." The hooded man said staring at Sarah "NO! I WON'T LEAVE MY FATHER" Sarah yelled and she started crying "Sarah please just go I don't want you to die alongside me" The Chief begged his daughter to go "But Fathe-" Sarah cutted off by the hooded man placing his hand on her shoulder standing behind her revealing glowing purple eyes.

"foolish girl I gave you a chance and now you'll die." The hooded man said standing up and readying to kill Sarah "NO PLEASE!" The Chief yelled crying. "You are lucky little girl. I will spare you and your father's life but the rest of you village will crumble." The hooded man said as he started to destroy the village leaving nothing behind "Leave before I change my mind. let the world know The Reaper King has arrived." The hooded man said before disappearing into a dark mist.