
The chosen 7

A godly being appeared 200 hundred thousand years ago granting the world magic. 7 artifacts, 7 people, these 7 people have been chosen too do one thing. Be The Strongest and protect the world.

ThePurpledDerp2 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

As soon as the group got into the car, the driver immediately stated flying it towards Airyl's house "Oh yeah guys you wanna stay the night at my place?" Airyl said while looking out the window "If it's okay with your parents sure" Zach replied finishing cleaning his scythe "Of course it's fine we have plenty of guest bedrooms" Airyl's mom replied from the front seat "If it's like that sure we'll have a sleepover" Jack said high-fiving Adam.

After about an hour they finally reached the house "Wow dude your house is so cool" Ariff said admiring the large mansion "So many artifacts, I'm impressed" Kesvin said examining the different types on weapons in glass boxes, "yeah my dad likes to collect weapons he's trying to find a legendary grade weapon" Airyl replied walking up stairs towards his room "Oh and don't worry about clothes we have almost every size, I don't know why but we do" Airyl said before closing his rooms door.

"ZACH WAKE UP WERE GONNA BE LATE!" Jack yelled banging on Zach's door "What the hell do you want it's so early" Zach replied half asleep "TODAY'S THE FIELD TRIP NOW WAKE UP" Jack continued yelling as he kept banging on the door "Fine fine, I'm already awake anyways, come on" Zach said lazily as he walked pass Jack "What the, when did you exit the room I was in front of the door" Jack asked looking at Zach and back at the door, "HEY WAIT UP" Jack yelled as the both of them walked towards the front door.

"Look who's late" Adam said looking at his watch "Hehehe sorry sorry" Zach replied rubbing the back of his head "Whatever let's go" Airyl said as he started walking towards the school as the rest followed, After 10 minutes of walking they arrived at school with some time to spare "I'm hungry let's get breakfast" Zach said his stomach growling "Uh we already ate" Ariff replied "Oh well I'll just get food for myself then" Zach said as he started walking to the cafeteria "Yo Zach! Catch" Airyl shouted tossing 30 dollars to Zach "Thanks dude see you in class" Zach replied as he continued walking towards the cafeteria while the rest entered the classroom.

"Look guys the losers are here" Erick the strongest student said laughing with his friends "Shut up you jerk" Ariff replied getting annoyed "Oh look guys the shorty is getting angry, boohoo go cry to your mommy" Erick mocked as he continued laughing along with his friends, Sandy was about to speak up until someone cut off the laughing "Shut up you ugly emo" Zach said as he walked into the class "U-Ugly Emo?" Erick said getting angry "Yeah look at you man, Wearing all black, eyeliner, makeup, oh and also the makeup still makes you look ugly" Zach said sitting down as he started eating a burger.

"Heh, I'm the strongest student you 7 can only dream of beating me, so your insults mean nothing" Erick scoffed as he sat down "Nice one dude" Adam said high-fiving Zach. "alright class is everybody here?" Mr Jacob asked as he entered the classroom "Yes sir everybody is here" Sandy said replying to the teacher, "Okay then good, everyone form a line and exit the school, after that form a line in front of the bus." Mr Jacob said instructing the class on what to do.

After the class got into the bus, the driver immediately stated driving "Dude this is gonna be such a fun field trip" Jack said peeking his head from behind the seat "yeah yeah, BUT WHY DO I HAVE TO SIT BESIDE HER?!" Zach yelled pointing at Sandy "Consider yourself lucky you got to sit beside me" Sandy replied "I hate you so much you know" Zach said glaring at Sandy "I know you told me already Zachy-" Sandy said cutting herself off at the end by covering her mouth "Zachy? Seriously?" Zach said looking at her with an eyebrow raised "You heard me" Sandy replied looking down at her phone slightly embarrassed "Whatever nerd" Zach said putting on his headphones.

"ZACH WAKE UP!" Sandy yelled waking up Zach "WHAT?!" Zach yelled back being annoyed and half asleep "You fell asleep you idiot everyone already left" Sandy said looking at him with an angry look "Huh? Oh well let's go" Zach said getting up and grabbing her hand pulling her towards the entrance of the museum making Sandy slightly blush "Let go of my hand stupid I can walk by myself" Sandy said pulling her hand back "If you say so" Zach said running inside the museum.

"BRO! Don't tell me you fell asleep on the bus" Airyl said running towards Zach and Sandy "He did, I had to wake him up" Sandy replied looking smug "Nobody asked you too" Zach said glaring at Sandy "Uhh Zach I don't think you shouldn't anger her, she could destroy us both" Airyl whispered to Zach "Just go to the group I'll handle this" Zach replied asking Airyl to go back to their friend group "Good luck" Airyl said running as fast as he can to avoid the fury of Sandy.

After a while of arguing they finally stopped bickering and decided to sit on a bench placed inside the museum while their class was buying stuff from the gift shop "You know, I never noticed your eyes were purple" Sandy said removing the awkward silence between them "Hm? Oh yeah no one really notices ahaha" Zach replied laughing slightly "They look nice" Sandy said smiling slightly "Thanks I guess" Zach replied smiling back "You don't seem so bad Zach" Sandy said continuing their conversation.

"Psst Airyl" Adam whispered signaling him to come over "What's up?" Airyl said looking at Adam confused "look out the there" Adam said pointing at Zach and Sandy laughing on the bench outside the store "Oh my god" Airyl said his jaw dropping, Meanwhile with Zach and Sandy "You guys seriously argue about driving services?" Sandy said chuckling slightly "Oh daily it's kinda a routine" Zach said wiping some tears from his eyes "Oh the class finished buying stuff from the store" Zach said looking at the class exiting the gift shop "Mhm let's go I guess" Sandy said getting up and walking towards the class Zach following behind.

"Yo Zach look it's the thing you asked me to buy" Jack said tossing a stuffed dragon to him "Thanks" Zach replied catching the stuffed dragon holding it in his arms "Hey guys" Sandy said making the 7 friends looking back at her "AHH DON'T BEAT US UP WE DID NOTHING" Kesvin yelled hiding behind Jack "That stuffed dragon looks adorable" Sandy said looking at the stuffed dragon in Zach's arm ignoring Kesvin's yelling "This is not gonna end good, Zach never gives his stuffed animals up" Ariff said hiding behind Adam.

"Oh this thing?" Zach said looking down at the stuffed dragon in his arms "Yeah it looks cute" Sandy replied smiling "If you want it, here you go" Zach said handing out the hand with the stuffed dragon shocking his friends "Really? Thanks!" Sandy said grabbing the stuffed dragon hugging it tightly, Sandy decided to walk alongside the 7 friends, walking beside Zach who was looking down at his phone.

"Alright class were going to the staff exhibit next, now remember class behave yourself and do not touch anything." Mr Jacob said guiding the class inside the exhibit "Let's go" Sandy said grabbing Zach's hand catching him off guard and prooceeded to run towards the entrance of the exhibit and entering it.
