

For an instance, his physical appearance is only her basis but whenever she looked at him, the whole world stops from spinning and her eyes glares in excitement. The red shirt of him was attractive on his white fair skin and at this chapter, the man still looks hot and charming as ever. We all knew that red represent the color of love. Miranda had thought and asked herself, Why does everytime he saw the man, he wears red shirt. But remember the fourth chapter, the man wears white shirt and when you combine both colors, it means white as purity and red as love thus, the purity of his love. Sometimes we need to look for its meaning this doesn't about over thinking on something this is only called the probability of admiration. In love, this doesn't applied any formula and theories, your heart is the only asset. They say when we fell inlove, we become dumb, we cannot control ourselves and sometimes we became desperate but this is only called fake love. If you say love in real, it goes with the flow, none became desperate and none became dumb but they only relies on what they felt. Once again, when you admire someone look for its pattern and sign, acknowledge your inner voice on what is telling you. Follow it and find the answer of what it is asking for. Don't let yourself burden from thinking 'might be' or 'he probably' instead look for its possibilities, give signal to yourself and do what is needed. You will never know if its love if you won't acknowledge external signs and internal patterns of love. Admiring someone is something you cannot explain, it occurs as a lasting questions in your mind that you cannot answer as you always thought everything has a meaning. Be careful on your heart. Be gentle. Right man will come at the right time, if its your time. Miranda taught us, that admiring is indeed a love but it has advantages. Love gently.

Thank you!!!

Miranda saw his crush again at 1PM!

I did really hurriedly write this, yohoo!!