
The Chaos Chronicles

This is The first book in The Chaos Chronicles Saga. This book introduces The Simulacra. The first of The Three Siblings. I hope your ready for a great journey as a group of kids fight for the existence of The World This Story is no longer Updated.

A_Masked_Writer · Fantasie
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The Rise of The Simulacra: The Battle of Walmart Part 1

Brandon ducks again and yells, There here!!! Brandon decides that he needs to move so he waits until the gunfire stops then runs. He runs for it, he feels confident as he runs and turns the corner to go meet up with the others When He feels pain in his leg and falls to the ground. Brandon looks at his leg and sees a bullet wound. Fuck, said Brandon grabbing a shirt off the rack and using it as a bandage. The barricade falls to the ground and reveals 20 zombies holding guns. Brandon yells one more, There Here!!!!!! Brandon looks to the zombies who are a few feet away from him and to his surprise the zombie in the front starts talking in a raspy voice, the queen wants them alive. After the zombie speaks the rest of the zombies start walking to Brandon. Brandon gets up and tries to run but hits a cart and sends him to the ground in pain. One zombie goes to grab Brandon but gets shot in the head and drops to the ground. Brandon looks up to see alex holding an AK-47, Alex grabs Brandon and tells the others to take him to the office area. Brandon blacks out as he sees alex hold off the zombies.