
The Chaos Champion of God (Omniverse x Male OC) (OC x Harem)

Four people have been summoned forth by a being high above, the four strongest across the entire Omniverse, summoned by this being! A particular young male finds himself summoned to a realm far above any kind of existence, a place where the one True God presides over all Multiverses! Summoned to become one of his champions that will travel across the many different worlds with the goal of maintaining peace and tranquillity across all worlds. But, will these champions be able to protect the entire Omniverse from a threat whose power is far beyond anything those of the lower worlds can even possibly hope to comprehend? Follow along as these immensely powerful champions hold the responsibility of saving all of existence and non-existence from this threat!

TrueRisingFTW · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

The Four Champions





At the present time, a young man who appeared to be around the age of thirteen or so could be seen currently flying through the sky with a pair of black feathery wings sprouting from his back with crimson lines running along them. The wings being rather defined as they were decently sharp and had an impressive length of three or so meters for each wing.

From what could be seen, the male had straight black hair along with fair skin and a lean yet built body, also having a pair of silver bright eyes. His attire consisting of a tight black t-shirt that stuck well to his body along with tight black pants, wearing a pair of tall white metal boots with black soles as well as a single black fingerless glove on his right hand.

The male also seemed to have a pair of white headphones on his head as he was flying through the sky. Speaking of, the male appeared to be flying at incredibly fast speeds as ripples were made in the air and the clouds were being pushed out of the way due to the speed in which he was going at. He didn't even appear to be trying either.

This person was none other than Nathan Skyline, a young male, but a powerful one indeed. Despite his appearance, he was most definitely not someone to underestimate, he had the capabilities to destroy entire Multiverses with ease if truly he tried. Having been born into a world where combat was a normal thing, and the supernatural was common.

While he may appear human, aside from the wings on his back, he was actually a hybrid between two different races. He was truly a half Angel and half Demon, making him more powerful than both races as he was a tandem between their two lifeforms.

Nathan started to slow down as he looked down at the landscape before him, he was currently looking for something that he could fight. In all honesty, he was bored. Being as powerful as he was, there was truly no challenge that he could easily find in this world any longer. His power had surpassed every other being, despite having been so young.

"Hm? What the heck is that?"

Nathan suddenly stopped his flight immediately as he narrowed his eyes in front of him, having stopped due to some kind of golden ball of light that had suddenly formed in front of him. He stared at it suspiciously as he didn't know what it was nor where it came from, so he needed to be cautious of what it was.

He could feel it, otherworldly energy radiating off of it, and powerful energy as well. He could sense the immense power that radiated off of it, and it made him that much warier. Whoever created it must be powerful if it held this much power, and he could swear that he can sense something insane from within this orb.

"Greetings, young man."

"Wha-!" Nathan widened his eyes as he flew back a bit in surprise by the sudden voice that was produced through the orb. He then heard a small chuckle coming from it as it was flashing repeatedly, he just listened as the voice then said. "There is no need to be alarmed, young man. I assure you, I mean you no harm."

"Okay..." Nathan said as he narrowed his eyes. He relaxed a little bit as he could sense that there was sincerity in this voice, but that didn't mean he was going to completely drop his guard just yet. "Then tell me, who are you?"

"That shall be explained soon, for now though..."

"Huh? What the?!" Nathan widened his eyes when he noticed his body glowing bright golden light, he stared at his body in massive confusion as he soon felt his consciousness leaving him as his vision was turning white. Though, he did hear the voice speak just right before he passed out.

"We shall meet each other soon."


"Ugh... my head."

Nathan's voice could be heard in what appeared to be a massive room of what appeared to be the inside of a palace, the interior being mainly white along with golden accents. Nathan was seen pushing himself off the ground as he shook his head to remove the dizziness that he was currently feeling due to just waking up.

He couldn't really remember too well, but he knew for a fact that whoever that voice belonged to was the reason he fell unconscious. He looked around at his surroundings in confusion after having forced himself to stand up, the location he was currently in being a place he was not familiar with in the slightest.

'This energy... it feels just like the energy that those gods I fought produced. But, this feels way out of their league, it's so powerful...' Nathan thought to himself as he felt the energy that this entire room produced. He retracted his wings back into his back as he began walking around in confusion as he tried to determine where he was.

Was it possible that this energy was being emitted by whoever that voice belonged to? If that was certainly the case, then just who was the person that spoke to him? They didn't have and hostility in their tone when speaking, so he can at least tell they weren't an enemy. But, he could also very much tell that they were immensely powerful, far beyond even the Elder Gods that he fought back in his world.

"Eh? Who's that?" Nathan suddenly stopped walking as he noticed something laying down on the ground near where he was. He looked to see that it was a male, who seemed to be unconscious as he was lying unmoving on the ground. Nathan widened his eyes before running on over to him. "Oi! Are you alright?"

Nathan knelt down to the person as he began shaking the body of the male, who wasn't moving even after that. Nathan frowned, though widened his eyes when he felt something coming from the person that was in front of him.

'This power, he's as strong as I am...! Nathan thought in shock. Whoever this person was, he had no doubt in his mind could give him a run for his money in a fight. He could tell they weren't radiating the energy of the person who spoke to him prior, but this dude's power was no joke either! "Hey, wake up, man! Are you okay?"

"H-Huh? Where..." Nathan sighed in relief as he saw the male starting to regain consciousness as he looked up from the ground in confusion. The male appearing to be around the age of sixteen or so, having slightly pale skin and golden eyes, his hair being a vibrant red colour. The male staggered as he stood up, to which he soon looked at Nathan. "Eh? Who are you?"

"The name's Nathan Skyline, nice to meet you. Are you alright? You were lying unconscious there." Nathan asked with worry as he helped support the male to the nearby wall, which the older male soon used to lean against as he nodded and gave a small towards Nathan.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Nathan." Nathan just waved it off with a smile on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest. The red-haired male looking around in confusion at the unfamiliar environment he was currently in. "Do you know where we are by chance? Oh, my name is Yuto Kazuma! It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Same. Also, I, unfortunately, do not. I actually woke up here not too long ago as well, I'm just as confused as you are about this situation."

"I see, did you happen to talk to this golden orb before finding yourself here?"

"Yeah, actually! Same to you?"

"Yep. They didn't seem to be an enemy, but, what exactly do they want from us if they teleported us here?" Yuto wondered. Nathan couldn't agree anymore as he wanted answers as well, to which he then saw Yuto pushing himself off the wall and stretched a few times. "Whatever this place is, it gives off a pretty strong pressure."

"Agreed. Are you sure you should be walking? Are you gonna be okay?"

"Me? Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm pretty strong if I say so myself, and you're the same if whatever I'm feeling from you is anything to go by." Yuto grinned as Nathan chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. Nathan then looked towards a hallway in the distance of the room they were in.

"Well, how about we go for a walk around. We may find some answers if we do that." Nathan suggested as he gestured towards the entranceway. Yuto looked towards where Nathan was pointing and nodded his head. "Sounds like a plan. Let's get going, but stay on guard, we don't know what kind of dangers lurk here."

"Loud and clear."


It had been around twenty minutes now since the two of them had first met, and had been walking around the place to try and find out just where it was. But, no matter where they went, the place just seemed to be completely unfamiliar to the both of them. Now, they could currently be seen standing within what appeared to be a throne room.

As they went around the place prior to arriving in this room, they had visited the other areas within the place already, and it was actually very large in size. If they had to say, it was the size of a large mansion as it pretty much had everything a mansion did, including bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and more. Except the place was mainly white and gold in colour.

"This is the last room, right?" Nathan asked the older male. Yuto nodded his head as they looked around at the place in clear confusion, it was a white room, much like the others, but with a golden path that leads up a small flight of steps that were made of gold and had a golden fancy throne at the end of it. Though, no-one was sitting upon it. "This place is pretty empty..."

"Yeah, and I don't sense any pres- huh?"

Yuto stopped his sentence as both Nathan and him turned as they could sense the power of what appeared to be two other beings heading in their direction, and they could tell that they could probably rival them in power. They kept their guard up as they took their stances, ready for combat if it was needed.

They both narrowed their eyes as they could hear footsteps closing in, footsteps which were coming from the entrance to the room that they had entered through not too long ago. As they waited with held breaths, they watched as the doors to the room slowly opened as the sound of creaking could be heard as it did.

"Look, Orius! There are people here!" The voice of a young girl could be heard, making both Yuto and Nathan blink as they looked at one another. They lowered their stances a bit as they watched as a young girl that appeared to be Nathan's age skip in as another figure soon came following in behind the girl.

"Really? Finally, at last..."

They watched as the second person that came in, who they assumed was this Orius character, if what the girl said was anything to go by. The male appearing to be the same age as Yuto, or maybe a bit older, having slightly tanned skin and a lean yet built body. His hair being a beautiful snow-white and his eyes being icy blue.

From what could be said of his attire, it consisted of an open loose silver long-sleeved jacket that nearly covered over his hands as they reached a small bit past his knuckles, having on slightly baggy black pants and a white belt around his waist. Long black ribbons or something like that were hanging from either side of the male's waist, one being on each side as they fluttered slightly.

The girl that had come in prior to him had neat long silver hair that reached down to her waist along with a small ponytail tied up on the right side of her head, her figure being petite as she had very fair skin and a pair of pink eyes. Her attire consisted of a slightly loose sleeveless white shirt with black frills lining the bottom of it.

She had on a short black skirt and white stocking that reached up past her skirt, along with a pair of black slipons with white soles. Finally, around her neck was a black choker. Both Nathan and Yuto watching as they both entered into the room as the girl was running towards them while waving her wand as the other male ran after her.

"Hello~! Nice to meet you!"

"Uh~... Nice to meet you...?" Nathan replied with a confused look. Though, he seemed a bit overwhelmed by this girl's energetic attitude as she ran up to him and grabbed his hand with both of hers as she shook his hand. She smiled brightly as she then stated. "My name is Fran Crysallia! What's both of your names?"

"Umm, my name is Nathan... Nathan Skyline."

"Yuto Kazuma..."

"Very nice to meet you, Nathan! Yuto!"

"Calm down, Fran. You're overwhelming them." They all turned to look at the third male as he was walking over towards them with a sigh, though soon gave a smile as he held his hand out towards Yuto. "I apologise for her energy, she's been like this ever since I met her before. Nathan and Yuto, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Orius Alinner."

"It's a pleasure, Orius." Yuto nodded as he accepted the handshake from the slightly older male. Nathan doing the same as they also shook hands with one another, Yuto then decided to ask as he was pretty curious, the same going for Nathan. "So, did you guys also happen to wake up in this place by chance?"

"Yeah, we did! That was when I met Orius." Fran explained. Orius seemed to nod to this as he agreed, to which he then further explained to them. "We met each other a bit after waking up, and I assume that it's the same for the both of you, considering your question. But, do you have any idea as to where this is or who brought us here?"

"Unfortunately, we don't." Nathan replied with a shake of his head along with a sigh. "We had tried walking around to look for any clues as to this place, but came up blank as there was really nothing."

"Nathan's right. He even tried to create a portal to get out of here, but something seemed to completely block him. Like some kind of barrier or interruption forcefield that's preventing him from doing so." Yuto added as both Fran and Orius nodded in understanding, though, they both gave curious looks at both Yuto and Nathan.

Just like they had with one another, they could sense the immense power that radiated off of both of the males. While it seemed to be very well hidden, they could still sense the overwhelming power within them, powers that could very well match up with them. Though, that made them wonder, why did the four of them, powerful beings, be sent here? And who was strong enough to hold them here?

"I'm glad to see that all of you have arrived safely."

All four of them widened their eyes at the sudden voice and pressure as they all quickly turned their bodies to look towards who had spoken, what they saw made their eyes widen. They saw what appeared to be a humanoid figure sitting upon the throne that was previously empty, both arms resting on the arms of the throne.

From what could be seen, the figure had the body of a muscular lean human that was completely white in colour. They had a pair of sharp glowing golden eyes along with a strange floating golden crescent-shaped light construct that floated constantly behind the head of the figure, there voice sounding like the combination of both a female and a male speaking at once.

They all shared a look at one another as they could all feel the same thing, the immense power and pressure that the person released. It was beyond anything they had ever felt in their lives, a power that truly felt unsurpassable. It was truly insane as the golden aura that surrounded the figure was divine, a far greater divine aura than anything they had experienced previously.

"There is no need to be alarmed, young champions. I truly do not mean you any harm. I have merely brought you here as I am in need of assistance." The figure explained as they slightly let down their guard as they heard that the voice was sincere. "Oh, and before we continue. Allow me to introduce myself, I am God. The creator of everything within the Omniverse."

"Wait... God? As in capital g?" Yuto asked as the figure chuckled and nodded his head at the male. They all looked at one another in surprise, though it would explain the immense power they were feeling. God then further explained. "I know that in some of your worlds, I have 'died' per say. But, simply note that those versions were simply far weaker avatars of me."

"I see. So, they're basically small amounts of your power taken form?"

"You are correct, young Nathan." God nodded. They all tried to wrap their heads around it as some of them have indeed heard that God in their worlds have perished, but this would explain a lot of things. If they were normal people, then they would definitely not believe this. But, considering their lives, this was just something to add to the list of strange. The top of it at least.

"Okay, God. You told us that you needed assistance with something... What could an all-powerful being such as you would possibly need assistance from beings like us?" Orius asked curiously as he held his chin. If this was truly God, the one and original of them all, then what could beings like them, people who were clearly far weaker, be needed by him/her for?

"Before I explain that. Allow me to tell you that I have selected you four from different worlds specifically due to the fact that you are the four strongest beings across all existence and non-existence." God stated as they all looked at one another. They then looked back at God. "You four are truly gifted as you hold powers others could only dream of. I am in need of beings like you, for I cannot do everything on my own. Despite my status."

"Wait, there's something that even someone like you can't do without help?" Fran asked with widened eyes as the three males were in the same boat. Just what insane thing could be happening that even God can't deal with one his own?

"Your curiosity about that is understandable. But, allow me to address each of you first." God said as he stood up from his throne and walked down the set of stairs before stopping a bit away from them as he pointed towards Orius. "Orius Alinner, the one known as The Monarch of the Olympians. Holding the powers of the gods themselves."

"Olympians? Do you possibly mean the Twelve Olympians?" Nathan asked with curiosity as Fran was just as curious. Yuto didn't seem to know what they were, considering the confused look that he was giving them all. Orius nodded his head at this and replied. "Yep. The likes of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and others as well."

Nathan and Fran were pretty interested, if Orius was this powerful thanks to the powers that were bestowed onto him by these deities. Then that probably meant that they were far more powerful compared to their counterparts from their worlds, the Greek deities were nowhere near as powerful as they were, as well as how powerful they could tell Orius was.

"Huh, that's pretty cool!" Fran said with sparkles in her eyes.

"Umm~? What is this about Olympians?"

"Don't you know about them, Yuto?" Nathan asked the red-haired male. Yuto just shook his head in response, never in his life had he actually heard of these characters before. They assumed that the world he was from must be completely different compared to theirs. "They're the main deities of Greek Mythology."

"I see, so a pantheon?"

"Pretty much, you don't have them?"

"Nope, I have my own kind of deities back in my world."

"Young Yuto is very much correct, he comes from a world where his deities are different from those that you three know of." God added as they all nodded their heads. God then pointed towards Yuto next as he then stated. "Yuto Kazuma, also known in his world as The Walking Calamity."

The other three rose their eyebrows as they looked at Yuto.

"You are a being blessed with the powers to control the wrath of mother nature. Capable of calling forth many different natural disasters." God explained as they all looked impressed as they looked at Yuto, who had his arms crossed over his chest. "Capable of even summoning forth the likes of black holes and much more."

"Woah. So, these natural disasters consist of more than the usual? Like volcanic eruptions and that?" Orius asked as Yuto nodded his head and explained. "Yep, I can call forth black holes that can swallow entire universes, much like what God just said. I can even call forth meteors and cause the likes of celestial bodies or even universes and multiverses to collide with one another."

"Wow, that is pretty cool!"

"And considering that multiple universes, let alone multiverses, can potentially have different laws and concepts. If they were to collide, it would result in simultaneous destruction of them all. Am I right?" Nathan wondered as Yuto answered. "Yep, that's pretty much the gist of it. Though, I only condense the power of them into smaller versions that can fit even into the size of my hand. Don't want to end up killing entire existences out on a whim."

They all nodded in understanding as it was something that could end very badly, and was something that shouldn't be done so thoughtlessly. It was possible to create smaller versions from what they heard, an example being that he could fire smaller versions of meteors and such from his hands as well as creating miniature black holes.

"Alright, the next person up will be Fran." God voiced as they all looked towards the girl in question, who smiled brightly as she held both her closed fists in front of her chest. "Fran Crysallia, also known as The Star Maiden of the Heavens. Wielding the power of all the constellations and the manipulation of Stardust Energy."

"If I'm correct with saying this, you are referring to the constellations of the different families, right? As in the Zodiacs and the Perseus." Nathan questioned as the girl happily nodded towards him. Yuto didn't seem to recognise what the Zodiacs and Perseus were, but knew what constellations were, so he could very well guess what they were referring to. Yuto then asked.

"But, what's this Stardust Energy?"

"Agreed, I have never heard of the term..." Orius nodded in agreement as Nathan was in the same boat. They all looked at the girl, who soon held her open left hand forwards as they watched curiously. They watched with interest as a ball of light blue energy that was glistening suddenly formed in her hands, holding a decent amount of power in it.

"This is Stardust Energy, it's the power that every single star produces. I am able to use it for attacks and also to help me recover if I'm tired." Fran explained as she fired the ball towards the wall, which soon exploded as it didn't seem to damage the room, but caused a large gust of wind that soon calmed down. "So, yeah!"

"That's not all though. Her powers come from the stars across all of existence and non-existence, you can imagine how she is as strong as she is." God chuckled as the boys did understand. Considering the countless stars that were possible across all these multiverses, it was understandable that she was as strong as she was if she drew power from them all.

"Alright. It's your turn now, Nathan!" Fran smiled. God chuckled before pointing towards Nathan as the boy just calmly stood there. "Last but not least. Nathan Skyline, also known from his world as The Heavenly Hellwalker, or The Hands of God."

The other three just looked at Nathan with surprise as their curiosity was piqued.

"Young Nathan. He holds the power to control not only the flames that burn brightly in the netherworld as well as its darkness, but also the divine light of heaven. Not only that, but he is also capable of manipulating both Time and Space."

"Woah... No wonder they gave you those names." Yuto commented with a sweatdrop. Nathan just shrugged with a smile on his face as he soon held a rushing Fran back as she attempted to jump onto his back, her face full of curiosity and amazement after she had heard what God said.

"What do those two last powers entail exactly? I understand the general idea, but is there more to it?" Orius wondered as Nathan seemed to hold his chin in thought as he then answered. "Well, it is more complicated, but I'll give a simple idea. I can do things like fast forward time, slow it down, stop it, increase someone's age, reduce their age, and other things too. For the other part, I can create things like a pocket dimension, call forth portals, alter the space around me, and other things too."

"Wow, I see how you're so powerful..." Orius chuckled as he heard Orius's explanation. Nathan then shrugged before looking over towards God and gave him a curious look as he then decided to ask the question that plagued each of their minds. "So, God. How come you gathered all of us then? If we hold these kinds of powers, what could you possibly need from us?"

"Well, the thing is..."


I hope that you all like the idea behind this, it was just something that piqued my curiosity of writing. So, I hope you enjoy it. Also, if you have the time, I would appreciate if you can review my book.

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