
The change in History and Present

one day earth climate become unstable extremely hot places become cold and coldest mountain started to melt exact that day sky Chang it's colour every single big land was sharing different colors of sky and then boom a sound resonate in earth atmosphere creature that were only myth appear dragon Giant snake Phoenix giant bird insect all fell from the sky and massacre started human try to fight back but it was for nothing the entire earth lose its original specis exact that moment sky started to become clear a giant portal can be seen from that portal voices were resonating on entire earth theywere discussing about earth after long discussion a word resonate in earth that word Chang entire structure and history of earth that word was reset yeah reset after reseting exact same moment repeated them selves but this time something was diffrent when sky colour Chang in entire earth all govt make a annoucemmant that it was plan scientist already know about it and after that tower appear in earth and dungeons started to appear some people disappear and some awaken ability or power but it was not the end into tower those who become climber receive the biggest shock ever after clearing some floor they loss controls of there ability and when they come out side the tower they receive another shock world they knew was changed what change bring these strange tower how did govt know about that if govt know about that why did they not stop this but it was not the end last survived of tower when come out side the tower they lose all the hope what govt did with them why didn't public know about climber return and what was the Oirigin of tower and dungeon

ATOMIC_MOON · Fantasie
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7 Chs

The new beginning

The world had reset, and the scenes that we witnessed before were repeating themselves. Rudra was walking on top of a building, lost in thoughts about fantasy turning into reality. Meanwhile, Sing Jin Woo sat on a chair in a shop, watching the news about climate change. Merton, a boy standing under a tree with his girlfriend, was adjusting his attire, and there was a new character - a student - in the mix.

Every single moment began repeating itself just as before. Then, unexpectedly, a loud booming sound reverberated through the air. The sky seemed to shatter like glass, unveiling a giant blue portal that covered the entire expanse. A dark blue light enshrouded the Earth, accompanied by the booming sound of impending doom. This time, however, something was different. No monsters emerged, and no chaos ensued. Instead of a monster, a colossal tower plummeted from the heavens, captivating the attention of every being on Earth. The tower froze in mid-air, emanating a bright red light and causing a blinding flash.

As the humans regained their senses, they beheld the sight of a towering structure that could be seen from any corner of the globe. They were astounded and in utter disbelief. Amidst all this, Rudra, who stood on the terrace wall, couldn't contain his excitement and surprise. He exclaimed from the top of his lungs, "Hell yeah!"

But his excitement was short-lived as he contemplated the initial notion of turning fantasy into reality. He had anticipated being transported to another world, not witnessing the convergence of fictional towers into the real realm. In his astonishment, Rudra shouted once again, his face filled with amazement, "What?! What is happening? Have fantasies truly come to life? Are the towers from novels appearing in our reality?"

However, before his thoughts could soak in, a booming voice echoed from a speaker, interrupting the moment.

( However, before his thoughts could fully process the situation, a booming voice resonated from a nearby speaker, abruptly interrupting the moment.

"Attention citizens of the world," the voice proclaimed with authority. "We have an important announcement to make concerning the future of our planet."

The voice continued, "Our esteemed scientists have brought to our attention that Earth is currently undergoing a transformative phase, integrating into a larger system. We want to assure you that extensive preparations have been made to ensure a smooth transition, and there is no cause for panic."

"In the days to come, you may witness the appearance of a distinctive system in front of you. Please note that this system will only be visible to those specifically chosen to partake in this extraordinary transformation."

The voice urged, "It is of utmost importance that you refrain from attempting to communicate with this system in any manner. Our scientists have advised against engaging in conversation, as it may result in unpredictable consequences."

Acknowledging the confusion and potential unrest that may arise, the voice conveyed a calming message, "We understand that this may be an unsettling time for many of you. However, we implore you to remain composed and trust in the process. We are diligently working to ensure a seamless transition and will continue to provide updates on any new developments."

The announcement concluded with gratitude, "Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Sincerely, the Government of the World."

Amid this revelation, Rudra, being in India, couldn't contain his excitement. "Fantasy has finally become a reality! Please, tower, choose me!" Overwhelmed with enthusiasm, Rudra lost his balance and accidentally fell from the building. With a rush of air, he swiftly descended, reflecting on the bizarre turn of events. As he plummeted, he couldn't help but raise a middle finger defiantly towards the sky, a mix of sadness and amusement evident on his face.


Sing Jin Woo, sitting in his shop in South Korea, was visibly surprised by the unfolding events. In an excited tone, he exclaimed, "What the hell? Is this real? That tower thing, is it some kind of prank?"

"No, if this were a prank, how do we explain the earlier strange events and that giant pillar?" he mused aloud.

Confusion filled his mind as Sing Jin Woo continued, "But why is the government informing us now? If this is indeed real, they should have given us prior notice and implemented a worldwide curfew."

Realizing that this was not the time to ponder such questions, Sing Jin Woo refocused his thoughts. "I'm not sure if I want to go into that tower, assuming it's real," he admitted. "However, the idea of possessing a taming skill, to tame creatures and control smaller beings... Now that's something I would pursue!"

Lost in his daydreams and letting his imagination run wild, Sing Jin Woo was suddenly taken aback when a strange blue-coloured window materialized before him. The window had a blue background with white, transparent fonts, and an intricate ancient carving adorned its edges.

To his astonishment, the words on the window read:


[You have been chosen to climb the tower]

[May the universe grant you power]

In an instant, Sing Jin Woo vanished from his chair, his surroundings replaced by the unknown.


Meanwhile, in Germany, Merton found himself amid a heartbreaking breakup. His eyes, filled with anguish, tried to mask the turmoil and pain he felt inside. With a glimmer of hope and anticipation, he mustered the courage to ask the girl a question.

"Hey, dear, is this all just a joke?" he implored, his voice carrying a hint of desperation. But his heart sank further as he witnessed the same disgust reflected in her eyes, and she responded with a merciless tone.

"You useless bastard, stop messing with me and go f*ck off somewhere else," she spat, her words laced with venom. With her cruel words delivered, she turned around and walked away, leaving Merton on his knees, his face uplifted, staring at the sky, hoping for the world to collapse upon him.

As if answering his wish, the sky shattered like glass, turning into a vivid blue realm. A colossal pillar descended from above, slicing through the air with a deafening boom. The tower crashed onto the ground, precisely where Merton knelt, but he remained emotionless. His empty eyes bore witness to tears streaming down his cheeks, falling onto the ground in front of him.

In this moment of despair, a strange message materialized in front of Merton, appearing as a holographic screen. The message read:


[You have been chosen to climb the tower]

[May the universe bestow upon you its power]

Without warning, Merton vanished from his place, as if the seat he occupied was left unoccupied, his destination unknown.
