
The CEO Stole Me From My Ex-Husband

When she was giving birth, she learnt that her husband actually loved her sister. For her sister, he wouldn't hesitate to cast her into hell. Everyone looked down on her. Yet they didn't know, she had already caught the eye and captured the heart of another man, a man of overwhelming power...

Mu Mu · Urban
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150 Chs

Chapter 109: Never Allow Her to Divorce

On the phone, Yan Jianguo's loud voice was filled with fury, "Do you know your mom had a heart attack and is hospitalized? Beicheng has even dropped his work to come with Ya'er, and here you are, god knows where, fooling around! Get your ass to the First Hospital now!"

"Mom's hospitalized?" Yan Xiaye was startled, her scattered pupils focusing once again, and without thinking, she rushed to the roadside to hail a taxi, "How is she, is it serious? What did the doctor say?"

"Hmph, it's all because you can't handle your family affairs properly, making your mom worry about you at her age." Yan Jianguo cursed under his breath, not saying a word about the instigator Yan Shuirou, "I'm telling you, as long as I'm alive, I absolutely won't allow you to divorce Beicheng!"

Getting into the taxi, Yan Xiaye hurriedly gave the address and frowned at her phone, "How exactly is my mom's health? Moreover, you know that I am considering divorce because of what Yan Shuirou did..."