
CHAPTER 26: Does my boss really love me? (2).

Charlie began to laugh; "little bunny, don't worry" Charlie said; "but what if she tries to do something to me?" Eve asked fear obvious on her face;

"Didn't I tell you not to worry about that, I will make sure that no harm will come to you, my little bunny, so just relax and enjoy your dinner" said Charlie; Eve nods her head but halted and looks at Charlie;

"Wait, why are you calling me little bunny?, Do I look like a rabbit?" Eve asked frowning her face;

Charlie chuckled; "is there anything wrong in giving my fianceé a nickname?" He asked; "am not saying that, but why little bunny?"

"Because you are cute" Charlie said.


Eve spit out the water she was drinking; her eyes bulged out hearing what Charlie said; "hmm.. what did you say?" Eve asked; "I don't like to repeat my words" Charlie said; "really? Now you don't repeat words" Eve said in her mind"hmm..what did you say?" Charlie asked;

"Hmm.. it's nothing" said Eve.

They continued their meal in silence; after they were done they retreated to their rooms for the night.


Next morning....

Eve and Charlie goes to the company together as usual; as they reached the elevator; Eve said she wants to go and greet her friends that she will be with him in a few minute; "okay but don't stay too long" Charlie said; Eve nodded "okay, I won't"; as the elevator opens Eve steps out and heads towards the office where Sue and Nars are stationed.

"Hello guys!" Eve said smiling at the surprised faces of her friends; "haahh! Eve!" Shouted Sue as she hugs her; they hugged and greeted each other before Nars spoke up; "you finally decided to visit us today" he said sarcastically; Eve makes puts on a baby face because she knows that her friends are not happy with her; "don't make that face, since you left us here and went to say with the CEO in his office, you didn't even try to come and say hi to us" said Sue; Nars faces Sue and said while pretending to be sad; "maybe we aren't important anymore" he said;

Eve looks at her friends and trying to hold her laughter and after listening to their complain and said "okay..okay..okay.. am sorry I haven't come to see you guys it's just that I have been very busy with work"; "with work?" Sue said; Eve looks at both of them trying to decipher what they are trying to say; when she gets what her friends are trying to say she shakes her head in denial, "guys! It's just work nothing else" she said; "yes really, so...do you guys forgive me?" Eve asked; 

"Okay if you say so, we forgive you" both of them said.

"Okay, as a peace offering I will treat you guys to a drink after work, deal?" Eve said; "deal" both her friends said and Eve went back to her office.