
The CEO has a mistress

When they met, he was a mysterious man who was extremely wealthy while she was just an ordinary college student. He appeared in front of her when she needed help the most, and so he would give her money as long as she slept with him. Since he was generous, she soon had enough money to have surgery on her brother's kidney. When they met again, he became the richest man in the entire United States, president of one of the most desired technology companies in the world, while she was a small manager in a five-star hotel. She once thought that there would be no more intersection between them and also chose to completely forget that terrible past. But she never thought that two years later, this man would reappear in her world in this way.

DaoistnLGUEE · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Upon waking up in the morning, there was a middle-aged man standing in front of Luna who clasped his hands and bowed, begging for something.

- Miss Luna, I beg you, please talk to President Cassano, ask him to be generous like the two generations of his family, who always understood our situation and were merciful to those in need.

- Sir, if I were you, I would not have appeared here at this moment. Do you know the consequences of disturbing the president's rest? - Luna replied crossing her legs and sat down on the couch, looking like she hadn't woken up yet.

- Yes, I understand that Miss Luna, I wouldn't want to be here either, but ... - Luna was thinking about how to deal with the man in front of her, when she turned her head and found Melissa standing at the door of the room, so, immediately she greeted her.

- Good Morning! - Melissa waved to the man and, afraid that he was in trouble, returned to her room, and it wasn't easy for Luna to reach her.

- Miss Melissa, the president will not leave the hotel room today.

- Oh, all right. - Melissa answer, but she had to provide the best service she could. - And you know, is there anything the president would like to eat? So I can provide.

- Well, as far as I know, what he most wants to eat at the moment is not food, but you. - Luna said it so casually, which immediately made Melissa red with embarrassment, and she didn't even have a way to retort such a thing. Melissa, just rolled her eyes, and decided not to care about Luna's trials, she knew the president and knew exactly his true intentions, so she just returned to her room to change clothes and start another day of service. She couldn't wait for this to end.

Luo Qing Yun secretly rolled his eyes in his heart, not bothering with her anymore as he went back to his room to change.

- Miss Luna, who is this young man? - The man asked surprised that there was someone else in the room.

- Is it over there? - And Luna smiled looking at the closed door. - Although she is just a housekeeper, she is the most important person for President Cassano, basically Mr. Nicholas obeys every word she says. - Luna explained with a mysterious expression on her face.

- Hmm, interesting. - The man answered and turned to face Luna. - I'm sorry for disturbing your Luna secretary rest so early in the morning and as Mr. Nicholas hasn't woken up yet, I won't disturb him further. - And got up from where he was sitting. - I hope that after Mr. Nicholas wake up, may you speak a few words of praise on my behalf.

- I'll think about it. - Luna replied waving her hands, inviting the man to leave.

After a while, Melissa returned to the main room, and realized that the man who was there earlier, had already left, and she wondered, who was such a man to be wanting to talk to the president so early?

- Secretary Luna, what would you like for breakfast? I will provide! - Melissa asked the woman in front of her, when she saw that she was back in her room, but Luna just yawned and waved her hand, denying that she wanted anything.

- I don't want to eat anything, all I want is just to sleep, since it's rare the day I can rest and you don't need to call me for lunch either. - He spoke before entering his room, and then closing the door, leaving Melissa alone in the room, and everyone was sleeping, only her, lost in her endless thoughts.

Melissa looked at the clock in the corner, the hour and minute hand pointed to seven, that is, President Cassano would not get up at this moment, so why the hell did she wake up so early?

Around 8:30 am, Nicholas finally woke up and asked Melissa to bring him breakfast, and as soon as it arrived, she stood by the table to serve him.

Nicholas sat down next to her, and seeing that she wasn't going to move from there, appearing to be a face guard, invited her for coffee.

- Sit down, let's eat together. - He said getting organized at the table.

- Thank you, Mr. Nicholas for the invite, but there's no need, I'll be down soon to have lunch with the other hotel employees. - Melissa answered with a clear and melodious voice.

- Is there anything fun to do in this town? - Nicholas did not insist on the subject of coffee, and just decided to change the subject while he calmly took his cup of coffee in front of her, took a sip and asked.

- En... Do you want to know about sights? Melissa asked.

- Yea. - He nodded.

Melissa lowered her head and thought for a moment, then spoke as she counted her fingers.

- Lakeheart Park, Dolphin Pier, Moon Island, Fossil Museum, all these places are considered quite interesting.

- So, choose a place you like and come with me to have a look. - Nicholas placed the glass in his hand and spoke without looking at

- Ham?- Melissa asked surprised by the president's speech.

- And why are you still standing and not sitting down to eat? We'll be leaving in half an hour, so I don't think you'll have time to eat in the cafeteria with your colleagues. - Nicholas said taking a napkin to wipe the corner of his mouth, and casually took a sandwich and started eating.

Melissa then understood that Nicholas was inviting her on a tour, not necessarily for a meeting, but to be his tour guide, as he lived in the capital and not in New York. That was the only plausible explanation for the situation.

As the president had already ordered, she didn't feel entitled to refuse any of his requests again, and she knew that if she didn't eat breakfast with him, she would certainly go hungry later on.

After finishing breakfast, Melissa went back to her room and changed out of her work clothes, wearing a simple white T-shirt and a short denim skirt, she looked clean and fresh, and upon returning to the main room of the room, Nicholas was delighted. with the beauty of the woman in front of her, and practically wanted to grab her right there.

Leaving the room together, they walked in silence to the underground parking lot, and she just followed him, as she didn't know which car he had, and soon they stopped in front of a black sedan that looked terribly expensive.

Nicholas took the front and sat down where the driver was, and Melissa was confused and didn't know if she should get in and sit in the passenger seat, after all, who should be serving, it was her, and not the other way around.

Nicholas noticed the confusion on the young woman's face, and rolled down the window from where he was standing and faced her.

- What are you waiting for? - Clearly, her delay caused him to lose some of his temper, so, she just got in the passenger side at once, and was nervous, feeling her hand sound.

- Seatbelt, please! - Nicholas spoke starting the car, and immediately, Melissa put the belt, and then the car slowly left the garage and entered the main road.

"Where are we going?" Nicholas asked, taking a quick look at the lady beside him, noticing how nervous she was.

- Well, can we go to the fossil museum? I heard that there are dinosaur fossils there that were stored tens of thousands of years ago... - Melissa suggested, because actually, she wanted to take a look for a long time, but didn't have the time to, and secondly, the The museum's location was remote and the bus would have to travel for nearly two hours. But now that fate was giving her an opportunity, and she still had a driver named Nicholas, wouldn't she be killing two birds with one stone?

After listening to Melissa's answers, Nicholas took his cell phone and put the location in his GPS, and then his cell phone rang, and he quickly read the content changing his route again, leaving Melissa somewhat surprised and sad, after all, she really wanted to go there.

- President, you are not going the right way, to go to the museum just take that avenue that we passed straight.

- We'll go somewhere else, to the Island of the Moon. - Nicholas' indifferent voice came out, carrying unquestionable power.

- Ah, yes ... - She replied discouraged, after all, wasn't he the one who told her to choose where she should go? Why did you change places? Wasn't he the one who told her to let her choose a place she liked? So why not?

Melissa just pouted sadly, and her expression didn't look good.

- Is there any problem? You do not want to go? - Although Nicholas was looking ahead, he still felt the disappointment in his heart.

- There is no problem, after all, you are the boss and choose where you want to go. - Melissa replied reluctantly, but she still needed the job that paid her.

- So, change your expression and don't get a huge pout on your face. - Nicholas spoke, and she just silently cursed him in her heart, but her face actually revealed a bright fake smile.

They had been traveling for about 20 minutes now, and the cold air from the air conditioner had caused the temperature inside the car to drop to an extremely low level, making Melissa, who was wearing a thin T-shirt and had her arms exposed, feel which was unbearable, her hands were tightly wrapped around her arms, and her body shook from time to time.

Even though Nicholas was driving, he saw out of the corner of his eye that her face had turned white from the cold, but he didn't dare say a word, he simply reached out with his hands and opened the carry-on bag in front of Melissa, pulling out a thin blanket. and bent from Barbary Li and threw it at him. Melissa was a little taken aback by his attitude, as all in all, he wanted to take care of her, and it made her slightly embarrassed, she thought about saying something, but ended up sneezing and making her really want to jump out of the car and disappear from his sight. .

It was just too embarrassing.

So she obediently tucked the thin blanket around her body, and soon she was warm and warm, and perhaps because she slept too late the night before and didn't get enough rest, she soon felt drowsy and fell asleep with her eyes closed, this time, she slept soundly.

When she opened her eyes, what she found was a pair of deep sea black eyes and a pretty face that was magnified.

- You finally woke up. - Nicholas spoke affectionately, and she just realized that his face was very close to hers, making her retract in shame, after all, that man was beautiful, he had a penetrating and husky voice that would make any woman want to be in his bed.

Melissa's brain had not fully booted, so her reaction was slow, when she came to, she immediately exclaimed loudly and apologized to the president, as if she had done something absurdly wrong.

- Mr. President, please, I'm sorry, I ended up sleeping against my will, it's just that your car is so comfortable, and ... - As she tried to explain her reasons, Nicholas just shrugged and cut her speech.

- I invited you, didn't I? And trips like this always make me sleepy, there's nothing to worry about, it's not like you're going to serve me while I'm driving, right? - Nicholas spoke revealing a smile that wasn't exactly a friendly smile, but a malicious smile, and then he turned around, opened the door and got out of the car, leaving Melissa slightly embarrassed with his double meaning words.

The Island of the Moon was a natural island thirty kilometers from New York, and due to the protection of the government and the city hall, the natural scenery of the island was very beautiful, with a large area of ​​primeval forests.

In order to attract investment, the government developed a lot of tourism resources and relaxed its policies, and with that, Ilha da Lua was included in the development plan and many developers were salivating over the unique conditions of this small island. Although I didn't know who was in charge of development, the route to Moon Island was already open to citizens and many of them brought their families to the island to play during the weekend, hence Moon Island's fame spread far and wide. .

As Melissa climbed off the boat after him, he saw a boat waiting at the dock.

- Are you renting a boat? - He asked looking at the yacht floating in the ocean, with a little fear in his heart.

- Are you afraid? - Nicholas could see that she seemed to be resisting a little.

- No, I'm not. - He replied firmly, even inside himself feeling that his heart was going to escape his chest at any moment.

- So, let's go! - Nicholas spoke calmly, and then took her hand and helped her into the small yacht.

His touch caused Melissa's face to instantly turn red, but she didn't dare fight back and could only obediently let him take her hand. Although she said she wasn't afraid, she didn't dare move her body after boarding the boat, the sea was rough and the yacht was fast. She was under the illusion that the boat would capsize at any moment.

Turning his head to look at the man beside him, he saw him standing against the wind. Her hair was swept back, and her expression was calm and unflappable. He didn't seem to have any doubts.

Suddenly, the boat capsized and Melissa's body tilted to the right, making her head bump lightly against Nicholas's shoulder.

- I'm sorry! - She asked while rubbing the test on account of the touch, and she felt that there was something rolling in her heart, as if she was going to vomit at any moment.

- Are you okay? Are you sick? - Nicholas felt that the woman in front of him was not as well as she was showing.

- Just a little nauseous. - Melissa replied, even forcing herself to resist the discomfort in her heart, she blinked her pitiful big eyes and nodded.

- Hold on a little longer, soon we will reach the private island. - Nicholas said, and then I turned to look at the pilot of the yacht. - Is there any medicine for seasickness? - The pilot pointed to the first aid kit on the side.

- No need to worry, I… - Melissa really didn't want to bother him, but before she finished talking, she felt a strong feeling of disgust, making her have no choice but to shut up and cover her chest. .

Nicholas opened the first-aid kit and rummaged through it for a while, but he didn't find any medicine for seasickness, leaving him frustrated.

- Go slow. - He asked the pilot who nodded, decreasing the speed they were. Then Nicholas went to the storage box in the front row to get a bottle of water and handed it to Melissa. - Have some water, maybe it will help you.

Melissa took the water that was very cold, and took a few sips and then put the bottle on the table, her stomach was extremely fragile, and she really wanted to throw up, so, regret hit, why didn't she speak before boarding that she was nauseous, that she didn't like the sea?

She was struggling with her body, her face turned pale and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and soon she felt that she couldn't take it anymore and was about to vomit as she was leaning against the side of the boat, a big warm palm reached out and grabbed her head. , making her lean in for a wide, warm hug.

What was happening?

She jumped in fright. She wanted to fight her way to her feet, but her head was forced against his chest again.

- Don't move, just lean on it and close your eyes. - Nicholas spoke whispering in her ear.

As her ear was pressed against his chest, she could clearly hear his strong, vigorous heartbeat. Thrust. Thrust. Thrust. It was extremely rhythmic. It even made his heart beat violently. So awkward, so shy, so nervous.

She didn't dare open her eyes, as she knew her face was as red as an apple. As she breathed, she could smell the faint scent of cologne emitting from her body.

Maybe it was because the boat was slowing down, or maybe it was because after he leaned against her, her attention was diverted, and she was so focused on her taut nerves that the nausea simply disappeared and was replaced by lethargy after the sway.

Melissa, do you think you're Madame Cassano by any chance? After all, she had slept so much in the car, and now that she was on the boat, she needed to sleep again, and even more, hugging the owner of her thoughts.