

Can I ask for some donation of small gifts? Show some love to this book? 

And a handful of readers who have been reading my work to please go and rate the fantasy romance, since it is my first time. I really need it. 

The Battle for Power: the Vampire Princess and the Lost Werewolf Prince! 

Let me know what you think about it in that book...an urgent request! 

Thank you! 


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!"

Tinsley sang being in sink with her husband, Ava, and Shawn, standing beside the then-one-year-old Maples.

She bought the home-baked cake, with the candle on the top of it. Her little baby clapped her hands together, sitting in the middle of the gang.

Placing the cake before her, Kian blew it off and then helped his daughter's tiny hands in holding the plastic knife and cutting the piece.

"Dada! Mama!"