
The CEO's Sweet Medicine Girl

Plotted against by his own father Zhen Sihao has a car accident on a treacherous curve of the highway. That caused him to crash into Chen Emmi's life in a twist of fate. His sudden appearance on this cold Autumn night disrupts both their lives. This is a story of a cold and powerful CEO finding love with a sweet girl who grows medicinal herbs.

Daoist668476 · Urban
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67 Chs

Stay At The Harborview Hotel

Ignoring his father glaring at him he says,"I just don't want to see you lose your smile."

When she hears him say that her mood brightens, he is so sweet! I will keep smiling if you say you aren't engaged...

Dr. Liu hands Emmi the payment for the medicinal herbs, "When the Blue Dragonflower blooms be sure and let me know."

Emmi puts the money in her purse, "I will. It will be the last time it blooms until Spring." She stands up, "Well we should go so I am not late to work."

After Emmi and Han Shi leave Liu Mei's eyes crinkle as she teases her son, "I think Little Emmi has a crush on you, Ling." She noticed Emmi's infatuated gaze, she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

"Mom, don't be ridiculous."

She holds her son's arm as they walk towards the kitchen, "I know you have always thought of her as a little sister but I think she..."

He stops her, "Mom, I know you are very fond of Chen Emmi but don't get any ideas. There can be nothing between us. I do think of her as my little sister, nothing more. The reason I came over today is to tell you I am engaged."

She can't hide her astonishment at the sudden news. "What? To whom? You have never brought a woman to meet us."

"Well, I am going to introduce you and Dad to her next Saturday. Her name is Peng Hua, I am a consultant at her father's company."

He wants to vomit blood as he continues, "Since we have been working closely together we have developed feelings for each other." Yes... my feelings well...nausea...contempt...loathing.. I can't stand the spoiled self centered bitch. But if I don't marry Peng Hua I can kiss my hard earned reputation goodbye because her father is blackmailing me.

Dr. Liu comes into the kitchen, "Did I hear you say you are engaged?"


"Well you are twenty seven, it is time you settled down. What is she like?"

How do I describe the disgusting woman...arrogant...willful...annoying... poisonous...obviously scheming to convince her father to threaten me. "She is smart."


Emmi and Han Shi arrive at the hotel, after he parks in the Underground garage they take the elevator. He is surprised when Emmi gets off at the lobby with him. "Aren't you going to Ming's?"

"I booked a room. Where I live on weekends is being renovated and the dorm will be closed when I get off work."

Han Shi walks up to the front desk and winks at the serious looking woman behind the counter. "Chen Emmi, did you know employees get a fifty per cent discount?"

Emmi's eyes light up, "Really! I didn't know!"

The woman can hardly contain her urge to expose his lie. She rolls her eyes then stares at Han Shi, what are you talking about there is no discount! 

Han Shi has a thick face and ignores the desk clerk's disparaging attitude , "Show her your ID from Ming's, she can refund the difference to the credit card you used."

Front Desk Clerk: Han Shi! You just got off probation! Your Uncle isn't going to like you taking advantage! Are you paying the difference?

Emmi takes out her ID and shows it to the woman. Han Shi stands behind Emmi silently mouthing, I will pay.

 Emmi thinks about the situation, since it is half price I will stay through Sunday and then go to the dorm on Monday. First thing in the morning call a locksmith and security company for the Art Studio. "In that case I will stay for the weekend."

Han Shi has a devilish grin on his boyish face. Great! We can go to lunch at Grandpa Wu's tomorrow!

The woman looks at the computer, "I will extend your stay and the refund should appear in your account within three to five days." She hands Emmi the room card and raises her eyebrow looking at Han Shi. "Han Shi, I need to discuss your work schedule this week with you."

"I will be right back. I need to pick up my check."

He walks towards the elevator with Emmi and she thanks him, "Han Shi, if you didn't tell me about the discount I would have known that is a perk for employees."

"No problem. I am working tomorrow do you want to go with me on my lunch hour to Grandpa Wu's restaurant?"

"Sure! I have some studying to do before my shift but lunch sounds good! I took my friend Ruan YaoYao there last week. Maybe she can meet us."

" The girl in the Music Department who plays the piano?"

"En. Do you know Ruan YaoYao?"

"No, but I saw her perform at the Autumn Concert. She is amazing!"

" She is so talented! What time do you take lunch? I will call her to meet us at the restaurant."

"Usually about two. Would that work?"

"For me, yeah, I will see what she is doing. She doesn't practice on Sunday."

When the elevator stops on her floor she waves goodbye as she exits then turns around, "Message me and I will meet you in the lobby tomorrow!"

Emmi opens the door to the room then sighs gazing at the big comfortable looking bed. I am taking a short nap before work.

She is awakened by her phone, "Hmm.."

"Emmi, were you sleeping?"

She sits up on the bed, "Yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Well, Lu Ying Yue called me and said she could meet me tomorrow to mentor me. I was wondering if you could watch Lu JunJie in the afternoon."

"Sure, early afternoon. I go to work at five tomorrow. Oh... and I am staying at the hotel for the weekend, that might be better to entertain him. They have a pool and a children's playroom."

"Why are you staying at the hotel?"

"Well the dorm will be closed when I get off work and my Art Studio...well that is a long story."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now. I will explain when I see you. I got an employee discount so the two days are half price. I am so nervous. What if I make a big mistake?"

"I have confidence in you. Just think of all the money you will make!"

"Haha..you know that will motivate me! Okay check with Lu Ying Yue and tell me if it is okay to watch the little bun here. Actually it is more convenient for her probably since she lives in Bashu City."

"I will let you know. Good luck tonight."

"Thanks, YaoYao."

"Oh I almost forgot! My aunt absolutely loved the embroidered sachet you gifted! She kept smelling it and complimenting your embroidery skill. She wants to introduce you to my cousin..hahaha"

"Please noooo.. That playboy!"

"Haha...you know I think I saw Wang Hao at the party. The man looked like him anyway. He was talking with a blonde woman by the rockery. When I got closer they had disappeared."

"Hmmph!" Emmi grumbles, " Don't mention that useless man's name to me again! If it was that narcissistic white eyed wolf they probably disappeared into the closest bedroom."

Emmi looks at the time, "I need to get ready for work. Call me later. Bye."

When her shift is a out to start, Emmi nervously enters the kitchen of Ming's Restaurant looking around for Mrs. Huang. She said she would introduce her to the server who will be training her tonight.

Several servers are glaring at Emmi and she feels very uncomfortable as she walks around the kitchen. She gathers up her courage and asks a tall man who is looking at the calendar hanging on the wall, "Excuse me, my name is Chen Emmi.I am a new server. Do you know where I can find Mrs. Huang?"

He scratches out his name on the calendar. Emmi watches him, this must be how people exchange shifts. 

 The man turns around as he answers,"She is the office."

"Thank you. Could you point me in that direction?"

" Go past the oven on the right down that hallway." He puts on his apron while he watches her walk away, she is beautiful but why would the owner request a newbie to serve the CEO and his guests? If you ask me, that is a disaster waiting to happen.

 A young pretty woman approaches him, "Deng Lee, is that girl the new server?"


"Did you hear Mrs. Huang say she would be the server assigned to the Golden Dragon Room?"


"Aren't you upset? Doesn't the Boss usually assign you to serve the CEO?"

"Why should I be upset? I would rather work in the Main Dining Room where I can make connections. It is a waste of my good looks serving a bunch of men." Yeah the CEO tips alot but the money can't compare to meeting a rich woman to raise me.

"Well even if you don't care the rest of us do! I have worked here since they opened and never had a chance to meet the CEO!"

"I suggest you keep your dissatisfaction to yourself. The CEO has never personally requested a server so she must be special."

Emmi knocks on the office door, "Mrs. Huang, it is Chen Emmi."

"Come in."