
The CEO's Sweet Medicine Girl

Plotted against by his own father Zhen Sihao has a car accident on a treacherous curve of the highway. That caused him to crash into Chen Emmi's life in a twist of fate. His sudden appearance on this cold Autumn night disrupts both their lives. This is a story of a cold and powerful CEO finding love with a sweet girl who grows medicinal herbs.

Daoist668476 · Urban
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67 Chs

Childhood Memories

"I will see you then." He hangs up with a satisfied smile, well, the little girl can't miss saying goodbye to her friend.

Emmi walks up the steps to Liu Ling's office and her eyebrows twitch. What is with that guy... he can be so demanding! But, if he can really convince Zhen Sihao to move the project down the lake I will really owe him! Wait...I saved his life...he owes me! Well no time to quibble. She takes a deep breath then knocks on Liu Ling's office door.

He has been sitting at his desk trying to gather his wits. Today is the first time he looked at Emmi as a woman and he is slightly frazzled. Thinking about her in bed with a man has been playing in his head and he is freaking out. He really does think of Emmi as his little sister, maybe Mother should talk to Emmi, they are close.

 His messy thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in."

Emmi walks over and sits on the chair by his desk, "Should I finish what I was telling you at the restaurant or do you want to start."

Liu Ling is very uncomfortable and his palms are moist from anxiety, "Little Emmi, I couldn't help but overhear a little of your conversation and well..as I said I think of you as my little sister. I know you aren't close to your family and I want you to know that I am here for you so are my parents."

He gulps his saliva down and sweat beads form on his forehead, he blurts out, "Are you seeing a man? Don't be fooled..."

Emmi starts laughing and tears form in her eyes, Brother Ling is so cute! He must think I am dating Wang Hao! First, he dragged me away from the restaurant and Dr. Fu probably told him. Now, he heard his voice on the phone.

 He watches Emmi laugh and doesn't know what to make of it. He has a cold personality but cares deeply about Emmi. This conversation has been played over in his mind a few times but he never anticipated her amused reaction.

Emmi holds her side then waves her hand, "I'm sorry Brother Ling, you misunderstood. I am not dating Wang Hao. It's a bit complicated. I promised not to say anything about Wang Hao's accident but I think I can say I treated him. I hate to lie to Brother Ling but.. "It's a long story but actually he is why I thought my formulas for healing plaster and scarring cream could possibly be marketed."

Liu Ling taps a black pen on the desk, and has a confused expression, "What do you mean?"

"Wang Hao is the son of an old friend of my Grandfather's. He suffered some facial injuries and hates doctors and hospitals." I won't mention I superglued his thigh and his other injuries I will stick to useful information.

"He knew my grandfather taught me some Chinese medicine. Also, that I grow medicinal herbs and asked me if I could give him some healing cream and ointment. Really, I wish I had taken some before and after pictures because the healing plaster and scar cream really worked. I just stopped by his father's house this morning to see how he was doing and dropped off some ointment."

The tension leaves Liu Ling's body and he calms down. " Oh...So this Wang Hao lives with his parents."

 "I don't know much about him. He was there this morning."  I don't want to say yes in case he sees him at the apartment complex. Brother Ling will know I lied.

"Well, that's good. You should concentrate on your studies."

"Anyway, thank you for your concern. I am grateful, your mother and father have always treated me so well. Your father is amazing and your mother is incredibly sweet." You are the most handsome and perfect man I have ever known.

"Well, we consider you a member of the family."

Emmi can't resist and runs around the desk then hugs him, "Thank you, Brother Ling."

He pats her on the head. The little girl is too unrestrained.

He laughs, "Okay, sit down. I will give you some advice, with your aptitude and skill you should transfer to the Chinese medicine department. I don't want to discourage you but unfortunately there are unscrupulous businessmen who will exploit an inexperienced person."

"You are right. Unfortunately, I don't want to change majors. I am going to audit your class and one other but my main focus is Fashion Design. I do want you to see the effects of my formulas so you can judge for yourself their effectiveness."

"Of course. Bring in the medicinal plaster and ointment I will check it out. I can see your passion as a designer. I saw you won the Elle Young Designer Award, you are very talented."

"Thank you, I love designing clothes. I do a livestream where I teach people how to sew and sell the clothes I make."

"Really? That's great." He smiles, "You are a very busy girl."

Emmi's eyes sparkle, "Well, when I am a filthy rich world famous designer I will sit on a beach and watch the waves roll into the shore."

He loves Emmi's positive attitude. "I'm sure with your determination you will accomplish that dream. I need to get to my class. Don't forget to bring me your medicinal ointment and plaster."

"I will on Monday, or I could drop it by the clinic."

"I will walk out with you. Go by the house, I'm sure my father and mother would be overjoyed to see you."

He puts a folder into his top desk drawer and locks it then they leave his office.

"I don't know you should have seen Auntie Liu run when I brought the stinky Nindrus Griyo to their house."

Liu Ling can imagine his mother's reaction; she has a very low tolerance for pungent smells. He chuckles, "You grow Nindrus Griyo? It is very hard to grow."

"I found that if I turn the soil with some ground eggshells and water it only in the evening, it grows well. My compost I also add used white peony tea leaves around the root. It likes to be by itself too away from the other herbs. It is a bit of a loner... hahaha."

"Interesting. When I have time I would like to see your medicinal herb garden."

"Anytime. Do you remember when Grandfather would let you take his boat onto the lake and we would stay there all day fishing? He would be so angry when we came home late until he saw the bucket of fish. Haha.."

"I always wondered why the fish you caught were always much bigger than mine. It really hurt my teenage ego."

"I will tell you a secret, I would put a piece of sausage with the bait. Really you were so excellent in everything I was a little jealous. I thought about sharing my secret but it was too funny to see your dejected appearance when I pulled in a big fish."

He rubs her head, "Sausage ? Haha..You could be a little brat."

Emmy unlocks her bicycle, "I really can't deny that fact..haha. Bye."

Liu Ling watches Emmi ride off on her bicycle and is in a daze remembering those lazy Summer days at her grandfather's cabin. He doesn't have any brothers or sisters and Emmi has a special place in his heart. He pictures Emmi always wearing a big hat in the Summer so her face wouldn't get any sun.

 He has a faint smile recalling that time, she would smile so brightly showing her cute dimples when she caught a fish. Afterwards, her green eyes would have a mischiveous gleam as she mercilessly teased me. Then we would barbeque the fish and sit on the deck quietly looking out at the lake. Little Emmi loved counting the stars.

 Emmi rides her bike across the campus to the dormitory. I am going to take a nap. I am exhausted!

When she enters the dorm room she takes her phone out of her backpack. She sets the alarm then tosses the phone onto a chair. Throwing herself onto the bed, she sighs, Ahh...so sleepy. Hugging the pillow Emmi drifts off to sleep, she has a smile on her face thinking about Liu Ling.. my future hubby is so gentle and handsome.

 When her alarm wakes her up she groans, noooo... and rolls over to turn it off. Already.. I feel like I fell asleep ten minutes ago. Emmi stretches her arms and gets out of bed. I wonder what restaurant we are going to tonight. If it has private rooms I should wear a nice dress. She looks in her closet and takes out a burgundy cashmere wrap around dress. The dress has three quarter sleeves and the hem hangs below the knee. She made this dress at the beginning of the semester and it has been too warm to wear it until now.

I am glad I got a good deal on the cashmere. She runs her hand down the dress... Feels so soft. Hmm..what shoes, she picks a pair of nude ankle booties with 6cm heels.