

VOLUME 1 [COMPLETED] VOLUME 2 [COMPLETED] Olivia Clarke’s world is shattered when she was forcibly married to the billionaire Alexander Bennett, leaving her fiancé at the altar. Determined to escape her unwanted marriage, Olivia vows to make Alexander divorce her so she can return to her fiancé. But Alexander, consumed by possessiveness, refuses to let the woman he ever loved go. With money and influence at his disposal, he promises to give her everything that she desires. Confident that love will bloom between them but Olivia has just one desire “Mr. Billionaire, let me go… I don’t love you.” Will Olivia succumb to Alexander’s charms, or will she find a way to break free and reclaim her heart? **** "Holding a wedding without me?" a hoarse and manly voice echoed from the door, bodyguards dressed in black suits surrounded the hall and this got me.   Who were they? Then a tall man, with rough black hair, hazel eyes, and dressed in a tailored design suit walked in with his hands in his pocket.   After a moment of silence, he looked up at me and then at Dad.   "Mr. Bennett, it's you…can we please resolve this case somewhere else? My daughter is getting married now." Father said with a pleading tone and I was surprised, so I walked towards him and shivered in fear.   I couldn't help but be scared, the man's aura was far more dangerous than that of my boss and he seemed like someone from the second generation of billionaires, how did Father get entangled with him?   "No, I want it to be settled here," he added.   I clenched my fist as I swallowed the lump in my throat. Can't he see I am about to get married right now? "I understand," Father said in a submissive tone, this only meant that he was in the wrong.   "Father, who is this?" I asked when Natalie rushed towards me before whispering a few words, my lips fell in shock. Alexander Bennett?   "Bruno, show him the contract." Mr. Bennett signaled and a man dressed in a brown suit approached us with a blue file containing a well printed contract.   Father held it with shivering hands as he read the contract "This…" he stuttered and then glared at me.   Out of curiosity, I grabbed the file from Father before reading it, there was just one clause written on it.   He wanted me to marry him today and pay off father's debt or else father will have to spend the rest of his life in jail.   The paper fell off my hand as I glared at Mr. Bennett, this was the first time we met so why would he want to marry me? Now that I remember, the other man looks familiar. He is the man I scolded yesterday, did they want to take revenge?   "Father, please tell me you don't owe him such a huge sum," I asked with a glimmer of hope, praying that this was all a dream. Caleb walked towards me as he was confused as well, he picked up the paper and read it.   "This is crazy." he launched his fist to hit Mr. Bennett who quickly dodged it and some guards hurried and pinned Caleb down.   "It's my wedding, you can't replace me," Caleb said in a bitter tone. check out my other book 180 DAYS TO DIVORCE

T_RAE_23 · Urban
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167 Chs

Who are we destroying?

Olivia's POV:


When we arrived at Bennett Enterprise, Uncle Jack parked the car in the underground parking lot, and he walked towards the elevator. Looking around, I noticed that only Mr. Bennett's car was parked there, so this must be the presidential elevator. This was better, as I wouldn't have to see arrogant people except for Mr. Bennett.


I walked into the elevator, but Uncle Jack didn't. "I will wait in the car," he said, and I nodded before the elevator door closed.


A few minutes later, it stopped at the first step, and it was the same corridor with one door. I walked to the door and knocked. I took a glance inside and noticed that Mr. Bennett was not inside.


So I walked in and glared around. The place looked beautiful without him inside. I chuckled before walking towards the bookshelf. There were a lot of books with dull colors—no novels or comics. Such a boring man. Then I spotted a photo frame of him, and I picked it up. He couldn't even smile for his picture.


"Why are you staring at me?" I asked for the picture with a sneer.


"Why shouldn't I stare?" A voice echoed from the door, and I quickly turned to find Mr. Bennett and Bruno standing there.


I kept the picture fast before smiling nervously at him. "Uhm, I came to see you," I stuttered.

"Of course, who else can you come and see in my office?" He asked with a sarcastic tone, and this made me clench my fist.


"Bruno, get the stock documents together... and everyone can go back home early to prepare for the party," he said, and Bruno nodded. He smiled at me before walking out.


"It's not yet lunch, so why are you here? Or did you suddenly miss me?" He asked, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.


"It's disrespectful to roll your eyes," he said, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes again.


"Roll your eyes at me one more time, and you will regret it," he warned, and I swallowed hard. Why was he so frightening?


"Mr. Bennett, I think you have crossed the line this time around." I gathered my courage and decided to reprimand him about Lara Russo.


"Oh, tell me more," he said sarcastically, and I had the urge to roll my eyes, but I didn't. His gaze was stuck on me, and it could be said he was waiting for me to roll my eyes. I dare not do that. This man didn't seem to have a human heart.


Then he stood up and walked closer to me. I took a few steps backward when he kept coming forward, and then I was stopped by the table behind me. To my surprise, he lifted me and placed me on the table.


"Mr. Bennett," I scolded angrily when he landed a kiss on my cheeks. My bones became weak, and my voice was not audible enough.

I glared at his eyes, which had become darker and more frightening for a lady like me.


"When you look at me, what do you see?" He asked, and I sighed heavily before gritting my teeth. I couldn't let myself surrender to him.


"A man with no mercy, no conscience, and no shame," I blurted and he chuckled before wrapping his hand around my waist and pulling me closer. A moan escaped my lips, and this made me embarrassed.


"You know me so well," he smiled, and for the first time, I could see the structure of his teeth—straight and organized. The Almighty did not make a single mistake while creating him.


"Why did you ruin Lara Russo's life?" I asked while glaring anywhere but at him.


"She is alive; is that not enough?" He asked, and I glared at him in disbelief. Does he have no conscience?


"Mr. Adams only asked her to apologize, and he let her go, but you..." I explained angrily when he furrowed his brow; it seemed he got upset at the mention of Mr. Adams's name.


"What I mean is, you should have let her go... Besides, she didn't offend you." I rephrased my sentence.


"She offended you, and anyone who offended you has offended me," he stated, I felt the urge to roll my eyes, but I knew it was a bad idea.


"There is no need to talk to you," I said pushing him slightly before jumping down the table. I turned to leave when he pulled me back and hugged me from behind.


"Is that why you came here?" He asked, and I could feel his breath fanning my neck. Why did he keep pulling me close to him?


"Mr. Bennett, can you please keep a distance from me?" I said it angrily, but instead, his grip on me tightened as he hugged me tightly.


"Why don't you want me close to you?" He asked, and I clenched my fist. Has he forgotten how he forcefully married me and why I wanted a divorce?


"Because, apart from Caleb, I don't like when someone else touches me," I said, and I decided to hurt him with every possible word I could. He will never take the place of Caleb in my heart, because unlike him, Caleb is a considerate person.


He lost his grip on my waist. "Get out," he scolded, and I shivered nervously. Did I cross the line?


"Leave now," he added, and I sighed before hurrying out of his office. In the corridor, I breathed heavily. I had never seen such a frightening look on Mr. Bennett's face.


From Alex's POV:


I watched as she walked out. I clenched my fist, and to quench my anger, I kicked the office chair.


Then I retracted my phone and called Bruno. "Be here in five minutes," I said before hanging up.


Why was I so furious? I knew she had a fiance before forcefully marrying her, and to top it all off, I even replaced him at his wedding. I had never been affected by a lady before; Olivia was toxic for my health, and I like being toxic.


I was deep in thought when Bruno walked in. He glared around and then smiled nervously. "Who are we destroying this time around?" he asked.


"Caleb," I blurted and he didn't seem surprised.