
The CEO's loser wife: Rebirth of the villainous queen of alchemy

COMPLETED. Transmigrating into a poor and mistreated young lady's body, what will the craziest alchemist of the seven realms now do? Excerpt: He stood there, soaking wet in the pouring rain, earnestly looking at her. He gazed at her, as if she was his entire world. But, only to be mercilessly cut down.... “Me? Falling in love?! You have got to be kidding me. I would rather dominate this world.” Grinning, he took her hands and kissed them gently. “You can dominate me first sweetheart.” Taken aback by his sudden straight forwardness, she abruptly withdrew her hands. “No thanks” He looked deeply into her eyes and smiled gently. Not deterred by her words, even a bit, he smirked. “Your lips are saying no. But your heart betrays you, my dear.” Getting more and more flustered, she took a step back, widening the gap between them. She looked at him mockingly to hide her panic, “Oh and since when did you have a telepathic connection with my heart.” Heh... He let out an amused chuckle. Closing the distance between them again, he took a step forward and lifted her hand, pointing at her watch’s display. “I always did have that my dear. But in this case, see your heart rate just spiked.” ....................... Instagram: yolohy_webnovel Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/yolohy Discord: https://discord.gg/5CvPuX6M88 ....................... I do not own the cover art and it will be removed upon request.

Yolohy · Fantasie
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252 Chs

Ran away?

Ignoring the huge crowd of hospital employees surrounding her, Su Lin got into a taxi and asked the driver to go to the Shi Manor.

It was one of the biggest villas in the city and obviously everyone was familiar with it.

Not wanting to disappoint this seemingly crazy woman, who by the way was wearing a hospital gown, the driver immediately took off.

Rich people and their crazy fashion sense. It was not his right to question these things.

And Tang Yue, stood at the hospital entrance, dumbfounded, along with a bunch of stunned doctors, nurses, and hospital staff.

What were they supposed to do? Manhandle her? She was the young madam of the Shi family! How can they restrain someone like her against her will?

So they just stood there and watched her leave in a hurry. They really couldn't do anything else.


"Controlling bastard." Su Lin muttered angrily as she quickly got out of the cab in a corner of the Shi manor.

Without wasting any time, she turned towards the cab driver and instructed him to wait for her return.

"I will be back here in less than half an hour. Keep the car running and ready to go. I will pay you extra."

She then quietly entered the manor through a side gate intended for the kitchen staff.

"Isn't that the young madam?"

"Isn't this useless thing supposed to be still in the hospital? What is she doing back here?" 

Several housekeepers noticed her and one of them decided to inform the butler about her arrival.

From the moment Su Lin stepped into the main house, she knew that she only had a few more minutes. She needed to leave ASAP!

Maybe the people outside would hesitate to manhandle her and hold her against her will, but inside here, she was almost a slave.

Her asshole husband's wish was a law in this household.

These people definitely wouldn't think twice before restraining her and holding her in her room, even against her will.

Once inside her room, Su Lin quickly changed into a proper set of clothes, throwing on a cheap-looking pair of blue jeans and a white shirt.

The hospital clothes were attracting too much unwanted attention and she needed to be invisible for now.

She needed to disappear, at least until she took care of this body. Just for now, she needed to escape from their condescending controlling clutches.

She then looked for the previous Su Lin's bank details, credit card, cash lying around, or even any sort of items with decent monetary value.

She was going to need a bit of money for her upcoming plans.

Because of the dire situation, she was in, she had even considered asking that husband of hers for help.

But in reality, even if she gave up her pride and begged for help, the man wouldn't even spare a second for her. So there was no point in it.

The arrogant bastard might even label her as a mental patient and confine her in some solitary cage. So, she needed to handle this on her own.

"You want me to die as your captive?? Dream on!" Su Lin ransacked the room as fast as she could.

Luckily, after a couple of minutes, she found the previous Su Lin's purse, containing some money and credit cards, and also a few jewelry pieces shoved in the corner of a shelf. They looked like they had barely been used.

After emptying out the room, Su Lin immediately left the villa using one of the back exits.

Turning around and taking one last look at the manor, Su Lin felt a bit relaxed.

"Hmph. This is not stealing. This is what you guys owe her. Well, this and so much more. I will make sure to collect the rest later."

Smirking, she ran away with a satisfied look on her face.

Meanwhile, the housekeeper finally found the head butler in the garden and informed him about the young mistress returning home.

"Hmm... This is exactly why the old madam hates her. Without obediently staying in the hospital, she chooses to return to the manor and create more drama."

"She doesn't even know what is good for her. Leave her be. I will notify the young master."

The butler then turned around and continued giving instructions to the gardeners.

They had the company's annual winter gala coming up in 3 months. The gala is usually followed by a small gathering back in the Shi manor.

So he was overseeing the garden flower arrangements. These had to be properly done well in advance.

But surprisingly, not long after, another housekeeper came rushing towards him.

"Huff... Sir... Huff... The young mistress took off in a hurry. She had a bag with her and she hurriedly ran through the back exit, before I could call out to her."

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