

Many were the times when Reen would just sit back and watch things happen all by herself.But today was a different day,she was in the parking lot when she heard a voice from the opposite direction from where she was .

She walked and hid behind the wall that separated her from whoever it was that spoke with such authority.

"You can not do this to me.I love you."This was a woman's voice and Reen could tell she was crying.

"I warned you about this all along.I Don't fall in love."The voice was hursh but very calm.

"You will pay for this."The woman said and walked to her car and drove away.

Reen could not understand why any man could reject such a beautiful woman.

Her thoughts were disrupted by a voice.

" Come out I know you are there." The voice was very commanding.she had the alternative to walk away but she found her body moving by itself.

She had not had a clear vision of the man from where she had stood before but looking at the tall heavy built body she now say how breath taking he was.

"Were you spaying on me."This words brought her back to reality .

"I didn't hear anything."She said .

"Are you sure about that."he asked her as he can close to her.She took a step back.

"w...well you only said you don't love.but no one with a heart does not love." She said.She was amazing at how she could speak despite the cold aura around the man.

He let out a laugh that did not reach his eyes.

"Little lamb just go home."He said as he turned to leave.

"Maybe I can try and see if it's really impossible for you to love."Where those words came from she did not know yet she had spoken them fearless.

He stopped and turned to face her."So the little lamb wants to go to such an extent.well,my world is not ment for fragile little lambs.I am from hell and I do not wish to dragged you along."

Wolith that he walked away leaving her still paralized.

A tap on the shoulder brought her back to life.

"If you want to meet him again just call me on this number." With those words the man walked away too.