
The CEO's Dumb Lover

Living on the streets and stealing to survive. Elena meets Darren Hamilton when she stole from him. After she sets her eyes on him, she finds herself wanting to live with him. Darren Hamilton, the CEO of Maple Inc took in the strange girl to live in his mansion. A dumb girl with no last name, family or friends. Despite her being unable to talk, he soon falls for her. Loving the strange girl, he gets to know that she has a family and also finds out why she lost her voice. Elena cling to Darren but soon, she learns how to fight and survive without him. Instagram: faithanna_j

faithanna_justin32 · Urban
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25 Chs

I Care About Her

After she was done eating, Darren left the room so she could have her bath. Soon, she fell asleep.

Darren came back to her room and found her curled inside the duvet. Her little face peeking out, her hair was now packed into a loose bun.

A lopsided smile crept on his lips. When she suddenly embrace him few hours ago, it took him time to figure out that she was scared of being alone.

Petting someone was never his thing not to talk of a woman.

He wanted to touch her face but his hand suddenly halt. He wondered how long it would take before she figures out that he's not as gentle and good as he seems to be.

"Good night," he whispered and walk out of the room. Standing opposite the room was Kyle and Dan. Their expression were stoic and freezing, the look on their eyes were blank as they stare at their boss.

"Where's the bastard?" Darren said coldly. His softened expression was now replaced with an icy look.

"He's at the headquarter," Kyle said and look at his brother. Darren walk away from there leaving the two brothers to decide for themselves who will come with him.

"Don't stare at me like that! I want to go too," Dan was upset he won't be coming with them.

Kyle patted his little troublesome brother's head and messing up his hair. "Stay with the young lady, it's too risky for a little boy like you."

"I'm not little. I don't want to guard anyone, she's safe here!" Dan half shouted.

"Good night Dan," Kyle wished him and head towards Darren's room. "You promised you won't leave me," Dan murmured and slump on the floor close to Elena's room.

Kyle and him were brothers but they didn't grow up together because they lost their parents and were separated for a long time. When they were little, on their parents funeral, Kyle promised he won't leave him and would treat him well. Unfortunately, Dan was taken away from his brother by his Aunt while Kyle was left to live with his father's brother.

They reunited two years ago when Dan was injured by their Aunt he was living with. Kyle who later finds out that his brother was maltreated by his Aunt and sneaked him out of the hospital. On their way getting away, Dan fainted by the roadside while Kyle tried to look for a cab but it was raining. When Kyle finally gave up that he wouldn't be able to save his only brother, Darren came on time and helped them. Eversince, they sworn to stay with Darren, as for Dan, He often gets angry at Kyle because of what happened then.




On the highway, a black bugatti sped along the lonely road, the woods at the sides of the road turn fuzzy.

Darren look at Kyle who was driving with too much speed. "Alright?" he ask.

Kyle nodded and sigh.

"What's up with Dan,"

"He's angry. He's angry I always protect him. But he didn't know I want the best for him, I want him to live happily," Kyle's voice cracked angrily.

Darren was quiet for a few seconds, " how can you tell if you care about someone?" He ask looking straight to the road.

Kyle smiled bitterly, "you want to be around them everytime even when they don't want you to be. There's this feeling to protect them at all cost. Damn it Dan couldn't see that!" Kyle shouted and hit the steering wheel.

Darren heart thud in his chest as he thought about someone. They finally arrived at a quiet forest with a little path. They walk deeper into the forest and soon come to stand at the front of a building like Mill. The large gate was mechanically opened by the watchman.

Inside the large building, it was brighter than the outside. Darren and Kyle marched towards a door and unlocked it. Inside the room was a man who was hanged with thick chains on his both wrist and ankles. His body was covered with bruises and cuts because he was tortured greatly.

"You bastard how dare you treat me like this. After all I did to please yo..." his rambling stopped when a fist flew to his mouth.


The man screamed loudly making Kyle flinch. "You dare to trick me you imbecile," Darren said and hit the man on his chest.

Winston gasp for air as Darren's last hit almost sent him to hell. He would never trick his boss if it didn't involve his pregnant wife who was beaten to a pulp.

"I never planned to betray you Darren! Never." Winston yelled as hot tears run out of his swollen eyes. Darren didn't care about what he said and threw a punch at him.

"Do you have someone you care about? No. You don't!" The man shouted angrily. Darren's fist came to a sudden halt at the question.

A certain someone came to his mind. He drop his bloody fist and stare at Winston.

"I have and I care about her alot," he said and walk out of the room.

Kyle and Winston were shocked at Darren's answer, they never expected that their boss would say something like this. Kyle regained himself and unlock the keys on the chains and Winston drop to the ground. Two men rush in and helped Winston up, "take him to the hospital," Kyle said and smiled at Winston.

The men nod and carefully carried Winston away.


Darren arrived home and head straight for Elena's room. What Winston said earlier continued ringing in his head.

He went down on his heels and stare at the sleeping girl. He didn't know why but his thoughts were always drifting to hers since the day he met her. He touch her face and felt her smooth skin under his finger. A warm smile stretch on his lips 'It seems I care alot about you even though we just met ' he thought inwardly.