

Damon said nothing, but his eyes were hooded and heavy. “Just one kiss, Wendy. Just one. I have to kiss you. It’s all I’ll demand for now. I can wait for more until we have this account settled.” he said, and then he put his arms around her. She stood frozen in the circle of them as his heavy dark gaze followed the line of her throat Without waiting her consent, he swept his mouth over hers. Finally. Her sweetness exploded onto his tongue the moment he licked over her lips. Her mouth parted in a gasp, and he took full advantage, delving deep into her moist heat. It was everything she’d dreamt about, their kiss. The taste, the feel, the joy at the sheer fineness of Damon Paige, in all his tall, beautifully built splendor, thrilled her and filled her with exquisite sensations. And for that moment, all the complications of getting involved with Damon melted away as if they’d never existed…. When he raised his head abruptly, she thought it was so he could say something personal and intimate that would put the perfect seal on their togetherness. He didn’t. He stared down at her, and she could see his tortured expression before he closed his eyes briefly and then put her away from him. The look in his eyes was brooding and somber. “I should never have done that.” he said. ---------------------- Wendy Morgan relocates to New York and reunites with Deborah Paige, her best friend from high school, despite the fact that her father disagrees with her decision. But Wendy is tired of letting her father dictate every aspect of her life, especially now that he has arranged for her to marry Jordan Baker, so she is convinced that she has made the right decision by leaving. Soon, Wendy finds herself in the same situation with Damon Paige.... Will she walk away this time? She only has to pretend to be Damon's fiance for a while though.... She could do that. What could possibly go wrong?

Whendhie · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter One

"You will not believe who just called me... Guess who" Deborah Paige said as she emerged from her bedroom, clad in pink silk pyjamas.


"I said guess" Deborah said.

Damon Paige turned to look at his little sister, who had a look on her face that he didn't quite understand. He rolled his eyes and returned his attention to his phone.

"I'm not going to bother about guessing anything" he said. "Because I have a feeling that you will tell me anyways. You know,... Because it's you and you can't be quiet about anything... Even to save your life. I'm not even sure that you can keep secret, so just cut the crap and tell me"

"You are no fun" Deborah said and she glared at her brother, but then she smiled because she knew he was right. She would tell him anyways, but that didn't stop her from picking up a pillow and throwing it at him.

"Well," she began "I know you're going to love this... Do you remember my best friend, Wendy Morgan, from high school?... Oh of course you do.. How could you forget"

For some reason, Damon felt his heart beat a little faster at the mention of that name. Deborah waited for him to say something and when he didn't she continued.

"That was her on the phone. She said she decided to leave her dad's company as she was in this 'independence... Starting over again phase'... I didn't really listen to that last part because I got so excited after she told me she got a job here and she wants to stay with me for a while. Isn't that amazing? It's been so long you know... Remember how close she and I were in high school?"

"Yeah I remember" Damon said. "Well, I guess that's a good thing.... for you. At least you won't complain to me about being bored anymore and maybe I can finally get some peace"

Deborah grinned at him. "Excited about seeing her again?" she asked.

Damon gave her a puzzled look. "Why would I be excited?" he asked. "I don't see any reason why I should be. She's your friend. She's coming to live with you... Not me. I mean, of course it would be nice to see her again after all these years, but excited... Is.. Is just not the right word. Why would you even ask me that?"

"Oh please" Deborah replied. "You had such a huge crush on her when we were in high school. Your eyes followed her everywhere. Remember how I used to tease you about it and you made me promise not to tell her? Because you wanted to do it, and I quote 'on your own time'.. Only that time never came because you were just too shy.

Damon rolled his eyes, but also smiled at the memory. It had been a long time ago, but once in a while he still thought about Wendy Morgan. She had been Deborah's best friend at the time and he had had a huge crush on her till he left for college.

The problem was he could never bring himself to tell her how he felt back then as he thought she was way out of his league. She and Debbie had been cheerleaders while he had been one of the brainy students most people saw as geeks.

Wendy was sharp and really good-looking. She had long red hair and big beautiful green eyes, and most times he called her 'red' to tease her. In addition to being very good looking, she was intelligent and perceptive, and although she hung out with the Soc crowd, she was open to befriending people who weren't in her crowd. Damon was so attracted to her but couldn't never being himself to say it to her. Why would a girl like Wendy even want to go out with him anyways? And besides she was dating some jock guy then. So he had kept his feelings to himself.