
05. Love is a mistaken first sight

"Ivy Aretha, you'd better stay abroad for the rest of your life!"

Even after getting in the car, Ivy could still hear Yuri Sanders's angry roar from behind.

After venting her anger, she didn't feel any satisfaction from revenge, but rather, a wave of bitterness filled her heart...

Past events seemed like smoke, yet they were as clear as yesterday.

Six years ago, because of an act of kindness, she lost the most valuable thing for a girl but also gained the most precious thing in her life.

She had thought countless times about not keeping the child, but always couldn't bear to let it go.

She and Zach Gilbert were perhaps first loves, from sixteen to nineteen, they had gone through their youthful days and had pure feelings together.

They had always believed that the love that came from walking together in school was the most pure and sincere, only to find out in the end that it was so fragile.

Ivy would never forget that when she chose to be honest with Zach after that incident, his reaction and the way he looked at her was like looking at a prostitute who had been abused by thousands of people. He didn't say a word, didn't ridicule, there was only disdain that even one glance at her seemed filthy.

That kind of gaze completely woke Ivy up from the love of her youthful days. When she found out she was pregnant later, she actually felt relieved.

The feelings experienced during youthful days were too naive, so naive that they couldn't even accept an unexpected test. Love was just something left for people to fantasize about.

Fuming, Yuri stomped her foot while watching the taxi drive away. The frustration in her heart grew stronger and stronger. Recently, she and Zach were having a cold war.

If he knew that Ivy had returned, would he simply divorce her and rekindle their past love?

Thinking of this, Yuri couldn't help but curse aloud, "Ivy Aretha, you shameless woman, what did you come back for at this time!"

Do you want to see her suffer and hope she gets divorced?

"Her name is Ivy Aretha?"

Yuri, who was cursing Ivy to herself, was interrupted by a deep and pleasant voice.

Looking up, she saw Michael Gordon with deep surprise on his enthralling face, pointing in the direction where Ivy had just gotten into the taxi and left.

"Mr... Mr. Gordon?"

Yuri naturally recognized Michael Gordon, a prominent figure in Andras City.

In addition to being born into a prominent family, he also had a physique comparable to international male models and a face surpassing international movie stars. He was the current CEO of Allure International and the youngest and most promising CEO in the world.

Such a man had both talent and looks, as well as women.

Michael Gordon's name alone was enough to attract A-list celebrities and noble ladies, so there had never been a lack of women around him. It was indeed a rare occurrence to see him alone.

"I'm asking you if her name is Ivy Aretha?"

Michael Gordon didn't pay attention to her incredulous expression, nor did he care who she was. He simply pointed in the direction where the taxi had left and spoke coldly.

Yuri didn't know whether she was shocked by Michael Gordon's cold expression or just too excited to see the national God talking to her.

She couldn't even say a word, her throat seemed blocked, and she could only nod her head desperately.

Seeing her nod in confirmation, Michael Gordon's face, which was already gloomy, turned even darker.

"Fine, very good, extremely good!"

Michael Gordon nodded to himself, gritting his teeth as he said, "Ivy Aretha, huh? You've got guts. If I don't make you suffer, I'm not a Gordon!"

She really had the guts, impersonating the daughter of the Harrison family and accepting a blind date, even daring to mock him. This woman, he swore, he would make her suffer miserably.

No one had ever been born who dared to mock him, Michael Gordon, let alone a woman.

After saying this, Michael Gordon didn't even bother to look at Yuri again. He simply walked around her with a dark face, got in his car, and drove away.

Yuri was left standing there in a daze, secretly rejoicing. It seemed that the ignorant Ivy Aretha had unknowingly offended Young Master Gordon. Just looking at Michael Gordon's expression earlier, she knew how angry he was.

Perfect, she didn't even have to make a move herself. Those who offend Michael Gordon never have a good ending. She would just wait quietly and watch Ivy suffer the consequences.

Michael Gordon was simply furious. He originally intended to meet an important client that day, but the old man insisted that no matter what, he had to meet the daughter of the Harrison family. If he didn't agree, the old man would come to his company and sit there quietly.

Michael Gordon, who had always disliked trouble, had to take some time to deal with this ridiculous blind date. He had planned to quickly end this meeting and intimidate Sienna Harrison away.

That was the most effective way, if the Harrison family disagreed, the trouble wouldn't fall on him. But he didn't expect that the woman would be so cunning and even dare to call him a male pig.

When had he, Michael Gordon, ever been treated like this? If he, Michael Gordon, were a male pig, then countless people in the world would be clamoring to be female pigs.

As Michael Gordon drove, he glanced sideways at his already cleaned-up crotch and his anger grew even greater. That damn woman had the audacity to attack his little brother. She really knew where to strike, and luckily, the coffee wasn't as hot as it could have been.

If it had been freshly brewed coffee and it had scalded him like that, his little brother probably would have been scalded so badly it couldn't even get up.

Thinking of that, the fire in Michael Gordon's chest seemed to flare up, spreading from his heart to his throat, as if he could breathe fire with just a single breath.

With this thought, Michael Gordon immediately took out his phone and made a call.

"Adam, find me a woman named Ivy Aretha. Yes, I only know these three characters. No matter what method you use, I want all the information on her by tomorrow morning!"

After saying that, Michael Gordon vented his anger by throwing his phone onto the passenger side with force, then slammed the steering wheel before continuing to drive.

Once he found her, he was determined to teach this impostor a lesson and show her what Michael Gordon was capable of.

"Mommy, Mommy, what happened? Tell me quickly!"

As soon as Ivy entered, Bianca Aretha jumped up from the sofa and rushed over, staring at Ivy with her big, expectant eyes.

Seeing her daughter's hopeful expression, Ivy instantly thought of her scoundrel of a father and felt a wave of bitterness in her heart.

How could her darling daughter have such a scoundrel for a father?

Remembering Michael Gordon's disdainful and hooligan-like expression earlier and thinking back to his teasing and harassing attitude six years ago,

A wave of bitterness welled up in Ivy's heart, choking the words in her throat.

After a moment, she hugged her precious daughter and said with a choked voice: "Baby, I'm sorry, Mommy will definitely find you a good daddy in the future!"