
Chapter 3

"Aunt Paula isn't coming with us." I entered the driver's side and locked the car. "Thank you boys for waiting out here for me. That showed how grown up you've become."


My words caused them to giggle.


I smiled warmly, grateful I had three boys to keep me company and on my toes every single day.


The last five years haven't been easy, but it has been manageable. I've walked through the most difficult times and yet stood, strong.


Or, better yet, stronger than ever.


I breathed in the familiar scent of a place I lived in for years.


It was refreshing to be back after years of living in another country.


"Mom, buy some ice cream!" John exclaimed, eagerly pointing at the ice cream stand.


"Of course." I walked over to the ice cream stand with my three kids happily screaming in delight.


The people walking through the Streets smiled at us.


Most even stopped to ask how I took care of them, since taking care of a kid is troublesome.


They were awed to learn I'm the only parent the kids have. And that I had no one helping me out.


"Good day." I smiled at the older man. "Can I have four scoops of vanilla ice cream?"


"Yes…" He paused when he saw my kids. "Wow, what lovely boys you have there." He smiled at them.