
Doki Doki

There was a kind of blushing that showed her soul. A sort of compliment that emphasized the delicate sweetness from within. It brought out a sort of pink champagne roses to the imagination. Even her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest, anytime soon.

They sat, eyes locked to the screen, barely noticing the popcorn that failed to make it to her slacked mouth. Although there was silence between them, it didn’t last long at the movies. Their surroundings would deprive their senses of light and take over with a powerful sound.

Kazue’s eyes were wide open the whole time. Her body was frozen stiff. But, she didn’t care about the movie. Not one bit. It was thriller, horror, and action. Something that she regularly watches on her own.

Not now.

No way.

Shin’s hand moved like clockwork. With one hand, he would reach for the popcorn in her lap, and with the other, he had it wrapped around her shoulder.

Kazue died inside.

- “How did it come to this?!!!!”

That’s when the memories came swarming back.

The hospital was kind of quiet. It allowed others a positive space to open up into. A space that would support their needs. Right after Shin gave Kazue’s father the ins and outs of Kanako’s health state, Yuuji immediately got into his face and pushed him aside.

- “Shin! Bro! I had no idea you were a doctor!”

- “Not yet.” – Shin continued to walk down the hallway. “I have patients to attend to, if you don’t mind.”

- “And a strange hobby too.” – Yuuji laughed.

- “Look, if you think about exposing me or something, let me assure you that…”

- “No! No! Don’t worry about me and Erika. That thing is well taken care of. Tell me, bro. What do you think about Kazue?”

- “Ka-chan?”

- “Yes.”

- “She is a good girl. Very smart.”

- “Not like that. I mean, would you date her?”

- “Oh?” – Shin turned around and observed Kazue from head to toe. She was far away, so she had no idea what the two of them were talking about. Yet, she knew it wasn’t good. “Of course.”

- “Really?! Then, why don’t you take her on a date?”

- “Date? Don’t you think is better to talk to her about it? Not like this?”

- “Trust me, man! She had this crush on you since high school. But, never had the guts to ask you out. Well, she still does. So, why not?”

- “Well, not that I have anything against that. As long as she is up for it.”

- “That’s the spirit!”

The memory ended and Kazue was back to reality.

- “Oh, come on. Why would I get worked up over something like this? People always go on dates. It’s not a big deal.” – she tried to make herself feel better. “Aaaaaa?!!!!”

But, Shin wouldn’t leave her any time to gather her thoughts. Nope. He grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her towards him.

- “You don’t like it?” – he whispered. His lips were close to her ear. Too close.

- “No. No. It’s good. I always watch movies like these.”

She tried to sound like it was a casual conversation but knew she messed it up when there was a slight squeak in her voice. Shin smiled.

- “Is that so? Then, I’m glad.”

- “Damn you, Yuuji!!!!!!”

Little did she know that Yuuji was spying on them from the back seats. He dressed up pretty well. Even changing his hairstyle with an unusual black wig. It was impossible to know it was him. Well, except for the fact that he was biting down the seat in front of him like crazy. People got scared.

From the laughs to the sweet silent exchanges. It seemed that the two of them were having a great time. Then why?! Why did it make him feel this way? Why does it eat him up from inside? Why?

That’s when a scenario formed in his head.

Kazue and Shin, submerging each other in pure, raw passion. A flood of powerful emotions take over, and in that split second, before their bodies unite, something snapped in his mind.

Yuuji stood up. Like some wooden plank. Stood there for a moment. People stared.

- “No.”

He said to himself and then crouched back down again. He continued to bite the chair like a hungry zombie.

People were still staring.

Just as the movie was about to end, in that single moment, Shin enveloped Kazue in a protective cocoon. His hand was on her chin. There was something ethereal about his eyes. She could stare at them for hours on end. Ah…those soft lips, ripe for kissing. In his own casual, silent way, he told her it was going to be alright.

Everything she had ever hoped for was right there. All those years of unrequited love was now within reach. She wanted to grab this opportunity and at least feel how he tastes like.

Kazue died. Again.

But, all her dreams came crashing down when an unfamiliar man started dragging her out of the movies and into the toilet outside. She immediately recognized his hands and his deep breaths.

- “Yuuji?! What the hell are you doing?”

But, before he could answer, he threw her into one of the free toilets and went to confront Shin, who immediately went after them.

- “Yu? What is the meaning of this?”

- “Leave.”

- “What?”

- “Get out of here.”

- “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. If you want her, why tell me to date her?”

- “Yuuji? Like me?!!!” – Kazue overheard.

- “Like hell, I will like someone like her.”

- “Ahm.” – Kazue raised an eyebrow.

- “Then let me have her.”

- “Aaaaaaaa!!!!” – Her mind went blank. What Shin just said sent her heart into a frenzy.

- “No.” – Yuuji blocked the door to the toilet.

- “Ooooh…Look, look! These two are arguing over a girl.” – a couple of onlookers started gossiping.

- “Shh…I can’t hear with your blabbering.” – a stranger added.

- “Whatever.” – Shin sighed. He didn’t want to make any more drama. “Kazue, you can hear me, right? You have my phone number. Call me whenever you like. Let’s go out again.”

He left.

Kazue wished she didn’t blush so fast, that she had at least some ability to keep her emotions to herself. But, her cheeks were a dead giveaway.

Yuuji opened the door. He was furious. Yet, Kazue didn’t care. She was swept up in her own little fantasy. Her and Shin going down the road, side by side. Locking hands. Kissing. Hugging. The girl was walking on clouds.

Yuuji’s fancy car hugged the black tarmac as the headlights illuminated the road ahead. Kazue was sitting in the front seat, completely engorged in her fantasies.

- “Are you going to give in that easily?” – he asked.

- “What is your problem? I’m in my 20s. People have done everything by now. I feel like I’m always behind.”

- “There is no need to rush things.”

- “Why not?”

- “Well, are you sure he likes you?”

- “I think so. Why would he try to kiss me otherwise?”

- “To get you naked.”

- “Not everyone thinks the same way you do, Yuuji. Besides, why do you care?”

- “You need to take better care of yourself. It’s good that you two got to know each other. But, don’t rush or you will come crying to me when he dumps you.”

- “Are you an idiot? Of course, I wouldn’t have sex on a first date. But, kissing. Well…that’s a different story.” – Kazue smiled again. The scenarios in her mind quickly took over.

- “Anyway. We are going to Sapporo. Don’t forget the deal you made with me.” – Yuuji miffed.

- “Yeah yeah…Save you from absolute doom.” – Kazue waved her hands.

- “That’s right.”

- “Don’t worry. You can count on me.”

- “Good.”