
Chapter 98 - Daughters of Darkness

Kayla stepped out of Hannah’s car, the roaring music blaring from inside one of the rooms in the dorm already making her ears hurt. How could people talk with the music so damn loud?

Hannah picked her up a little before nine, Kalinda already in the car. However, after being there for thirty minutes, Kayla’s ears were numb, and she gripped her second beer. The dorm was an old apartment building, each door on the outside with a wraparound walkway on each floor. Most of the doors were open, college kids hanging out or leaning over the rails, music blaring, Solo cups littering the floor along with beer bottles. The college kids gathered in small clumps, laughing, cutting up, drinking, some paired off, arms wrapped around each other, heavy into making out as they gripped each other’s bodies. There was no shame and plenty of flesh.