
The Cat and The Black Narcissus

The ice-cold water poured over my head, spread all over my body and made me shiver with cold. I tensed, then opened my eyes. The room was small and dark, lit only by two wall torches burning in their metal holders. There were no windows. The furniture consisted only of two chairs and a wooden table, large and sturdy enough for someone to lie on, if necessary. That's all it took for me to understand the situation: I was in an interrogation room. My hands were firmly attached to the back of the chair behind me, and so were my legs. Thus begins the adventure of this book, dear reader. Get ready to plunge into a fantastic universe, filled with power struggles and treacherous adversaries, magic and steel, mystical creatures and fatal beauties.

TheBlackSamourai · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Arrival at the mansion

The next morning they woke me at sunrise. I quickly got ready, then a carriage took me to Lord Froane's mansion. It was about five kilometers northwest of the last houses in Karcep, almost at the edge of the Deer Forest.

Two-meter high stone walls stood on both sides of the road, at least a hundred meters in each direction. Before approaching, I had noticed that the estate extended even further, perhaps twice as far. The wide metal gate was only slightly ajar. The guard on duty opened it fully upon our arrival, without stopping or questioning us, only saluting the coachman. As we bumped along the cobbled driveway in the woods, the guard with me in the carriage grabbed my arm roughly, just below the shoulder.

"Watch what ya do, eh! We've got our eyes on ya!"

I looked at him in disgust, first in his eyes and then where he was grabbing me, and decided there was no point in answering him.

The carriage stopped and after a few seconds the door opened. I got out. We were standing right in front of the entrance to the mansion. To my surprise, an entire reception committee was waiting for me. The guards who had escorted me exchanged a few words with their local colleague, left me two parchments, and left.

The colleague in question was named Delmar, the officer in charge of the manor's guards. He wore no weapon or armor, nor did he command respect for his size or musculature. He simply introduced himself with his name and function before giving the floor to the others.

The second person I met was the General Steward, an elf named Rikas Boltaniel, tall even by the standards of his race. He wore elegant black pants and an immaculate white shirt. He extended his hand politely, then introduced me to the rest of the group.

Raiana was the head maid, probably in her mid-forties, dressed in a wide apron that fell almost to her ankles and stylish little white shoes.

Next was the dwarf Kiro, the manor's kitchen manager and winemaker. He must have weighed at least one hundred and fifty kilos, and he had a beard and a head of red hair so long that there would be no mistaking the origin of any hair that might fall into the food.

I stood before them with embarrassment as they looked at me, some with curiosity, others with disdain, after which they left to return to the building, chatting among themselves in low voices, probably about me. Only the steward remained with me.

"You see, Kloi, the people you've just met are the ones for whom you'll be performing various tasks. As long as the Master is not at the Manor, I have the last word, as does Officer Delmar if security is threatened. The Mistress would also like to meet you, but she's not an early riser and is still in her quarters. Let's take you on a tour of the mansion before she arrives."