
The captive's heart

Revenge and betrayal is the theme of the day.... Will Sandra learn to love again? Will she discover her true potential as a leader? Trust is not an option....

Angel_Ilikah · Urban
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22 Chs


Sandra entered the black car waiting for her along with her secretary, she threw one last glance at the prosecutors office before she instructed the chauffeur to drive.

They arrived at the company thirty minutes later since the company wasn't that far from the prosecutors office.

Sandra got down and entered the building with her head held high and her heels screaming elegance. Employees bowed their heads to greet her and she bowed hers slightly in acknowledgement of their respect.

The employees were surprised to see their vice president like this, the aura around her was different. Though a smile was lingering beautifully on her face, they could not deny that the coldness around her was nerve wrecking, they all felt goosebumps. Her face was expressionless as usual but there was a fire in her eyes, as she entered the elevator, the smile disappeared from her face and was replaced with a deep scowl. She stood still like a statue as her secretary tapped on the necessary buttons and the elevator closed and began moving up.


Sandra looked at her secretary and remained silent.

"I honestly didn't know that they called for an emergency meeting, please forg.."

Sandra cut her off with a raise of her hand.

"Mm. It's alright, how many of the stockholders came?"

"Ma'am, all of them. They all came and they seem to be on the same side with Mr Morgan and his wife."

Sandra smirked, this was just perfect.

"Those fucking sly," she threw her head back as she laughed. Her secretary flinched, her boss's laugh was more scary than her anger. Why did the sound of her laugh have so much bitterness in it? She hugged the tab tightly in fear as Sandra suddenly stopped laughing. "I will do them a favor and bring hell to them."

The elevator door opened and Sandra didn't step out and still stood inside motionlessly. This scared her secretary.


"What's your name?"

Her secretary's eyes widened in shock. She knew that it wasn't quite that long since she started working for Sandra but at least she should have known her name by now.

She released the tab from her bear hug as she tried to hide the disappointment bubbling inside her.


"C-cassie." Sandra nodded to herself as she completely ignored the fact that the girl might not like the nickname.

"It's Cassandra ma..." she swallowed the rest of her words and firmly shut her mouth as Sandra shot her a deadly glare.

'This woman must not be human, she scares the shit out of me.' Cassie shivered at the thought.

"Do you have a problem with the name?"

"Not at all."

"I thought as much."

Sandra finally moved but she walked like a turtle. She took her time counting her footsteps like whatever was going on in the meeting wasn't bothering her.

Cassie tagged along and walked slowly behind her boss. She wanted to know what was going on with the stockholders but this damn woman was walking so slow like she had all the time in the world. Her curiosity was poking her with every excruciatingly slow and calculated step her boss took. She could only sigh inwardly and curled her tongue inside her mouth to refrain herself from shouting at Sandra.

They finally got to the door and Sandra aggressively shoved the door open, surprising not only the stockholders but also Cassie. This woman and her dramatic entrances! Cassie rolled her eyes.

"What do you think you are doing here?" Mr Morgan shouted as he stood up from his chair.

"You all called for an emergency meeting without me? what? you were going to go ahead and select a new CEO behind my back?"

Sandra's eyes were blazing with fire that threatened to burn anyone who tried to get in her way.

"You slut, Shouldn't you be at home quietly waiting for all of this to settle down? be a dutiful wife for once."

Sandra's head snapped towards the direction of the voice and her gaze fell upon a shareholder who looked around the age of fifty or sixty, Mr Robert. He was wildly known for being rude and proud.

In a flash, Sandra was behind him. This surprised everyone of course because they did not expect her to move so fast and so effortlessly at that with so much grace.

She grabbed a fistful of his hair and slammed his head on the table, not allowing him to recover from the shock, she pulled out his left hand and placed his palm on the table. She picked up a pen on the table and drove it through his palm.

The man screamed in agony and it earned him a slap from Sandra. She placed her index finger on her lips and asked him to stay quiet. He nodded and sulked quietly, his eyes begging Mr Morgan to control his daughter in-law.

Cassie's throat went dry as she watched her boss settle on a chair calmly like she didn't just drive a whole fucking pen into a man's hand. She admitted that the man did deserve it but wow her boss was really something. She immediately added to her mental To-do list 'Only cross your boss if you want to leave this earth."

"Sandra what has come over you?" Mr Morgan demanded.

"What are you doing here?"

Mr Morgan stiffened at Sandra's question. Sandra's eyes swept through the whole room before coming back to meet his now widened eyes filled with terror.

"Mm. should I do the honors of informing them?"

"Sandra, go home and wait for me."



"What is she doing?"


"What does she mean by 'Informing us' inform what exactly?"

"I really don't know, just shut up, we don't know what she's planning on doing now, I still love my hand, thank you very much."

The stakeholders all murmured to themselves as their eyes kept darting from Mr Morgan to Sandra.

"Alright then, I'll have you all know that my dear father-in-law here no longer has any shares in this company, not even a single share. That includes his wife, my sweet mother in-law and Bruce my husband."

"What?" The stockholders all shouted in unison.

"Well long story short, they transferred all their shares to me, Soo back to the issue at hand, about the CEO seat do I get a crown to go with the title?"

They all stared at her in disbelief, the whole room was so quiet that if a pin was dropped it would be so loud.

"Mm, I'll also appreciate your earnest loyalty," Sandra turned to look at Mr Morgan. "It's for the best of the company, don't take it personal, off you go, do wait for me at home."

She flashed her brightest smile at him as the man walked away with his head hanging low.

"Oh and you, scram."

Mr Robert didn't need to be told twice before he dashed out of the room in a flash.