
Chapter 2

"Sargent Bennett!"

"Here Sir!"

"You've got a letter Sargent."

"Thank you Sir!"

"Hurry up then get back to work!"

I opened the letter slowly from my beloved. There were pictures of my beautiful children and my beloved. They all had smiling faces. I looked closer at the picture into my beloved's glasses. I squint hard and make out my best friend in his glasses. "Was he cheating on me? No he wouldn't be." I flipped through the rest of my letter reading what he wrote me. It read...

"My dear beloved, I can't express the need for your company through the time you have been gone. Your friend had said she'd help with baby sitting the kiddos. I hope you feeling alright being so far away from us in that terrible war you are in at the moment. Hope to see you soon!"

Love, your beloved XOXO

This was not the first letter. He sent me dozens of them and I kept every single picture near my heart.

Ever since I've gone to this terrible war nothing's been the same. Have experienced thinks no person should ever have to. My leg is torn up at the surface but it is completely intact luckily. It doesn't hurt anymore. I've gone completely numb to the point where pain isn't pain anymore. But enough about me. The war is still going on! 'I grab my sniper and shoot the closest to me and they fall In Response' most of these people are easy. I know that there are other people that snipe better then me. I must be on lookout consistently for I might die from my lack of care. The last person who did that died because he didn't see the bomb on the ground. God rest his soul. He was a good man. Well I've got to get back to work. Over and out!

Sargent Bennett