
Chapter 5 Big Brother

Xiao Chen followed Xiao Yang all the way, "why don't we fly over ah,"

"Air is forbidden in the immortal clan to show respect to the clan. That's the rule of living in a family. I'll tell you more about it later. I live in the front, you live in the courtyard."

"Well, who should I learn from?"

"You are here, have what don't understand big can ask me." Xiao Yang light said.

"Thank you very much!"

"What did you call me?"

"That's what SISTER Murong called me, brother."

"Didn't your father tell you about me?"

"No, don't you know my father and brother?"

"I'm your big brother. A half-brother?"

"Oh?" Xiao Chen heard can not help but shocked, how they suddenly ran out of a brother, but also half-brother.

"My name is Xiao Yang. I am indeed xiao Feng's son and your eldest brother." Xiao Yang said again.

"But I never heard my father mention it," xiao Chen was still puzzled.

"It's true whether he says it or not. I hate it, but you are my only brother. He sent you to the Faery school, and I should have taken care of you without writing this letter."

Although Xiao Yang is indeed extraordinary bearing, also can be regarded as the celestial pride of the fairy, but Xiao Chen heart always resist this suddenly jumped out of the eldest brother.

Xiao Yang seems to see xiao Chen's mind, "no doubt, I don't have to cheat you, if I can choose I would rather not the son of Xiao Wind and rain, but this is not you AND I can decide, xiao Wind and rain do wrong and you have nothing to do."

"What did my father do wrong?"

"Since he didn't tell you, I can't say. You'll know when you do. What you need to think about now is how to practice well."

"You take Xiao Chen to his residence, you first settle down, a few to see you, in addition, this hill you can walk around, but it is best not to go out, these days you will have a good understanding of the rules of fairy, the teacher will teach you." Then Xiao Yang left. Left xiaochen and the woman called tea.

"Childe Xiao, please follow me." Tea pointed to a direction, make please gesture.

"Red sleeve teacher elder sister polite, call me Xiao Chen good."

"Xiao childe is polite, but the red sleeve is Xiao Yang brother's maid, how can afford the two words."

"Are there any maids in the Fairy School? Shouldn't they all be monks?"

"Prince Xiao, we talked while walking. It is true that there are a large number of monks in the fairy school, but the monks also need someone to take care of their daily life and food. It would be a pity if brother Xiao Yang's time was delayed by some trivial things in life. Therefore, it is stipulated in the Xian Ling School that core disciples in the school have their own cave and can also recruit their own servants."

"But don't you have time to practice?"

"What the core disciples lack is the time to practice. For those of us who are not gifted enough, the disciples will not invest the resources of practice in us, nor will they let us live in the inner gate. Therefore, many of the outer disciples chose to seek refuge with some inner disciples to gain the right to practice in the inner gate. Sometimes when the master is happy, he will give some treasure or medicine."

"What is a core disciple and what is an outer disciple?"

"Disciple is divided into outer door disciple of fairy of the inner disciple, core disciple and was handed down by disciple, outside door disciple is those who haven't preconditions for success or force the preconditions are not good disciple, uniting the talent and finish the preconditions, open abdomen, the science of uniting the air condition can be was a disciple who, if age 40 also failed to break through to an absolute being soul, it will be sent to the outside door do deacons, The core disciples are the spiritual realm disciples, who can choose a place of their own to live in the inner gate of the Immortal School, and can also bring some people to the inner gate. And the personal disciples are very talented, by the patriarch or elders to worship him as a teacher. This kind of person is equivalent to the authority of a core disciple no matter what state he or she is in. It is said that Brother Xiao Yang was accepted by an elder who lived in the door and did not come out for many years. And murong Shimei, whom you have seen before, is the daughter of the Lord, and though she is still trying to finish the foundation, she also lives in the inner gate."

"Then what am I?"

"Xiao Chen's son is brother Xiao Yang's own brother. Surely Brother Xiao Yang will take good care of you. Well, the front is the place where xiaochen childe lives, hongxiu lives next to the childe, Xiaochen childe has any needs can always come to find hongxiu, that hongxiu will leave first. Tea specially emphasized any demand, but Xiao Chen can not understand such a hint.

"Good good, thank you for the red sleeve teacher elder sister, after a lot of trouble teacher elder sister you."

Xiao Chen yard near you live, feel and when he was in the village is no different, he didn't know that how many people in order to predict a quota at driving down for bondmen and bondwomen, want to know a fairy but the world one of five big door, even outside the door disciple in the outside world also don't know how many people will go into, and not to mention, there is a yard in the door. But Xiao Chen to oneself that suddenly jump out of the eldest brother is still feeling unspeakable awkwardness, say hate it but can not find the reason to hate, but instinct want to escape, as if in the face of his cold father before.

The next day early in the morning, Xiao Chen came to Xiao Yang's room. "Big brother?

"Come in."

"What do you want to see me about?" Xiao Yang sat in the room, reading a book in his hand.

"I want to know how to get to ten."

"Do you know what the ten chains are?" Xiao Yang put down the book, turned to look at Xiao Chen asked.

"I don't know. I have practiced the first nine weights of the body, the muscles and skin, the viscera and the meridians of the bones. I don't know what the tenth weight is."

"The tenth body is naturally the most difficult part of the body, and the most difficult part of the body is the blood."

"Blood tests?"

"Yes, the mystery contained in the blood is infinite, if a family out of a great human race, his descendants will inherit his blood mark, such as the three emperors and five emperors, their descendants blood talent is stronger than ordinary people, and refining blood, is to leave your mark in the blood. It is said that after reaching a high level of cultivation, a drop of blood can be reborn, showing the importance of blood."

"So how do you try the blood?"

"For ordinary people, it is very simple, their blood is not strong, there is nothing to be refined, but you are different, you are the Xiao people, have the xiao blood, you must use the unique way of the Xiao family and another Xiao clansman to complete the refining of blood. Your ninefold body is finished. I can do it now, if you like."

"Will it be hard?"

"It is not difficult, though there may be some pain, but the more pain you suffer, the more successful you will be."

"That ok, ask big brother to help me."

"I will first use the jin Acupuncture point to stimulate your blood power, and then use a drop of my vital blood to fuse with you to stimulate your blood talent. The Jin acupuncture point will only cause some pain, but the fusion of vital blood is the real suffering."

"Eldest brother you can say first probably is how, I also have a heart to prepare."

I felt as if my whole body was on fire for three hours, and the more painful it was, the more conscious I became. Three hours later I fainted and did not wake up until the next day."

Xiao Chen finish listen to feel terror, just want to practice these must be completed and decided to bullet stick to it, actually Xiao Yang didn't say, blood just gold smelting acupuncture point, fusion JingXie though to a greater degree of stimulation, but to provide JingXie also has side effects, but also very few people are willing to bear the pain of JingXie fusion, if Xiao Chen know, I'm afraid you wouldn't choose a fusion to complete the process.

Xiao Chen took off his clothes, by Xiao Yang needle, although the gold acupuncture point some pain, but Xiao Chen from childhood and often fight with the beast, also suffered a lot of injuries, for the pain is bearable.

"Are you ready for the fusion?"

"All right, here we go."

Xiao Yang forced a drop of blood, by the gold needle to xiaochen body, blood into xiaochen body, then ordinary a Mars fell into a pile of dry wood, instant Xiaochen body blood boiling, with the usual several times the speed of running.

"Ah!" Although Xiao Chen had been prepared, but also can not stand the sudden pain loudly called.

"You should keep your mind clear and keep your blood running for 36 weeks."

"I can't do ~" Xiao Chen eyes red, shape if crazy, fortunately Xiao Yang in the side to control.

In the end, Xiao Chen did not even have the strength to shout, after completing the blood test, he fainted.

I do not know how long the past, Xiao Chen finally woke up, opened his eyes to see the first is tea.

"Xiao childe you finally woke up."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Xiao childe you but slept for a whole three days and three nights, but it is worth it, elder brother Xiao Yang to help you refine blood, complete the refining body, your body must be stronger than ordinary people, Xiao childe you lie first, I will go to call Elder brother Xiao Yang."

"Is it ten weight already?" Xiao Chen felt the strength of the body, as if it did not increase much, but felt there was something strange in the body, I could not explain the feeling.

After a while, Xiao Yang came over, I do not know why the beginning to see Xiao Yang Xiao Chen will feel excluded, and now see Xiao Yang there is a familiar feeling. Is this the blood line?

"Big brother! Xiao Chen called Xiao Yang from the heart for the first time.