
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Urban
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28 Chs

The Promise

' Click, click, and click'

Several minutes passed by quickly as she clicked pictures of the beautiful scenery.

" Indeed it is a beautiful sight. Too beautiful to believe.'' A deep voice as the roar of an airplane engine came from behind her.

A well-built Adonis came into her sight when Dada turned to look back. Her pupils dilated before going back to normalcy. The man appeared more masculine and handsome. A small smile could be seen as tiny dimples formed on his cheeks and chin.

Flashing him a tiny smile, Dada went on to continue with clicking pictures. The clicking sound went on, and stopped when she realised that the man was now standing before her.

She had already clicked his picture when she realised his presence. Her mouth opened ajar after realising what had happened.

Her hands shook a bit but she calmed herself down in no time.

" Hobby or a profession?" The man asked eyeing the camera in Dada's hands.

" Just a hobby."

" Am sure you just clicked a picture of me, mind showing off your skills?" The man asked her. His voice tickled her insides.

" It was an innocent mistake, and I will give you your picture if one-day we happen to meet again."


" Do you remember what you promised a year ago about my picture. I haven't forgotten and am still waiting for it."

" Is that why you are behaving like this towards me? For two people who are not well versed with each other, you should still find it awkward to be with me. After all, we don't know each other except for our names." Swinging slightly, Dada voiced out her opinion without any hesitation.

Atlas raised his eyebrows at her.

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then switched to playful again.

" What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on Dada's face.

Atlas stood up from the tree trunk and walked behind her. He pushed the swing by a tiny degree and continued to repeat the action.

" I meant exactly what I said. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above.

Their eyes locked before Dada looked away.

" There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life. Well, that is what most of my friends tells me. Am an anti-social being who likes and spends most of the time locked up in the comfort of my home so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life."

Dada looked up again and met Atlas's gaze. She smiled slightly before looking at the small fish pond meters away.

" Is this your home?" She made an attempt to change the topic to which she did.

Atlas who was focused on her, paused his movements and gave her a ' what do you think' look. He continued swinging the swing lightly as he took his time to answer,

" So did I. I never expected to see you again and that too in my house."

" Is Rex your brother?" Dada enquired in a smooth voice.

" What do you think?" Atlas eyed her in amusement.

" Your surnames aren't the same. Or maybe you use your father's and he uses your mother's. That would explain it, isn't?

A chuckle escaped Atlas's throat, " His family took me in and raised me up since I was four years old, I already had a name and a surname. By then, Rex was two years old which makes me his older brother. Though we aren't related by blood, this has become my family since then."

" I don't mean to be noisy, but where were your biological parents?" Dada tilted her head slightly and asked him.

" They left me."

The pair conversed till the skies reddened. Dada's butt was now very painful that she couldn't stand up properly. Sweat covered her small forehead while she panted heavily.

" Let me." Atlas stood before her and helped her up. He held her arm and supported her body as they walked towards the house.


Soon it was dinner time, and everyone gathered around the dining table. It was a joyful occasion as laughter could be heard occasionally.

" Let me introduce to you Isis. She will be staying with us for a day or two." Stopping in between, Rex turned to look at the new face sitter next to him before glancing at Dada.

" This is my wife, Molly." He introduced the two ladies to each other before the dinner proceeded. All had a great time as they enjoyed the sumptuous and delicious meal.

" It was a delicious meal mom. I didn't know that you could cook such a nice meal till Dada appeared. Bro! Let's invite more guests from now on."

Rex, rubbed his tummy in small circular movements. He smiled teasingly at his mother and brother.

" Will take a stroll outside, don't wait for us." Taking Molly's hand in his own, Rex made a beeline for the door.

In the house only the three individuals remained watching the television. There was total silence except for the voice of the presenter coming from the television.

" I... I will excuse myself too. Goodnight." Dada got up and walked towards the guest room. Her walking was less funny as the excruciating pain from that morning was gone. She hurried to the bathroom to clean myself up, luckily enough that someone had driven her car over which had her suitcase.

After having lunch earlier, she had called to inform the manager and her team about her condition.

Done with her cleaning, she walked out of the bathroom and surveyed the room. The bedsheets were obviously new as the colour has yet not faded.

Knock! Knock!

The sound of knocking reverberated within the room then someone spoke from the other side.

" I brought you fruits to munch on before you catch on with your sleep."

Dada walked to the door and swang it open. There, in front of her stood Atlas in his full glory. He had a half smile on his face as always.

' Dazzling ' A tiny voice spoke within her. The man before her was putting on a loose grey t-shirt and black pajama pants. The low neckline revealed his broad chest.

" Fruits."

Atlas lifted the platter higher to her eye level.

Dada stood there in shock and stared at her hand which had been gently pulled forth. Atlas had already placed the fruit platter in her hands by the time she recovered from her daze.

She cleared her throat in embarrassment and took a step backwards.

" Thanks and goodnight."

Saying that, she shut the door before Atlas could say anything. He stood there bewildered for a second prior to letting out a chuckle.

" You are much welcome, and goodnight Isis."