
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Urban
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28 Chs

Midnight Blue

The following day at around past six in the morning, Atlas opened his eyes. The skies outside had brightened slightly and faint light entered into the room through the tiny air vents.

Slowly, he turned and positioned his body as he lay on his side. With his hand supporting his head, he stared motionlessly at the sleeping woman. Her eye lashes trembled in an attempt to part and reveal the brown orbs hidden within.

Her head rested on his numb arm which she has used as a cushion for most of the night. Atlas smiled at himself before closing his eyes again and went back to sleep.


A hour later, a trending topic graced the internet.


The news articles kept on popping up every now and then like popcorns in a scorching saucepan. In a short time span, there was havoc within the internet world. Picture after picture, article after article surfaced one after the other.

Atlas woke up when his mobile phone rang for the forth time. Though he wasn't a light sleeper, he was neither a heavy sleeper. He raised his head and looked at the sleeping Dada. Without moving his body away, he used his other free hand to retrieve the phone placed on the bedside table.

" What is it this early morning?" He asked in a whisper. His voice sounded lazy and hoarse from the sleep.

" Atlas is that you?" Ben too asked in a whisper. He was confused at the other's behaviour. It was the first time hearing Atlas whisper. He knew that the former never liked whispering as he deemed it to be irritating.

" Who else could it be? Why are you calling me at this hour?"

Still cocooned inside the blankets, Atlas didn't make an attempt to get off the bed. He shifted to a more comfortable position while still positioning his hand under Dada's head.

" We... we lost Midnight Blue in a car crash. He was from a friend's farewell party with Daisy when an incoming mini van lost control and hit their car head on. They suffered injuries to the head and both were pronounced dead at the scene."

" I will be there."

His voice didn't carry any hint of melancholy but his face said it all. Deadly silence enveloped the tiny room. Atlas felt his heart sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness. Pain shot through from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet.

Dada who had woken up long ago when the phone had first rang heard the full conversation. She knew Midnight Blue. He was a well known name in the music and entertainment industry. He was a top notch artist who rose to fame with his unique voice.

Still with her eyes shut, she took in every movement occuring within the small room. The man beside her had become motionless. She could feel the stiffness of his arm muscles.

Now wasn't the time to scream and shout at the heavens after finding herself sleeping on the same bed with a man.

Atlas's breathing became laboured, his face paled and his body trembled non- stop. He slowly removed his hand under Dada's head and listlessly climbed down the bed. His feet couldn't support his weight leading to him losing his balance.


With a bang, he fell heavily to the ground.

Dada raised her head when she heard something hitting the floor which was instantly followed by a muffled groan. Her eyes widened when she saw the fallen Atlas on the ground.

" Atlas!"

Dada jumped off the bed at top speed and kneeled on the floor next to him. She could see his reddened eyes closing slowly.

This terrified her.

With all her might, she managed to pull him towards the bed. She lightly patted his cheeks to keep him awake.

" Atlas wake up! Oh no! Open your eyes and look at me." Fear and worry clouded her mind. She tried to get up but was held back by a weaker force.

" Water... get me a bottle of wat..." He failed to complete his sentence. He somewhat opened his eyes and stared into hers as his arms lay limply on his sides.

" You have to receive treatment."

" Just bring me water. I will be fine." His voice was low and hoarse. He appeared exhausted in addition to the sweat spots visible on his neck.

Without wasting much time, Dada hurried off to retrieve a bottle of water from the fridge. Her steps were disoriented that she tripped on the electric cable lying on the floor. Sharp pain shot through her right knee when she fell but she embraced it and rushed forward.

" Here. Let me help you." She pulled him up into her arms and let his head rest on her bosom. Steadily, she helped him to gulp down half of the water. His face started regaining its lost colour.

" Help me up." He tried to sit up straight but fell back down into her arms. With all the strength that she could master, Dada stood behind Atlas and pulled him up. His body was big and burly that she panted lightly after helping him lay down on the bed.

" You look much better after that drink, maybe you should rest for a bi..." Before she could finish, Atlas's phone rang.

" Help me answer the call, and whoever it is please tell them that am still sleeping." He indicated using his eyes to the phone on the ground.

" Hello." She went to pick it up and answered the call.

" Atlas?... Eh!...Who are you?" Rex's high pitched voice came from the other side. Dada who had the phone plastered to her ear panicked. She wasn't expecting Rex to be the one calling.

" Hello! Who on earth are you and where is my brother?" Rex continued shouting on the other side. He saw his brother walking back to his room yesternight with his own two naked eyes, so how could a feminine voice answer the call.

It was familiar though.

" It's Dada. Atlas is still sleeping." Not knowing how to respond further, she disconnected the call.

" It was Rex. I think I have to leave, but will you be fine on your own?" She asked with her eyes secured to his face.

" Accompany me for some time."