
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Urban
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28 Chs

A friend in need

Taking a break, Atlas stared into Mandy's eyes.

" Remember this, we broke up two years ago Mandy. I have been giving in to you in the past but that doesn't mean that I have been scared of you. It was just pity."

Having said that, he made a beeline for the bedroom, leaving Mandy standing alone in the living room.

His shoulder hurt so badly.

He immediately went to treat his wound in the bathroom before walking out with his toiletries. Exhaling slowly, he walked to the closet situated at the corner of the room, opened it and retrieved his every clothing article inside.


The bedroom door opened with full force and there, Mandy stood with a liqueur bottle clasped in her right hand. A half finished cigarette rested between her left hand's index and middle fingers.

" Where do you think you are going? Do you think you can leave just because you want to? You are not going anywhere and that's it." A lazy expression painted Maddy's face as she exhaled the cigarette smoke through her lips making a perfect circle.

" Says who? You? I control my own life, Mandy and it's final that am leaving. I have been staying here because this is also my place but on the other hand, of course this is also your place so stay and enjoy, Mandy Anderson."

Atlas attempted to pull his luggage bag forward but was stopped by Mandy who blocked the entrance.

" Make way, I want to pass."

Mandy screamed at the man who was about to walk away. She took a sip from the liqueur bottle and a smile crept up her face as she eyed Atlas who had paused his movements.

" In your dreams! Want to pass? You really want to leave? You want to go to your lover, isn't? You think you can flirt and sleep around and I would keep quite about it? I have heard all about your affairs outside and I have even seen you with that piece of trash they call, " Ben."

" Affairs, what affairs are those? And, me being with a woman outside is none of your concern. Also, I dare you to talk like that about my friends. Whoever I spend my time with has got nothing to do with you and I don't think I have got to report that to you.You are one piece of a woman that I have mistaken to be a gem."

Atlas took a break before proceeding,

" Now move away from that door unless you want me to use force on you."

With that he raised his eyebrows at Mandy who had a determined expression on her face. He eyed her before pushing her away and leaving with his bags.

Behind him came Mandy's hysterical shouts as she staggered before balancing herself, " Stop right there, I said stop right where you are."

Seeing as if Atlas would not yield to her demands, she shouted before slamming the door hard,

" You can go. Whoever will love a jinx like you is a fool. You are nothing Atlas, and am gonna find someone better than you."


The next morning, the sun was bright, not too warm and not too harsh. The sun rays poured through Dada's window. Another day had come, bringing with it fresh hopes.The plants leaves were still covered by the dew drops from last night.

Doves cooed outside her window, waking her up. The little sleep she had caught in the wee hours of the morning escaped as her eyes opened slowly.

" It's adventure time." She whispered in an amused tone. Her little feet kicked the violet duvet covering her body, revealing the stark naked her.

Climbing down the bed in high spirits, Dada cleaned her apartment and herself before walking out dressed in a black bodycon dress topped with a blue jean jacket. She finished the look by pairing it with white sneakers and letting her hair fall freely on her shoulders.

" Breakfast is necessary to start the day." She cheered herself on her way.


" Am sorry Sir. but as I have already said, we don't have any spare table left for this evening so could you kindly excuse yourself." A young male voice by the restaurant entrance uttered in a ' not so loud - not so low' voice to the man standing at the counter.

" It's fine, I can wait till one table is free." Atlas spoke in an unhurried tone. He played around with his car keys as he looked around the restaurant. His eyes beneath the shades scanned the interior before he sat on the lone seat by the counter.

" Uh, well sir that...." Hesitation could be detected as the young man eyed Atlas who was by now making himself at home.

Dada who came in earlier and was from the restroom overhead their conversation. She paused in her tracks and looked in their direction.

There sat a man wrapped in a creamy white shirt and cardigan, together with blue ripped jeans which highlighted his muscular and toned thighs. The man's looks gave him a youthful vibe.

Something about his eyes behind his brown shades drew her to where the two men were.

" kghh kghhm," She coughed lightly marking herself present before continuing in a hesitant voice,

" Well... am, am sorry as I happened to overhear your conversation just now and, I don't mean to be forward but I happen to have a free seat at my table so I was wondering if it's okay if this gentleman here doesn't mind dining with a stranger. Of course that's me."

Not hearing any answer after a minute had gone by, Dada revealed an uneasy facial expression. She played around with her fingers as nervousness enveloped her.

" I just seek to offer help and sometimes eating alone is too boring, you know. Hehe he."

Laughing awkwardly, she stood by the side while waiting for a response. Her dancing dense lashes and thick eyebrows together with her eyes made her appear more like a child anticipating an answer from her senior.

" If this gentleman here is fine with that, then I don't see why it's not a good offer. Well, thank you in advance miss." The young waiter replied in an excited voice. It was as if he was freed from any form of bondage.

Atlas who had been listening to the woman's speech and watched as she waited for his response finally nodded his head. He waited for the woman to lead him to 'their' table while the waiter followed them.

Sitting down at the table in the middle of the restaurant, Dada stared at the man before concentrating on eating.

" Thank you and if you don't mind, as a token of my appreciation, I would like pay for this meal, if that's alright with you." Atlas said looking straight at her.

Waving her hands to signal her disapproval, Dada voiced out,

" No no, that wouldn't be necessary. I was just helping out a friend in need and that's all."

" But I insist." Atlas found her somehow familiar looking as if he had seen her prior to this meeting. He just couldn't remember where. Anyway people appear similar to one another.

Tilting her head as if in deep thought, Dada said, " Well, since that can't be helped then I appreciate that, and thanks."

The duo had their breakfast and sat back for a few minutes in silence. Sometime later, Dada exited the restaurant first and left in her Camry.


If you see any mistake, please feel free to voice it out as I will help me to improve my writing.

And, if you like it? Then add to your library library.


Porcupine_creators' thoughts