
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs


Scorch layed on his moss bed, it had been weeks since QuiverWing got captured by Queen Petle. 'It has been so lonely and so cold' he complained to himself. Scorch curled up in a ball to the point his nose touched his tail, he then heard claws scraping on the stones of the floor. Wraths head then popped out of the corner of the small tunnel. "Scorch I know it has been a long day but can I ask you something?" Wrath then sat down infront of him, so he sat up.

"What is it?" he tilted his head.

"What was your king like, can you tell me a story about him?" Wrath asked.

"Oh well, I have one" Scorch sat up straight, "let me tell you a story he use to tell me when I was a hatchling".

"Krakka was flying in the sky staring in the distance at his home, a mountain formation with hundreds of dragons living there calling it home. Krakka swoped down to his den, he went to the back room were he and his mate call there sleeping chamber, "Krakka, that you?" her sweet voice filled the cave.

"Yes Dasha it's me" he called to her, he entered the sleeping chamber and saw her not in there moss bed but cuddled up to the stony nest were 4 eggs were abandoned in the forest. "How are they?" Krakka asked.

"The little snowy one is moving" Dasha said excitedly.

"Raelly?" Krakka looked in the nest and saw that the snowy egg move a little and a crack formed.

"It's hatching!" Dasha stood up moving some of the rocks away as not to hurt the hatchlings.

"What species do you think they are?" Krakka asked with a loving smile.

"I don't know but I never felt this excited since Cirsoor hatched" Dasha fiddled her frills around. He heard a crack and saw smooth tiny claws poking out, like its egg it's as wight as the snow.

Krakka helped it out of the shell and it opened its eyes, "there blue" he whispered in delight to his mate.

"The amber one is hatching" Dasha spoke quietly. Krakka knows that when a chameleon dragon hatches the room has to be quite as to not scare the hatchling but not all dragons are the same. Krakka put the little snow dragon down and helped the armber out. It opened its eyes and he saw that they were hazle, "hazle eyes" he smiled at Dasha.

"The snow one is a boy" she nuzzled her nose in his frill. He gave the amber to Dasha and helped the night one out, once the night one opened its eyes he saw they were red, bright red, "what dragon has red eyes?" he asked and saw that Dashas eyes widen.

"Only blood grippers" she explained.

He then saw that the sandy egg hatch, "can you get that one?, I'm gona figure this one out" Krakka asked.

"Ok but the amber is a girl" she had a soft voice. The night one looked a little different from the others, his egg was a different shape and he is bigger. 'Please don't be a blood gripper, I can't kill you' he pleaded, "I'm calling him Scorch" he announced.

"You sure?" Dasha asked "not the name I like it but naming him, if he is a blood gripper you are gonna have to kill him" she twitched her tail.

"No it's our dream to have all dragons live in harmony, if we kill him because he is a blood gripper it'll ruin it" he shook his head, "I will rase him if others don't, I'll train him to use herbs and he'll help dragons along with his brother, Frostbite" he pointed his claws at the snowy dragon.

"Looks like I'm naming the girls then" Dasha smile, "the amber one is, Clora and the sandy one is, Butterfly" Dasha announced.

"Thair beautiful" Krakka smiled.

Cirsoor walked in, "oh they hatched" he whispered.

"Yes come meet them" Dasha opened her wing to hug her son.

"What's wrong with that one then? why you holding him?" he tilted his head, Krakka was amused by how curious his 1 year old hatchling was for these hatchlings. "Nothing just think he's a different species then the others" he explained.

"Oh so what is he?" Cirsoor snift Scorch.

"Don't know but you can get some dry moss for there nest" Krakka send him of. Krakka snift Scorch trying to see what his sent is but like all hatchlings he has no sent." Scorch finished the little story of the day he hatched.

"Wait, they found you and your siblings abandoned?" Wrath tilted his head.

"Yep and my old king thought I was a blood gripper because of my eyes" Scorch laughed.

"But then how come the original sky keepers?" Wrath asked. 'Might as well tell him then' Scorch thought.

"We're not" Scorch said sternly.

"What do you mean your not?" Wrath squinted his eyes.

"The only reason why dragons believed that was because we were raised by powerful chameleon dragons, we acted like them. And because Krakka was a dark grey and Dasha was a cream couler, dragons thought that we were related to them and over time all chameleon dragons, it's a myth" he finished.

"Oh, so you and QuiverWing are not related?" Wrath looked unsure.

"No we are not, I'm not too sure if I'm related to my brother and sisters" Scorch shrugged.

"I see, but you two are so close anyone could mistake you two as kin" Wrath explained.

"You're worried that she's taken aren't you?" Scorch didn't want to go this far.

"Kinda, are you two..." Wrath looked as if he couldn't finish the question.

"Yes we are mates, sorry I know that you like her and this might come as a shock for you and-" Scorch was cut of.

"Relax I'm ok with it there are other dragons out there for me and you two seem more close that I'll ever be" Wrath looked hurt but seemed to be taking it easy.

"Glad that you're taking it alright" Scorch nodded his head up.