
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 9

Scorch left and QuiverWing sat infront of her, "we haven't talked much" she smiled and had a soft tone.

"No we haven't" BushThorn shook her head slightly.

"So how do you feel about the chains?" QuiverWing didn't wait for an answer and took them off, "I hate to see you like that".

"Can I ask you a question?" BushThorn asked twitching her claws.

"If it's about Wrath I'll deal with him" she said in a sturn voice.

"Thanks but it isn't that" BushThorn smiled sightly.

"Oh then go on" QuiverWing kept eye contact.

"What would you do if someone likes you?" she asked after taking a breath.

"Well I did find out that Wrath likes me by Vella" QuiverWing shrugged, "but he doesn't show it so I'm ok".

"Well what if someone told you face to face and you kept quiet though out it" BushThorn bowed her head realising how embarrassing it was.

"Oh... BushThorn did someone tell? who?" QuiverWing lowered her head to meet eye contact again.

"Father, yesterday he told me that he likes me and I just rolled over and said nothing" she shook her head and then hid it with her claws.

"Calm down" BushThorn heard QuiverWings hidden chuckle.

"Don't laugh!" she shoot her head up with a hiss.

"Sorry... but how do you feel about him?" QuiverWing asked.

"I don't see him like that, I've never seen anyone like that I don't think I want a mate" BushThorn answered honestly.

"Oh well have you told him you feel that way?" QuiverWing tilted her head obviously curious of the situation.

"No, but how do I after doing.. that" BushThorn shook her head.

"You have to tell him straight up, don't hurt him even more by waiting" QuiverWing advised.

"Thank you" BushThorn gave a thankful look.

"No problem but I have to go now, stay in here and don't give Wrath any little reason to kill you" QuiverWings joked.

"I won't" BushThorn joked back.

Scorch came in with some herbs neatly tied in some leaves in his mouth. "Here let me" Scorch grabbed a juice from a gey flower and rubbed it on her scales, he then lifted every saw scale and added some of the thick juice. "Better?" Scorch asked once he finished.

"Yes thank you" BushThorn grind happily.

"Umm..." Scorch eyes widen.

"Yes?" BushThorn tilted her head.

"Don't... don't grin, you look a lot like your mother" Scorch advised.

"Oh yeah I forgot" BushThorn shook her head.

"I got a lot to do at the herb station so I'll be going" Scorch said good bye.

"Alright don't stress too much" BushThorn said and she layed back down. She managed to get a good amount of sleep before waking up to someone pushing her off her bed violently. "How did you get out of the chains?!" Wrath screamed at her. BushThorn froze when she saw his furious look, "oh morning" she smiled.

"Don't 'morning' me BushThorn! how did you get out of the chains?" he snarled.

"Wrath! calm down it was me!" QuiverWing snarled at him.

"Why? you know that most dragons feel uncomfortable with her lose" Wrath challenged.

"Well I set her free and she stays put and doesn't go to her imagunary gards to report to Petle!" QuiverWing challenged back.

"You shouldn't of took that chance, don't forget that you made me leader and I have given you an order and that is to keep her chained!" he hissed. QuiverWing huft and stood down, BushThorn could also see that it isn't worth arguing about. Wrath put the chains back on her and they were tighter then last time.

"Why don't you trust me? I mean the fire spits trust me so does the two healers" BushThorn asked in her soft voice.

"Is that even a question?! you're Petles daughter and the evil twisted nature always gets passed down!" Wrath screamed in anger.

"Not all the time, I can barely hurt a fly" BushThorn pointed out.

"It's not worth the risk" he finally snapped and walked out.

"Sorry BushThorn" Queen looked behind and then spoke in a quiter voice, "I can make them looser for you".

"Yes thank you" BushThorn nodded.

"When I first came here Slayer said that he was a good dragon, is it bad that I can't see that part of him?" she basically begged as she feared that her mothers side showed on her.

"No, he never lets you see that part of him" QuiverWing reinsured.

"What do you think I'm like?" BushThorn asked.

"Well to put it in a simpler way, you're like that little harmless dragon who loves to help and seeks love" QuiverWing said and BushThorn knew that she's being honest because of her tone and voice.

"You think I'm harmless?" BushThorn tilted her head.

"Well you don't look like you could kill any dragon" QuiverWing shrugged, "if you're worried about turning into Petle, that's not you that's Wrath talking" QuiverWing reinsured. BushThorn smiled as QuiverWing walked out to continue with her duties. She spent the morning stretching out musle aches and tiredness, she waited for a meal to be brought to her. Volo walked in around half day with a salmon, "you hungry?" she asked after putting the fish infront of her.

"Yes, thank you" BushThorn smiled a nod then aye her fish.

"So you must be bored" Volo said laying infront of her, "want to tell me what happened last night?".

"Oh yeah, so Father told me that he likes me and I froze" she said quickly still feeling awkward about it.

"So? how do you feel about him?" Volo never looked so interested in something in the few days she knew her.

"I don't see him like that, I don't want a mate" BushThorn shook her head.

"Oh..." she looked a little relieved.

"Why? I mean what's with that look?" BushThorn asked and Volo had an embarrassed look.

"Nothing" she shook her head.

"Ok, but if you have something to say you know that I'll keep it to myself" BushThorn sat up.

"Well, I kinda like him and... well" she shrugged hiding her head in her wings.

"Really?" BushThorns eyes widen, "so are you gona tell him or are you going to be one of those girls who keeps it to them selves?" BushThorn asked.

"I don't know, but I'm willing to suggestions" Volo shrugged.

"Tell him, he seems like someone who can take a news like that" BushThorn suggested.

"I'll try" Volo promised, then a blood curtailing screech filled the cave. BushThorn ducked as she only hears this screech when her mother is about to kill someone. BushThorn immediately began to tug on the chains until she broke free, she dashed into the main cave, "BUSHTHORN!" Wrath yelled out to her in fury.

She didn't stop, she just dashed out in the tropical storm and just above the cave entrance was her Needles limp body hanging from her mothers jaw.