
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 6

BushThorn and Volo was listening to the end of Fathers story of how he got a deep slash on his side. "Petles gards are getting familiar to our new sent, it's becoming a problem" Volo said in a concerned voice and had a look that that said she was deep in thought. "Well we do need to do something but what?" Father asked.

"I could convince the gards to back off after all they're all looking for me and will listen to my command" BushThorn suggested.

"Yes that will be brilliant but I don't think Wrath would like that, he already doesn't like you let alone trust you" Father mentioned.

"True" BushThorn nodded.

"What is I ask him, then he would see it as my idea and not yours" Volo offered.

"If you want, it is a good idea" BushThorn let her decide. Volo walked out the sleeping chamber, "would you like anything to eat?" BushThorn asked Father.

"Yes I would like a sheep" Father nodded with a smile. BushThorn went to the pry center now feeling the hunger that growls in her stomach.

She went to the sheep barle and took one of the legs, she decided to take the sheep to Father then get her own food. "Hey I got your sheep" she handed it to him.

"You didn't get something for your self?" he tilted his head.

"No I was gona get myself something after I give it to you" she shook her head.

"Oh so you wasn't informed, you're only allowed to take one thing at a time meaning you aren't allowed to get anything else for a while" he said awkwardly.

"Oh well I haven't had anything for a while, so now what?" she twitched her tail thinking.

"You could share with me" Father offered.

"Excuse me?" she shoot her head up.

"Yeah I don't mind back in my flock I had to share all the time so I don't mind" he ripped a bit off and gave it to her.

"Thank you" she smiled and began to eat. Father wasn't all that hungry so he gave her most of it, BushThorn felt a little awkward as she never had to share before her mother always made it so she gets the most of the food.

"You were hungry" Father joked.

"Humm" she tilted her head.

"You had quite a bit and you don't look full" he explained.

"Well I'm actually full" she responded, "how are you full you look skinny?".

"I am? I'm average compared to my flock" he looked at his body nodding with approval.

"Well the fire spits who swan loyalty to my mother look a lot more plump then you, so are they overwight?" BushThorn asked.

"Yes but it might be because I'm use to the desert and savana where you have to hunt for yourself and share with those needed" Father shrugged.

"When I'm used to a heated mountain where food is unlimited and you don't have to worry about it" BushThorn turned it into a joke.

"Yeah I guess so" Father laughed then licked her spikes that sit on the end of her cheeks. BushThorn awkwardly moved back and wiped her spikes. "Oh! sorry" he shook his head, "I didn't mean it like that..." he bit his lip.

"What did you mean it to be?" BushThorn asked confused.

"It's a way I used to great my brothers but I didn't realise that it ment something else to you" he explained but stuttered.

"I see then... you shouldn't be going around and doing that" BushThorn squinted her eyes and smiled in a friendly way.

"I mean I wouldn't mind being with someone like you, you're sweet and rather cute" Father nodded slightly.

"Oh umm... thanks I guess" she shifted her claws and tried to duck her head in.

Father stood up and put his wing on hers "you don't see that way, do you?" he asked.

"No I never really thought about being with anyone" BushThorn shook her head and tried to scoot away.

"You're not use to this much contact are you? I mean in my flock everyone would of hug when they speak" Father had a rather longing look in his eyes.

"You miss your flock?" BushThorn leaned on his shoulder hoping it would remind him of his home.

"Yes I do" he wrapped his claws around her and rest his chin on her head, "I miss them so much" he cried.

"Do you know where they are?" she asked wanting to help.

"I saw that half of them are dead and the rest were all split up and scattered, there is no hope now most that were brought here died then we met Volo" he explained.

"But there is only 3 of you here" BushThorn noticed, Father frowned.

"Exactly, I had to watch my brothers die because they couldn't adapt to the new food and environmental" Father leaned on BushThorn a bit.

"I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable but I hate Petle and all she stands for and I can see that there is nothing of her in you but I will avenge my brothers even is it kills me" he hissed.

"She deserves it, after seeing the truth any loyalty I had for her is gone, there was never any mother daughter bond only obedience and her consently telling that she never wants me" BushThorn hissed out her thoughts.

"Good, feel the anger in you and when you face her, let it out let her know that you care nothing for her and that you are one of us" Father guided. BushThorn nodded and felt how effective the hug was she felt close to Father and understood his more then anything, the hug allowed them to share there emotions.

The warmth that radiat of his scales made her feel calm and comfy, the feeling of his breathing on her back made it so they breath at the same time. She felt calm, safe, trusting and welcome. BushThorn never felt so happy. "You were very tense, you needed this hug didn't you?" Father nuzzled his chin on her head.

"I did" BushThorn admitted.

"Well I love to give out hugs so you're in luck" Father stopped hugging her and layed back on his bed. It was not made out of moss, it was made out of wools and furs.

"So you have a fur bed?" BushThorn sniffed it.

"Yes, it was the kind of bed I had in the flock but it's wired not to have any of my brothers to cuddle up to at night" he nuzzled the fur longing for something. BushThorn thought for a moment and then decided to lay next to him, "BushThorn you don't have to, I have to get use to being alone" Father said in a soft voice.

"You clearly need it right now" BushThorn refused to move.

"I know" Father sighed them cuddle up to her.